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File: 78 KB, 850x400, Osama Bin Laden 2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14826063 No.14826063 [Reply] [Original]

The Unabomber used to be edgy but he just isn't spicy anymore. Let's discuss other terrorist writing. To start: Bin Laden vs al-Suri, who had it right?

>> No.14826080

Abul Ala Maududi is very influential in Salafi and Wahabi circles. I've never read Bin Laden.

>> No.14826096

Sayyid Qutb

>> No.14826104

Yeah but obviously the Salafi movement doesn't come from Maturidi/Hanafi thought like Maududi and the Taliban. The Salafi movement came from Zahiri, Athari and Hanbali thought, like al-Shawakani, Ibn Hazm and Ibn Taymiyya and

>> No.14826125

Opposing imperialism is the least anyone should do. Bin Laden had great takes on environmentalism too. al-Suri was ... too pragmatic for the movement he was in.

>> No.14826284
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>The American is primitive in his artistic tastes, whether in his judgment of art or his own artistic works. Jazz music is his music of choice. It is this music that the savage bushmen created to satisfy their primitive desires, and their desire for noise on the one hand, and the abundance of animal noises on the other. The American’s enjoyment of jazz does not fully begin until he couples it with singing like crude screaming. And the louder the noise of the voices and instruments, until it rings in the ears to an unbearable degree, the greater the appreciation of the listeners. The voices of appreciation are raised, and palms are raised in continuous clapping that could deafen ears.

>> No.14826294

>Opposing imperialism
*supplanting American imperialism with Saudi imperialism

>> No.14826306

I need to become a Muslim honestly. They just too based

>> No.14826318

There is a big difference between Saudi (nationality) and Saudi (loyalist to the House of Saud). Bin Laden was definitely not the latter, he spearheaded the Sahwa movement

>> No.14826337
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Maududi is solid too

>> No.14826338

You know, he might actually be onto something...

>> No.14826355

>There is a big difference between Saudi (nationality) and Saudi (loyalist to the House of Saud). Bin Laden was definitely not the latter
Bullshit, he was a pawn for Saudi interests just like any other terrorist from Saudi Arabia.

>> No.14826360
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>> No.14826369

Ok Boomer.

>> No.14826382

Brb taking shahadah

>> No.14826833
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From "My Life With the Taliban"

>> No.14826848
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>> No.14827172

Based. Although how do the Taliban respect life again?

>> No.14827199

You should read the book. They do but in a very different way than Christians. For example if a man kills your son, forgiving him rather than killing him I considered noble. And if anyone comes to you for refuge, even a robber, you must protect him

>> No.14827239
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>Nothing is dearer to me than a frosty night in the company of an infantry of Muhajirun when we are to attack the disbelievers in the morning. Not even the night in which I was wedded to a new bride or received the glad tidings of the birth of a new child.

-Khalid ibn al Walid

>> No.14827248
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>Allah's Apostle ﷺ said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror, and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures.

>> No.14827253
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>Narrated Anas ibn Malik: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Three things are the roots of faith: to refrain from (killing) a person who utters, "There is no god but Allah" and not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits, and not to excommunicate him from Islam for his any action; and jihad will be performed continuously since the day Allah sent me as a prophet until the day the last member of my community will fight with the Dajjal (Antichrist). The tyranny of any tyrant and the justice of any just (ruler) will not invalidate it. One must have faith in Divine decree.

>> No.14828338

These things are just basic Islam though. Talibans have more issues with muh unbelievers or wimin.

>> No.14828397
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They were actually started to protect women and don't target Shi'ites.


>> No.14828445

Islam sounds great and all, but polygamy leads to unstable societies.

>> No.14828447

>and don't target Shi'ites

Or Christians or anyone else for having a different religion

>> No.14828461

Polygyny in Islam is not very common because the man has to buy each wife a separate house and rotate which house he lives in every day. He also has to give each wife an equal amount of money. If he shows excessive favor to one wife, the other wives can take him to court. But something polygyny is nice for is it makes it much easier to find husbands for divorced and widowed women, whom Muslim men are much more open to taking as a second wife than an only wife

>> No.14828529

> I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings – the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction.

