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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.81 MB, 2010x1295, Screenshot 2020-03-03 at 15.07.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14825711 No.14825711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not even photoshop

>> No.14825718

Why is she seating on the floor?

>> No.14825720

I could love her.

>> No.14825726

arabs famously sit on the floor

>> No.14825736

do you think she likes Guenon then?

>> No.14825745

Doesn't answer my question. Does she need a desk and a chair? Are all americans this poor?

>> No.14825750

>German (Grüber) and Jewish (Ashkenazic): topographic name for someone who lived in a depression or hollow, from (respectively) Middle High German gruobe, German Grube 'pit', 'hollow' + the suffix -er denoting an inhabitant. As a Jewish name it can also be one of names randomly distributed by government officials.

>> No.14825751

Its a slipperly slope. Today she's reading Plato, Tomorrow it will be Spinoza or Hegel

>> No.14825759

Rent free you slave moralist

>> No.14825769

her hairline is fucked lmao

>> No.14825773

>philosophy is too big brain for me

>> No.14825774

Let me guess, it's "like marxism"?

>> No.14825782

I'd like to bash the heads of whoever is shilling these whores on this board against a wall

>> No.14825788

Because she has a nice ass

>> No.14825808

Is there really a sex tape of her and where can I see it?

>> No.14825811

No, the girl from the screenshot is SextaSeptima on ph

>> No.14825813

So she can show her ass off to her legion of simps.

>> No.14825818

I've seen many youtubers do this

>> No.14825821

Those are baby hairs, you moron. Most women have them near their temples.

>> No.14825824

How is she showing off? God, I fucking hate kissless mongrels.

>> No.14825826

What kind of comments does she get? Are they all /lit/ards?

>> No.14825828

zika skull

>> No.14825830

Why does she read it if she hates it?

>> No.14825839

Why does she read one of the most influential philosophers of all time?

>> No.14825849

it'd be interesting to see her dive into philosophy, I think the issue is since she mainly reads YA she assumes read it once with barely any attention and it's read whereas philosophy means you have to take notes and shite so it requires more effort

>> No.14825862
File: 54 KB, 512x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only ten views on my january reading video
how do I get more exposure for my February video? This will be my third in total.

>> No.14825866

Post your channel, I'll suscribe just to make you feel better.

>> No.14825867

Post link

>> No.14825869

oh, it’s just for her philosophy class

>> No.14825871

i liked her review, very wholesome

>> No.14825873

theres several options
>paying for adverts
>making good content that is likely to be shared/discussed
>shill on 4chan
>be a woman and pander to incels

>> No.14825947

Calm down.

>> No.14826002

I'll post it after I make the Feb. video in 30 minutes

>> No.14826015
File: 64 KB, 532x640, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with these?

>> No.14826122

you are pretty fucking stupid anon

>> No.14826146

5 Bright Colours and 40 strips6 of Each Colour

What is there to not get

>> No.14826153

Isn't she a tranny?

>> No.14826177

if it was a tranny it'd be reading deleuze and acting like an autistic male, not blabbing about shitty YA novels, like a woman

>> No.14826241
File: 282 KB, 922x715, 1C5188AF-D39B-49AE-8A27-AECFACEE42E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hour ago

>> No.14826258

have been using them wrong my whole life. I use like flags. Page book marks

>> No.14826270
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is dead....

>> No.14826276

post feet

>> No.14826285
File: 42 KB, 481x406, F0E84262-A312-4379-A5BA-B92FE051E8C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was meant to be /ourguy/

>> No.14826299

We killed him

>> No.14826305
File: 224 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_20200303-191716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Shaelinwrites

>> No.14826325

I love how my power level is so high that I can already tell that she is a pseud just by looking at her, no words needed.

>> No.14826336

>4 jump cuts within the first 10 seconds
Stopped watching there.

>> No.14826340

Did you get hit with the 'tism?

>> No.14826348

I'm sorry Kings, working on editing right now. Sitting in a skype meeting since I'm working from home as well

>> No.14826363
File: 120 KB, 646x852, 1568528669280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women do have the introspection faculty, nor do coomers, so there philosophy is at best trite, like ''god is love'', and 99% of women will stick to just chat about other people life.

