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/lit/ - Literature

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14828857 No.14828857 [Reply] [Original]

How’s your novel going?

>> No.14828876

Last night I stuck a (large) remote control up my asshole and freaked out because I thought I lost it for a second and I was going to be one of those people who has to explain to the doctor why he stuck something up his ass.

>> No.14828882

50k word written and it has come to a halt. I want to destroy every single page and start anew. That's just a coping mechanism, but, hey, no one cares.

>> No.14828893
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>> No.14828905

Finished it last year, clocked in at 100k words exactly. I shaved off about 5k and gave entered the long grueling depressing stage of trying to get an agent.

>> No.14829007
File: 33 KB, 600x732, 51A739E1-838A-4255-BACE-8CAB49AB7634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear...read this and also join a gym. That might help anon.

>> No.14829014
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>mfw budding editor looking for good novels to edit

>> No.14829083

It exists in my mind as fragments of occultism, esoteric politics, erotic essentialism and post-ironic humor. When it comes together and becomes an actual book, /lit/ will be the first to know.

>> No.14829095

It's still in the ideas stage.

>> No.14829118
File: 245 KB, 668x1556, in cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The novel is a passéist form. I'm devoting my energy to more productive, anti-arborescent narrative media, mostly things I find on the ground.

>> No.14829137
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Got around 30k words into it and decided to scrap it. Around 13k into the new version, which I like a lot more.
I think I'll let my therapist and maybe a few friends read it.

>> No.14829217

>adorably sleep voice

>> No.14829228

I am writing a Sherlock Holmes parody that takes place in the 1990s. Holmes in this version is immoral and his drug addiction had taken over. A rich jewish executive hires him to not solve a crime, but hide clues and "alter" evidence to blame a crime done by a rich actor on a black.

>> No.14829233

I have something it isnt good though.

>> No.14829244

That's what makes it good to edit, having things to polish. Let's see it, then.

>> No.14829247
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I have the characters, the plot, the action, all in my mind, but I'm afraid of starting.

>> No.14829281

John Dies at the End and its sequels have already been written.

>> No.14829650

Not great. At this point it’s just a free associative journal with an overarching plot that sometimes creeps in once every 40 pages.

>> No.14829764

Shitty fantasy novel is at 17.6k words currently. Its horrid but I cant quit after all this work so screw it.

>> No.14829775

Do it. Even if it sucks it will make you feel accomplished. My current work sucks but ever since I've started my attitude and energy has improved. But consistency is key. Write everyday, sometimes alot, sometimes a little.

>> No.14829796
File: 37 KB, 500x583, F3995907-B13C-465A-A13A-EC4D4CEF0761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally published the vampire book. I’ll go to the local book store tomorrow to follow up with the manager about when I can do a signing. Now I’m in full promotion mode. These people want me to have a full “online presence” and told me I need to have an Instagram and Twitter and Facebook author page. I don’t want those things. I’d rather be writing new stories. The effort it takes to upkeep those accounts sounds like an incredible waste of time

>> No.14829802

Should I self publish? Pros, cons, thoughts?

>> No.14829918
File: 506 KB, 947x1253, David_Spade2_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, David Spade has a whole bit on the dollar store pregnancy test! You're cutting edge, just like him! Neato. Did you know he's in a bhad babie video?!

>> No.14829948

>finish a 20k word project
>it's just Dubliners

>> No.14829981

Find somebody to be a social media manager. Call them an intern and don't pay them.

>> No.14829990

Outlined the whole thing from beginning to end. Can't find any peace of mind to actually write though. Constantly feeling uncomfortable and mentally stressed even when I'm supposed to be relaxing, because my wife and I fight a lot. So I've got my outline for everything I want to say and just need to write it.

>> No.14829994

I would just keep trying to get it actually published for like 20 years if you can. Revise it as much as you need to and just stick at it as a hobby while you work another job.

>> No.14830032

29k words in, going halfway through the second chapter. It's the most I've written in a while.

>> No.14830061

What are you writing. Why are your chapters so long?

>> No.14830071

It's a sort of sci-fi novel but I'm dividing the story in the arcs so I can organise myself how the events work better in my head. Once it's finished, I'll work on dividing the chapters into shorter sub-chapters but for now my priority is to have long chapters to be able to separate the events better (for me, at least).

>> No.14830164

Hello. I'm the anon who was eagerly awaiting the publishing of your vampire novel. I don't know if you remember, but we chatted about it a few times. I'm pleased to hear its out and doing well.
Where might I be able to pick up a copy? I'd really like to read it and see how it turned out.

>> No.14830185

You know how archaeologists dig through giant piles of 3,000 year old trash mostly to read receipts? That's what this reminds me of. Mad comfy.

>> No.14830583
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Its coming along, 6 million words total.

The revolution of the 1800s that saw the Kings of Europe overthrown and was mistakenly believed to be the beginning of a bright new future. However there was a key mistaken made in that prediction, most likely encourage by those who were left, the Capitalist Elites.
Kings and Elites were murdered, overthrown, killed and replaced yet the main imputus, ally and tool of those very Kings and Queens remained. The tax collections, the monopolies, bankers, media mogals and financiers of international power where now out of the limelight.
They were remembered as they wished to be remembered, as weak as they wished to be considered, people were as powerful as they wished the people to believe as they were now in full spectrum control.
The 1800s was the true golden age of the monied elites, or lets say it, THE JEWS.

They sank the Titanic with those who were against the International Banks and made it a beautiful story of elites mixing with commoners as a final stab in the back and redirection as tragic accident. They started WW1 and WW2 as a means of changing the world into their image. To destroy the New nation of Germany they Bismark forged, and to finally destroy Hitler who sought to reforge the broken empire. To test the new means of control of Capitalism Vs Communism, ultimately both under their control as they often went to either to see which they liked more. The Holocaust was the seal cap of WW2 so that no Hitler could come again to try and reforge the world from their wishes.

The Cold War created the perfect diversion from their antics. Finally through a number of starter wars in the Crimia It was now to take Iran. The 1960s revolution failed to control Iran through capitalism. So they tcreated a fake Islamic Revolution in Arabia to weaponise Europeans against the Jewish enermy who they wished to rid around Israel. America was still lukewarm to intervention and so Israilies infiltrated the government and American politics through Neo-cons and Neo Liberalism. Using predictive programming and behavioural analysis of the 1970s Jews expertly controlled the American media to ake 9/11 a key memory in American history that would weaponise America against Syria. 11 years in and

>> No.14830856


>> No.14831230

Based. Are you actually writing about this? Because I'd buy it. The redpill book.

>> No.14831464


>> No.14832233

That is an actual email by the way, if there was a doubt.

>> No.14832572
File: 408 KB, 769x1024, venom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for an editor. I've got a novel of roughly 40k words that has been beta-read by several amateurs and recently a paid professional.

pic related is some art done for it to flex my dick

>> No.14832585

Editor guy here. I'm willing to read it, buddy.

>> No.14832590

2 sentences, but theyŕe good sentences.

¨She slept beneath a sea of stars, that forest of old. Summer had finally come, and with him the warm nights of open blue sky.

>> No.14832596

email me at ronbig987@gmail.com