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/lit/ - Literature

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14825851 No.14825851 [Reply] [Original]

Post recommended titles / solid quotations from an author if relevant.

>> No.14825854

From Meditations on the Peaks, by Julius Evola
>Anybody who has practiced climbing may remember what a strange influx of new strength has sometimes occurred when, after feeling literally worn out by a storm and having almost reached a point of giving up, all of a sudden the place of and the way to safety are recognized; or when, after hours spent on the mountain face, feeling exhausted and uncertain about the way out, one finally sees the much yearned-for peak.
>Psychology has given a name to this phenomenon: it is called the “second wind” (W. James). In this way we must recognize that, aside from the vital force, which is usually at work in the limbs and organs related to them, there is a deeper and greater reservoir that manifests itself only in exceptional circumstances, almost always under the influence of a psychological or emotional factor. Thus, the task consists of finding a method through which to tap into this hidden source of energy, the essence of which is, however, experienced instinctively, casually, and emotionally.

>> No.14825876

this kills gymrats

>> No.14826869
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/fitlit/ is my goal.

>> No.14826897


>> No.14826902

/Fitlit/ here, the Aeneid is a must. The Iliad, any ancient philosophy.

>> No.14826969

Here's the typical answers whenever this thread comes up:
Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima
Ride the Tiger by Evola (or really anything by him)
Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche
Journey to the End of the Night by Céline
The Stranger by Camus
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
The Republic by Plato
Metamorphosis by Kafka

Atypical (but popular nonetheless reccomendations):
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Great Gatsby

>> No.14826982

>Journey to the End of the Night by Céline
>The Stranger by Camus
>Metamorphosis by Kafka
why are you including all these blackpills?

>> No.14827195
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>> No.14827207

Are there any fitlit books like Gates of Fire that make me want to exercise rather than just appreciate the aesthetics and reasons for fitness/etc.

>> No.14827249
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I highly recommend

>> No.14827287

Beowulf and Gilgamesh ancient short ez and joocy

>> No.14827566

Because life is bleak, and only acceptance of this reality is what motivates one to build inner and outer strength

>> No.14828603