Though I read about him before when getting inspiration for characters for muh novel, and while he seems like a cool guy overall, it doesn't take away the massacres like in Mazar. And obviously the campaign against women's education and work despite claiming the opposite and despite it going against Islam. "Protecting women by locking them away" is a bad joke. Now the other sides weren't much better there but it still doesn't excuse their wrongdoing.

>> No.14828549

is this the natural result of all that guenon posting?

>> No.14828572

Massacring all the fighting age males of a tribe that betrays an agreement to try to kill you is considered the correct response in Islam. It's how the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, dealt with Jewish tribes for treachery

Women are free to walk about if they are accompanied by their husband, father uncle or brother

>> No.14828573

I can see it working in a desert. Problem is that there is no more true desert what with air conditioning nowadays. Where resources are scarce, stuff gets weird.

>> No.14828592

How can they apply the old idea of tribes to a city usually consisting of multiple ones?

>Women are free to walk about if they are accompanied by their husband, father uncle or brother
Which is already pretty shitty, but what part of Islam forbids them from working and getting an education? Stuff that's basic even in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

>> No.14828631

The Jewish betrayal took place in Medina and tribes are a huge thing in Afghanistan

Women were forbidden from these by the Taliban as opportunities were very scarce at the time and since men are legally obligated to provide for their wives, children and parents (whereas women aren't obligated to provide for anyone), the Taliban banned women from these to ensure men got priority, they have explained this several times. It's no longer their policy

>> No.14828633

You have a horribly warped concept of lift in Iran.

>> No.14828639

That does make sense. I'd feel better if it were limited to divorced and widowed.

>> No.14828668

The only wife that Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, had who was neither widowed nor divorced, was A'isha, radhi Allahu anha

>> No.14829565

Kek this pleb has awful taste in music

>> No.14829713

>convinced America is the source of all degeneracy
>hates negroes
>never got laid, blames Egyptian women for being westernized whores
>just wanted to return to the simple village life of his childhood
>gets executed by Nasser
>60 years later his ideas flourish while Nasserism is dead

Fuck Guenon, Qutb is truly /ourguy/

>> No.14830772

Music is crap

>> No.14830795

>blames Egyptian women for being westernized whores
He considered American women (and men) to be vulgar and sexual, not Egyptian women

>> No.14830803

How come there is so much overlap between Islamic and Fascist thought? That page might as well has been written by some lesser Fascist author.

>> No.14830878

If a theory actually has truth it won't be surprising it appears multiple times independently. See also Ideas Have Consequences, which likewise sounds similar and was neither Islamic not fascist

>> No.14831071
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This thread is disgusting.

>> No.14831081

Except they don’t act that way, you little dipshit.

>> No.14831082

2 IQ post

>> No.14831085
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>NOOO, buddy, you can't just make jihad on the infilderinos! the great Shaytan is protected by the NAP even when he occupies you and allies with the Jews!

>> No.14831087

Retard alert.
T. Can’t tell the difference between political totalitarian ideology and a desert religion

>> No.14831097

Hope Bernie gave him a salute after that.

>> No.14831129

There is a huge difference. Islam is actually, politically, less totalitarian that liberalism. For example wiretapping even with a warrant is haram, and confessing during interrogation I invalid unless it's repeated four times, but even then it can be withdrawn at any time. Oaths cannot be compelled in court (breaking an oath I a serious crime) except for adultery so perjury in your own defense is permitted as long as you don't incriminate innocents. Taxation is only on capital

>> No.14831139

Sounds like you’re trying to justify a religion to yourself. Nothing you said really matters. Trivialities.

>> No.14831190

Marine detected

Tawhid is all that justifies Islam

>> No.14831204

Aquinas > Sunni Islam

>> No.14831218


>> No.14831235
File: 251 KB, 720x875, shia5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice you said Sunni. I'm not surprised Thomists love Shi'ites

>> No.14831288

>Protecting women by locking them away" is a bad joke.

Yeah not doing that worked out great in your society didnt it cuckboy? LOL.

