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File: 47 KB, 416x680, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1483045 No.1483045 [Reply] [Original]

Ive just finished 1984 after 2 days of reading. I really, really liked it.
All through the book i was holding on to hope, even though it tells you how it will all end at numerous points throughout the story. As i was nearing the end i kept grasping at straws trying to find some way out of what was happening, trying to delude myself that it will all be okay. When i read the last line i almost cried.
After everything, The Party won. The Party always wins.
I've been putting off reading my next book just t let it sink in a bit.

>> No.1483054
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>your face when Winston gets shot in the back of the head

>> No.1483073

You realize that there were, on Earth, massive societies founded upon profound efforts to dehumanize their enemies and humanity in general?

The society in 1984 is more extreme than Hitler's regime or Stalin's regime ever was. But the latter are more horrifying because actually existing.

>> No.1483081

I liked it because for once the good guy didn't win just because he happened to be the good guy. I mean, the bad guys are well organised and well prepared, yet why is it when one guy sees the light, he manages to defeat them. (Yeah, I root for the Sith in Star Wars.)

That always annoys me.

>> No.1483088
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>> No.1483090


I'm still stuck between the belief that he was actually shot, or that the bullet was metaphorical.

>> No.1483096

Because actually having the balls to write a story that will make people unhappy is.. Relatively rare, and more importantly, having an editor with the balls to let you publish such a story is even more-so.

But yeah, the sith should win. Explain to me why the death star's massive defenses and personnel couldn't blow up all thirty rebel fighters.

>> No.1483106
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>> No.1483114


The Party always killed those they reformed while they still loved Big Brother.

>> No.1483117
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I didnt really get any of Goldsteins book, though. I'll have to re read it with a dictionary at hand.

I think he was shot. [spoilers]O'Brien[/spoilers] tells him throughout that he will be once he has excepted Big Brother.

>> No.1483121

True. Plus the armed guard standing behind him kind of makes it obvious.

>> No.1483125

lol, you pluralized spoiler

>> No.1483124


>> No.1483134

I would have wanted to know what happened to Julia in room 101. Does that make me sick or just too curious?

>> No.1483140

Oranges and lemons,
Say the bells of St. Clement's...

>> No.1483145

And speaking of room 101, I identified with Winston far too well in his scene (perhaps because I've had things I fear brought close to my face as a child)... I physically trembled when reading the scene... Brrh!

Also, the song "Underneath the spreading chestnut tree / I sold you and you sold me" is based on:

>> No.1483153

Sudden cold shivers at the realisation of "I sold you and you sold me". It went right over my head.

Whats the significance of this poem in the book?

>> No.1483178


What do you think happened? They threatened to take away her ability to orgasm

>> No.1483192

what the fuck .It fits yeah but.. what. How do you come by that?

>> No.1483194

Heh, though you probably meant this as a joke, seeing how sexually active she was and how important it was to her, something that would have hurt her body, sexuality and womanhood (like mutilation) would indeed make sense...

>> No.1483198




No joke, that's how I came to that conclusion. What else could they do to her?

>> No.1483199

[spolier]raping her over and over again until she couldn't feel anything?[/spoiler]

>> No.1483203


I think she'd probably like that, tbh.

She's the kind of girl that if she were alive right now no one but drunken frat boys would touch.

>> No.1483211

I doubt that. I have the feeling she just wanted to have sex and enjoy it like normal people do, but because she hated the party she used her promiscuity as a way to silently protest against it; on top of the sexual satisfaction there was the satisfaction of betraying the party. In our world where she could freely satisfy her needs she wouldn't have the extra motive of rebellion and could even be less frivolous than she was in Oceania as a result.

>> No.1483213


You could be right, but the way I see it is that you have to be a pretty big nympho to have sex even on risk of death.

>> No.1483231

Well, as for that, I have a few points:
1) since the risk of death was pretty much a possibility in any sort of rebellion (buying a book, taking a walk, having sex), if one must rebel, why not rebel sexually as well? It may not be a sign of nymphomania in particular, but of her attitude of having to rebel in general.
2) Her motivations for sex may be more complex than just the physical need of it; the concept of love is pretty much dead in Oceania (that's one of the reasons why "loved" became "sold" in The Chestnut Tree, after all), so she may actually be longing for intimacy, romance and whatever as well.
3) Nymphomania doesn't neccessarily make someone as bad as you initially stated. A nymphomaniac fulfilling their needs in a committed relationship can be a completely respectable person in spite of their excess libido.

Anyway, I suppose she could be either way, but I personally see her as a rebel expressing herself through sexuality rather than a complete slut.

>> No.1483237


Perhaps you're right, but that's one of the joys of literature -- no two people will have exactly the same view, and both views are equally valid.

>> No.1483238


The thing about Sith...check topic #1.


>> No.1483319

I started 1984 3 days ago and I barely managed to drudge through the first 80~ pages, which was just one long essay on how the government is bad and how nobody can stop it. I'm at about page 120 right now and it's starting to pick up. Am I missing out on something or is this just not my cup of tea?

>> No.1483384

You're probably a faggot.

>> No.1483394

I thought it ended perfectly, although I don't really think there was even a choice in the ending, because that was pretty much the entire message of the book.
Although I did start to get a little annoyed about exactly how fucked over the main characters kept getting.
I haven't read it in years, as soon as I get a chance I think I'm going to read it again.

>> No.1483429

She was a party agent all along, used to test people and make them reveal themselves to not love the Party. Nothing happened to her in Room 101.

>> No.1483436

I haven't read the book in a while so I might be completely wrong but I though they meet again at the end and they both know that they sold each other out and can't stand the shame of it (hence the meaning of him tearing up when hearing that song at the end. Also didn't they explain that they were caught because there was a hidden camera thingy in the room that they were hooking up in?

>> No.1483442

So trusting. So naive.

>> No.1483454

but then what was the point of even putting in the hidden camera part? Or the other actually revealed spy of the resistance leader/interrogator (I only vaugely know if I'm getting this right, I read the book like 5 years ago) It seems like a more devastating victory for the government if they really were in love, were easily discovered, and were fairly quickly made to sell each other out "I sold you and you sold me"

>> No.1483462

Winston was the agent all along.
Think about it.

>> No.1483469


And then John was the demons.

>> No.1483474

What about the Mongolian faced man?

>> No.1483544

Im not sure if it was any real significance. If that is, youre talking about the prisoner that winston sees in one of the truck convos.

>> No.1483571
File: 227 KB, 599x638, njnQd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the greatest novel of the 20th century and if you don't agree, you don't know shit about fuck.

>> No.1483889

This is not the greatest novel of the 20th century and if you don't agree, you don't know shit about fuck.