Women thrive in republic because the republic is a system where the bourgeois has managed to make the plebeans believe that commenting on the rules created by the bourgeois is actually meaningful, and then when from time to time the plebeans figure out the lack of any power their views have on the politics, they go in the streets wreaking havoc.
This is why so many soccer moms and drones try to earn virtue points on posting comments online. The first thing to do online is to comment. See a message on the internet? there is a little box to comment on it.

This is the greatest feat of the bourgeois republic: to turn commenting into a meaningful life and women are the best at this and believe this shit because it is all they have in their life, besides being sexually emancipated.

>> No.14826366

What the fuck is her channel younfuckinh op nigger

>> No.14826385

women have always be in awe of mental masturbation, because
-they suck at it, so it is intriguing for them
-women love masturbation, so they think intellectual masturbation is good too
-the rationalists keep saying that fantasies lead to truth knowledge and morality, whereas all fantasies do is keep people cravings for sex and arguing
Professional intellectuals have turned this into entertainment and women have held salons where coomers and sluts could speculate and dream of changing the world after their orgy, feeling good about themselves.
-bourgeois have revied the greek academia where they groom intellectuals and women. Women do well in strong structures like schools, but they are a mess outside, ie when they leave school. The only structure outside school today is some relationship with their orbiters, who by definition will always please them no matter how awful women are...

This is why intellectuals and women crave the bourgeoisie and why the Humanists are here for a long time. Even mao could not kill them all.

>> No.14826408

What I hate about booktubers is the fact that they read vapid, meaningless stories with highschool-tier prose that make zero effort for someone to get the grasp of what's going on, even as far as being entirely predictable once you read two or three of them, in massive amounts and then just make a 30 minutes video where all the reviews are the same three or four sentences with no substantial literary value.

>> No.14826421
File: 1.02 MB, 1366x768, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a retarded zoomer.
>Claps right in front of the camera which overamplifies sounds
>Can't even put out a single sentence without stuttering, instead of moving on she starts slobbering for "humor"
>Jump cut
>She says one sentence
>Jump cut
>She says one sentence
>Jump cut
>10 seconds in
What, you're trying to tell me she's cute and quirky or some shit? This is pure zoomer cancer. I'd rather not waste my time with that shit, but if you enjoy being an orbiter have at it, but don't shit up my /lit/.

>> No.14826423

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.14826430

Who is she OP?

>> No.14826434


>> No.14826438
File: 65 KB, 600x475, internet_white_knight_colored_4350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826440


>> No.14826445

I'm not the one whining like a bitch. Slit your wrists before your next shitpost

>> No.14826469

Feminine rage lol

>> No.14826486

OMG Anon thanks for defending me on 4chan, you're so sweet! Wanna hang out with my bf Chad and me? ;)

>> No.14826493

I'm more interested in your sister

>> No.14826512

what do u mean xd

>> No.14826516

Why even put the trip on if you're an uninformed spastic. Neck yourself my man

>> No.14826521
File: 57 KB, 550x467, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're an uninformed spastic. Neck yourself my man

>> No.14826551

You want me to smack you in the mouth? Huh??? Shut the fuck up

>> No.14826563


>> No.14826569

hey anon my wife would LOVE to have sex with you because of your informed 4 channel opinion don't worry she is a very special lady

>> No.14826571

She wouldn't be with you if she wasn't special needs, I'll pass

>> No.14826636
File: 188 KB, 860x594, 107-1078157_pepe-punch-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14827255

>What she makes in tips within a few months is more than what I make per year
>What she makes within a few months is more than the annual income of many trained professionals
No wonder men are dropping out of society. And who are the retards giving these whores money?

>> No.14827259

Jealous, cucky?

>> No.14827269


Don't forget that she's got 5 years, maybe 10 at best, of doing this. Then she becomes ugly and forgotten, with no marketable skills whatsoever.

>> No.14827275

You know it's illegal to post on 4chan without a 4chan premium account? Whore.