>> No.14831324

Or Adorno

>> No.14831372

Sorry, can’t help you with your britbong island monkey problems. Home made colonial bs, lol. Fix your pleb classes.

>> No.14831381

Oh, also this: Islam is derivative and a false mythology. Just to be clear.

>> No.14831385

That's a Shi'ite practice. They allow temporary marriage to be made by just oral agreement and set to expire after twenty minutes to an hour, generally the man pays for it. The reason being is that A'isha, radhi Allahu anha, said that Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, said this is forbidden. Shi'ites think she was a witch and so do it because she would have to be lying

>> No.14831389

You need to put the logos back into your country. The one that Henry 8 destroyed. Gtfo utilitarianism and positivism and get back into German idealism where you belong

>> No.14831390

Islam is the only monotheistic faith

>> No.14831393

German idealism, originating with Kant, is based on the premise that reality begins with the individual subject.

>> No.14831394

Or, and consider the possibility, it’s just plain criminal behaviour caused by being a shitmong.

>> No.14831399

It also says that it’s wrong to commit a victimless crime. It says such things about morals, the ones that are dead in the UK.

>> No.14831404

Banned in purgatory

>> No.14831414

It's halal in their fiqh

Its morals are begging the question

>> No.14831424

Given a priori. To those not suffering from Henry 8 or any other such anti logos nonsense.

>> No.14831436

your naive focus on narrow psychological differences between people who are inevitably used as pawns (as in>>14826355) is representative of a much wider tendency to misinterpret political events
you unironically parrot the very views that those in power want you to believe

>> No.14831440

Your idea of Logos is liberalism and endless dialectic without decision

>> No.14831446

bernster getting taken in by psyop photo-op

>> No.14831455

You unironically parrot pop beliefs. Bin Laden specifically became a terrorist because he turned on the House of Saud for allying with America and Israel. He had to flee the country as a fugitive and Saud requested America kill him. He became outraged by the Sabra and Shatila massacre (a mass killing of Shi'ite women and children engineered by Israel) which made him determined to engage in reprisals

>> No.14831477

My idea of logos is doing what’s right as in the golden rule and acting in harmony with nature, the greater good and most importantly, self evident ideals. I don’t care if morals are objective or subjective, it’s not a debate I need to have. I go from Plato, the Stoics to Kant. I do not follow Hegels ideas. I do like Russells precision and respect for sense and logics, for example. Alien to me: Anglo concept of the “deal”, service industry and high frequency trading, London. You know, things like that.

>> No.14831506

Nonsense empty of concepts. As Carl Schmitt says, natural law means the rules written by the designated "authorities" on natural law

Russell said he would never die for a cause because he could be wrong. No doubt you wish we were as cowardly as he was

>> No.14831519

Not empty nonsense at all. You’re just blind to it all, or think you are.

Oh, and Schmitt is mistaken there. But of course, I’d say that.

>> No.14831525

Russell was anything but a coward.

>> No.14831549
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No one will ever die for natural law. Because they know deep down that it's bogus. Like the common good Augustine and Aquinas used to defend prostitution. But many men will die for Shari'a. Because they know it's truth

>> No.14831551

I apologize for being rude. It was entirely unjustified.
I don't have any reason to dispute the specific points you mention. I just think that, in the end, terrorists, (regardless of their actual, specific beliefs, which beliefs will never be understood or cared about by the masses (even if it's as simple as "you blow up my village I blow up yours"), always end up being used, one way or another, by those in power to advance their own interests.
Rulers consolidate their power by acquiring the means of control to exert that power
The most politically expedient way to acquire such means is to get the public to pay for it
The public is a) easily manipulated and b) willing to pay a great deal to counter a perceived existential threat
People like bin Laden and Kaczinski end up unwittingly providing the excuse the rulers need to open up the public purse strings.

>> No.14831569
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Warfare is terrorism. Terrorist is just a pejorative for non state partisan

>> No.14831578

You err. Plenty of people have died doing the right thing, or for the sake of altruism. Instead of thinking they’ll be rewarded with sex slaves in the afterlife.

>> No.14831583

Americans have bad aim.

