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File: 60 KB, 750x534, Gthaveyoueavenreadtheegoanditsownjpg+_d19fe6bc1506733cfebd329eb50e95de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14826538 No.14826538 [Reply] [Original]

or are you a mere spook?

>> No.14826574

I'm black but I'm not a spook

>> No.14826582

Stirners correct, that’s why I don’t follow his words and follow my own. In doing that I follow his words, and find myself in a zen flux of enlightening freedom. Stirner made even more sense to me after Buddhist enlightenment with the zen and dao. Religtards will seeth at the thought of tearing down their copes

>> No.14826607

>individuals are the reality
that sounds pretty spooky to me friend

>> No.14826609

Pills are a phantasm.

>> No.14826654

I didn't read Stirner. What's a spook?

>> No.14826671

A spook is an imaginary concept that people treat as tangible and influences their actions. A good example would be 'Mankind', or 'The State', or 'Society'.

>> No.14826689
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 21st century italian nobleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna say it..... *AHEM*
Egoism is a spook.

>> No.14826694
File: 79 KB, 585x399, hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pill is not a person.

>> No.14826892

So is Stirner the anti-Plato?

>> No.14827834

Based and dharma-pilled

>> No.14827865


>> No.14827888
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Dumping my spook collection

>> No.14827896
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>> No.14827903
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>> No.14827908
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>> No.14827914
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Hold on a second. Is that actually Stirner's philosophy? Asking genuinely, I only come to this board to larp but that's something I'd genuinely be interested in reading about.

>> No.14827917
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>> No.14827920
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>> No.14827931

Stirner influenced Nietzsche, the ultimate anti-Plato

>> No.14827995

What did Stirner think of the Forms?

>> No.14828004

Not sure about platonic forms in particular, but he does mention Truth, Justice and similar concept Socrates loved in his list of spooks.

>> No.14828015

Kinda the same thing as memes then isn't it ?

>> No.14828031

I never understood what Stirner's endgame was.
Dismiss spooks as worthless for they are not tangible. Then what? Is it deconstruction for its own sake?

>> No.14828044

Stirner is mostly criticizing moral and identitarian illusions. While memes are more ludic in nature.

>> No.14828060
File: 1.87 MB, 2592x3983, IMG_20200303_230933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then what?
Then egoism

>> No.14828358

other people are spooks aka pzombies aka npcs

>> No.14829266

No, spooks are ideas that don't have any inherint meaning in the real world but are used as rhetorical devices in order to force individuals to conform to a certain behavior. For example, saying you should do x for the sake of justice is dependent on the concept of justice, but Stirner would say justice is a bullshit term that doesn't actually mean anything so what I'm really saying is "do x because I want you to". Memes are funny pictures on the internet make me go haha.

>> No.14829299

Stirners goal is to show that morality is the result of obeying some ego. Spooks obscure this fact. Once you recognize this it becomes clear that the ego you should be obeying is your own. Ngl you can basically get the jist just by reading the into to Ego and it's Own

>> No.14829356

spooks are a spook

Imagine being represented by a cartoon your entire life like some insecure pussy.

>> No.14829370

Why is it necessary for me to be "The Egoist?" Is there any force to your proposition, or is it just appealing to pride?

>> No.14830084

Inevitably you must adhere to some ego. That begins with
Adhering to some ego. You already are the subject of your own ego. So stop allowing yourself to be subverted.

>> No.14830095

Note that this doesn't mean you need to be an asocial bastard.

>> No.14830158

>gelatin capsule

I was immune from the start as a vegan