>> No.14827297

I'm not scared of breaking the rules, enjoy being a bootlicker yourself.

>> No.14827303

The parasitic baby boomers are giving these stupid whores money. After sucking up all the money they can, retiring, and ruining their marriages and their families, there isn't much to do but compulsively masturbate and waste money on whores. This is the only social interaction that boomers receive. It's very sad.

>> No.14827306

Well I reported you to the police. Try explaining your unreported income to the IRS as well, whore.

>> No.14827310

We have a kissless badass over there

>> No.14827376
File: 1.70 MB, 808x6103, Screenshot_20200303-122811_Goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ladies are done fighting now, perhaps you can get back on topic and rate her fucking taste in /lit/.

>> No.14827393

>that pinned comment

kek, based John

>> No.14827396

I say 'like' too many times and I need to be more concise in the next video

>> No.14827405

You look like that Skyrim guy

>> No.14827407

why does she consider comics/manga as lit? is it to inflate the NUMBER and her ego? what a vapid whore

>> No.14827422

Thanks haha which one? I really need a haircut soon

>> No.14827427

The meme guy who made Skyrim

>> No.14827443

>>Claps right in front of the camera which overamplifies sounds
it's done to help sync the audio to video if you're using a secondary recorder which she does, she's a fucking mong for not cutting that from the final video though

>> No.14827457

Todd Howard?

>> No.14827459

Yeah but without the squeaky nerd voice

>> No.14827491

pewdiepie read it too we didn't give a shit

>> No.14827492

yea I just have the dull monotone voice instead

>> No.14827500
File: 65 KB, 498x498, 4E41EFEF-D436-4CEE-BD3B-C2AD7E1EE7DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys tripfag

>> No.14827502

i have opaque ones bought many years ago still don't know what to use them for

>> No.14827505

Is she autistic?

>> No.14827511

after (you)

>> No.14827525

She said she picked it up because of Pewdiepie

>> No.14827537

Prove it

>> No.14827547

fuck you just makes me love her more

>> No.14827554


>> No.14827569
File: 69 KB, 500x474, 1532023002625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frumpy mouse woman with glasses
>wears an infinity scarf inside so that head doesn't look disproportionately small on her round body
What an original trick that I have definitely never seen before.

>> No.14827581

Its a technique to make you feel more comfortable as a viewer; like you are her friend and you are having a casual chat but since she is "quirky", she picks the floor as a sitting spot

>> No.14827586

Such charisma! Such looks! So well-read! What a man!
You unironically have potential. If you don't mind me giving you a suggestion, I think you should change your camera angle. Instead of having the camera pointing upward, have it point slightly downward, as if the viewer as seeing you from above, you know what I mean? Like Kat's angle in OP's pic.

>> No.14827592
File: 325 KB, 692x359, Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 4.04.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14827596

>one of the biggest book review channels
>I don't like thinking

>> No.14827598
File: 24 KB, 384x395, 1575906314216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 stars to Dracula
>5 stars to some shitty graphic novel

>> No.14827602


>> No.14827603

Thank you I will write that down :) I currently am recording with my old iPhone 6 I've had for five years so I probably should upgrade soon for better videos.

>> No.14827606

Queen of /lit/

>> No.14827611

So she can wiggle her feet around in the mirror

>> No.14827626

You should speak and shoot your videos the way booktubers do.

>> No.14827641

Go full bookclub

>> No.14827661

Ya and she flaunts it in short shorts right in front of her dad lmao

>> No.14827670

I try not to edit them too much and I try to just sit down and talk about what I read
What is that? I am sort of reading the Brothers Karamazov with my friend, but we just discuss the themes and plot over discord about every 100 pages

>> No.14827680

Flash news women are dumb- more at 11

>> No.14827693

He's the other /lit/ book reviewer all hepped up on meta-post-irony

>> No.14827724

Don't listen to >>14827641
As much as I like the channel, we don't need another Quentin. He does his thing, you do yours. Keep your own style, don't become a discount version of someone else

>> No.14827729

Quentin is already a discount MDE