>> No.14831586

Polygamy is natural. Women’s reproductive drive is satisfied by a single man, men can impregnate many women and keep going. Islam recognizes this and makes it lawful, as long as it takes place within marriage and stays within reason. Of course it cannot be common, but it is perfectly moral and natural

>> No.14831588

While it once might have been natural, it ultimately denies women full rights. That is anti logos and therefore bad. Polygamy causes harm.

>> No.14831597

Fascism is a rejection of liberalism and an affirmation of hierarchy and tradition, albeit with a modern twist. It’s no surprise that Islam is appealing to fascists (speaking from experience)

>> No.14831600

Also, inreeding and low iq problems rampant in the Muslim world. Fucking your family does tend to erode the gene pool after a while.

>> No.14831603

I agree.
Just wanted to add
>Saud requested America kill him.
And America could have, many, many times over. Yet they decided to keep him around.
>all these goddamn cars and bicycles

>> No.14831608

>it ultimately denies women full rights.
Women are not entitled to the same rights as men. The equal will be treated equally, the unequal unequally. Women are not men, and therefore have different God-ordained duties and different natures. Nominal equality and rights with men is a sign of decadence.

>> No.14831612

It's almost definitely due to the people themselves rather than Islam magically turning you into a cousin-fucker. To prove this go to Wikipedia's article on cousin marriage and look at the map on global prevalance of consanguine marriage. It's entirely centered in the Middle East, parts of Central Asia, Pakistan and India. There are several large Muslim majority countries which have less cousin marriage than parts of Europe according to the map, namely Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Azerbaijan, not to mention Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo. It's clear that Semites and other varieties of sand-people are what fuck their cousins. I have a hard time believing that they didn't' do this until 1,400 years ago. From all accounts Arabia alone was far more degenerate prior to Islam than it is today if the Qur'an is to be trusted (women with multiple husbands, men marrying both a woman and her mother, dancing naked around idols, sticking animals with bones and sucking the blood out of them, women sharpening their teeth for beauty, etc)

>> No.14831613

See, there begins your larp. Women are full equals because they have a human soul. That is self evident.

>> No.14831614

The right thing meaning the Zeitgeist, or Biblical morality?

Begging the question. A wife's rights are to be supported and protected by her husband

>> No.14831615

I know you're joking, but this is a delusion believed in by many.
>what is psychological warfare

>> No.14831624

I read Qutb’s Milestones and it sucks. It’s by far one of the worst books on Islam I’ve read.

>> No.14831627

The rights of a person are natural and not given.

>> No.14831632

Yet their souls are housed in an objectively inferior material body. Spiritual equality does not translate into political and social equality, which are madness. The idea of spiritual equality is sadly so often used by Jews to subvert societies, hence why the Tokugawa Japanese stamped them Christcucks out as best as they could

>> No.14831655

Yes and in marriage the husband has rights given by God and so does the wife. Each Different. The wife has a right to support and protection, the husband doesn't have a right to these from her

This isn't Islamic except for Alawites

>> No.14831666

You are contorting and bending a simple truth because it hurts your notion of you as superior. Women are full humans. As are retarded cousin fuckers. This is also why slavery is wrong. Jews as a collective have nothing to do with this fact.

>> No.14831672

In practice, Muslim women are chattel. All I need to know.

>> No.14831683

Ask Muslim women

>> No.14831696

Oh I have. The few ones visibly Muslim disagree and western ones agree.

>> No.14831713

>This is also why slavery is wrong
There is nothing wrong with slavery. There are rulers, and there are ruled. Some people are so subject to falling prey to their own passions and lower natures to such an extent that they are naturally slavish. Seeing as how they are unable to use reason, they require a master to be usefully employed. This is a relationship quite beneficial to both master and natural slave, as the slave is fulfilled through work, and the master is afforded leisure. We see that this is widespread today as it has been always, as most wagecucks think that work is virtuous and that anything outside of it is parasitical, worthless and that no one should surpass their condition – typical slave morality. When a natural master rules, and a natural slave obeys this is actually a quite harmonious relationship

>> No.14831718
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Western as in showing awrah?

>> No.14831746

Sorry, but those are not European enlightenment values I could support or justify. To me, it’s shortsighted, malevolent and medieval. Personally, I don’t like gays much. I hate the left and I hate the right. Doesn’t mean it’s ok to bow to Islam because a bearded man wants people to carry his sword where it doesn’t belong just for the right to own people.

>> No.14831761

You guys should have followed Averroe. But you just couldn’t resist the temptations.

>> No.14831820

The Enlightenment is overrated

Why would we follow someone trying to alter our doctrines?

>> No.14831827

>Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.14831829

You know those were feeble arguments.

>> No.14831875

I didn't make them. The reason for slavery in Islam is simply as a reward for jihad and because it helps bring people to Islam. Several hostages of the Taliban converted, like Timothy Weeks. This illustrates the goodness of slavery to Muslims

>> No.14832225

How do you know he converted?

>> No.14832276

Uh, ahem. Not at liberty to say but he can't be public about it as he is a friend of the mujahideen and more useful as an advocate as things appear

>> No.14832445

>he can't be public about it
>but I'm free to publicly expose him
nice LARP loser

>> No.14832454


>> No.14832678

>Tedfags are goatfucker apologists
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.14832713

The Enlightenment was a mistake.
The sameness of their human soul only really matters if they have no body. Their expression of sin is different because their body is completely different. They are more material than men, as a rule, and so their 'soul' actually has less presence in the material world.

You notion of soul--does it come from Christianity? So much of the Bible talks about women's secondary status. Just because modern churches ignore the truth doesn't mean it ceases being true.

>> No.14832868

Even if everything you said was true, Islam still tries to be a worldly and political power, it clings to that original vision. A brutal one at that since Averroe was cut off causing evidently bad statesmanship. Islam in Europe for example is fundamentally impotent and out of its depth in all relevant public life and discourse. Anachronistic, fatalistic and militaristic. Making up for intellectual and moral shortcomings with sheer brutality and shock value to bring about the final war just shows the true color of that doomsday sect.

>> No.14832880

The enlightenment was just one crucial step towards a civil and free society. Yet ahead of you.

>> No.14832925

>They are more material than men, as a rule, and so their 'soul' actually has less presence in the material world.
Evidence pls

>> No.14833010
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Islam in Europe is increasingly relevant in the UK and about to be in Greece. We become relevant through force

>> No.14833039

If you believe that any victory you attain isn’t going to be pyrrhic, you’re pretty naive. There will be no conquest, and if there were it would destroy and end you in the process because all religions would be scrubbed away.

>> No.14833046

You are already scrubbing away all religion. Ours thrives on hardship and struggle

>> No.14833047

It will end the day you get what you want.

>> No.14833058

It will never end until the end of the world. This much is written

>> No.14833071

Being a maladapted gangster doesn’t count as struggle.

>> No.14833078

There was a great effort of Western propaganda to make the Taliban be perceived as something more like whatever ISIS was or is now, it simply isn't true though. Taliban for example were destroying massive amounts of the opium crop before the US led invasion, it was documented by the BBC, and during the early years of the war the Americans were saying that they had to fight Taliban to stop them from selling heroin.
It's very noticeable if you will just be analytical about everything you are told that is pertinent.

>> No.14833086

No Western European nation can sustain itself on the junk food of Islam. Women have to work, vote and drive cars, that alone prevents it. Europe won’t turn into a bloc of goat herding cousin fucking religious devotees while still maintaining the infrastructure required for modern life.

>> No.14833091

No one denies US meddling.

>> No.14833099

Being a cowardly intellectual doesn't count as righteous

Some remember. From 2001, before the invasion


>> No.14833118
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>> No.14833123

Can a bin laden bro, Insha'allah, help me find good sources of videos of him talking addressing the US? They've all vanished from Youtube.

>> No.14833180

In Islam: women are permitted to work as opposed to being compelled, women were always permitted to ride camels, and as for voting there's no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to if that's the way of it.

>> No.14833217

"people are people" does not argue against slavery or the objectively existent difference between men and women.

>> No.14833220

No, that’s not going to work on me. And deeds or actual reality in Turkey, Iran or Saudi Arabia, etc., speak louder than words. We’ll have none that here. Never going to happen, struggle all you like. Stay away if you don’t like it.

>> No.14833235

Yes, and there are who believe whites are superior. Do you want to be their slaves just because they think that? Probably not. What if rich people are superior, should they rule over the rest?

>> No.14833276

if they can, yes. if the rest kill them then thats also fine.

>> No.14833286

Women can work just not in mixed sex places according to Shari'a such places must change. Voting is allowed where Shari'a isn't up for change

>> No.14833357
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Turkey is ostensibly a secular Republic which at some point in her history as such had banned the reading of Qur'an.
Iran are shia, so I don't know go ask them.
Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom and regardless of what you may think does not have sharia law fully implemented.

For a lot of Muslims they actually have more freedom in their religion in some western countries than they would have in some of the predominantly Muslim countries.

>> No.14833441
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Cool story bro.

>> No.14833583

Really true. Syria for example banned the hijab in school and people are terrified of being to Islamic in dress. Colonialists made armies of the least religious men they could get and put them in charge. The armies still reign in states like Syria and Egypt

>> No.14833628

>I will go to America and learn many great things
>I will take these lessons back to Egypt for the betterment of my people
>*Sees conservative buttoned down 1950s America*
>*Goes to a barn dance, men and women are allowed to hold hands*
>Absolutely haram!
Based. Middle Eastern incels rise up.

>> No.14833668

This. It was pretty well known that in the end US troops were protecting the livelihoods of Afghan farmers from the Taliban in some places, ie they were basically enforcers for the opium trade, 90% of the world's heroin supply lol. And the Taliban also more or less eradicated "bacha bazi", the culturally accepted practice of gang raping young boys as a way of getting around the taboo of premarital sex with a woman. Some US troops even reported hearing the screams of boys inside US military installations being raped by Northern Alliance commanders.

>> No.14833702


>Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 and the collapse of Najibullah's regime in 1992, the country fell into chaos as various mujahideen factions fought for control. Mullah Omar went back to the madrassa at Singesar, although when he returned to religious teaching is unclear.[51] According to one legend, in 1994, he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you."[51] Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students who were simply known as the Taliban (Pashtun for 'students'). His recruits came from madrassas located in Afghanistan and the Afghan refugee camps which were located across the border in Pakistan. They fought against the rampant corruption which had emerged during the civil war period and were initially welcomed by Afghans who were weary of warlord rule. Apparently, Omar became sickened by the abusive raping of children by warlords and turned against their authority in the mountainous country of Afghanistan from 1994 onwards.[52]

>The practice of bacha bazi by warlords was one of the key factors in Mullah Omar mobilizing the Taliban.[54] Reportedly, in early 1994, Omar led 30 men armed with 16 rifles to free two young girls who had been kidnapped and raped by a warlord, hanging him from a tank gun barrel.[55]


>> No.14833721

Yup. The Taliban were basically just Pasthun nationalists. In the beginning even Al Qaeda (under the leadership of Abdullah Azzam) strictly forbade the use of violence against civilian targets. It wasn't until Bin Laden had him killed that AQ was turned toward hitting civilian targets.

>> No.14833725

fascism is liberalism

>> No.14833914

What book is this from?

>> No.14833932


They are polar opposites anon.

>> No.14833935

One is Miletones and the other his description of his trip to America

>> No.14833954

Ill check them out

>> No.14833961

R9k diary

>> No.14833964
File: 165 KB, 630x986, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14834906

fuck off fed

>> No.14834966

disgusting. /lit/ is a white christian board. go fondle your goats and peddle the dehydration-induced delusions of your filthy primitive sand nigger prophet (peace be upon his enemies) and his brainlet acolytes somewheres else, preferably in hell, where every one of you infidels is headed if you don't smarten up soon

>> No.14835025

You sound white but like a failure rather than a Christian

>> No.14835046

>white christian
there's literally no such thing

>> No.14835084

what a brainlet

>> No.14835244

Fuck you. God bless Nat Turner.