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14822228 No.14822228 [Reply] [Original]

If laughter according to Bergson is a tool for survival, does it mean that when the left can't meme, is because they have lost every attachment to the survival of the specie?

>> No.14822234

Memes aren't funny

>> No.14822254

Baudelaire says that laughter is satanic and is incited by a feeling of superiority

>> No.14822263

Memes or whatever, liberals today can't be funny because of their moralism. If laughter is most of the times based on suffering, their sobresocialized morality prevents them from mocking about someone's suffering. They are the anti-laughter

>> No.14822270

Baudelaire extremely based as always

>> No.14822274

So does that mean if you laugh at yourself, you consider yourself superior to yourself?

>> No.14822292

That's why you are able to laughter about past actions easier than about your present. Your mind splits yourself identifying you with your present self, so you can feel superior about your past self.

>> No.14822312

So what if you laugh about something you just did? Your mind splits instantaneously?
Enough of this nonsense.

>> No.14822328

Try to laugh about something superior than you fucking mongrel

>> No.14822335
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here he says something about that.

you can also read it for yourself. it's pretty short at around 10 pages (starts on page 11 on this pdf)

>> No.14822345

If the only point of focus is the superiority of something, there isn't anything inherently funny about it, but plenty of men across the ages have laughed at God.

>> No.14822353

Because they feel superior? Do you think that Satan could have revolted without pride?

>> No.14822362

Sure, plenty of inferior people rebel. You can be angry and take action against someone who is superior to you.
Satan would have to be a fucking idiot to think he could successfully overthrow an omnipotent being, but there can be meaning in attempting an impossible task.

>> No.14822366

>McMurphy laughs because he knows you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance; just to keep the world from driving you plumb crazy. He knows there's a painful side...But he won't let the pain blot out the humor no more'n he'll let the humor blot out the pain.

-One Flew Over the Cucko's Nest, Ken Kesey

>I figured out why we laugh. We laugh because it hurts. It hurts so much and it's the only way to make it stop hurting.

-Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein

>> No.14822374

Liberals are the opposite of the left.

>> No.14822389

I don't care, they are the left as there aren't enough commies in the current political spectrum, and also in my country commies hold liberal opinions

>> No.14822390

Memes = digital propaganda posters.
Being the Goebbels of the internet is not praiseworthy.

>> No.14822396

In your dreams, libshit.

>> No.14822400

>Being the Goebbels of the internet is not praiseworthy

>> No.14822404

Find Christ.

>> No.14822410


>> No.14822411

Immediately, it seems you have the stated the idea backwards:
"I would point out - and this perfectly corroborates the officially Christian character of the maxim - that the Sage par excellence, the Word Incarnate, never laughed. In the eyes of One who has all knowledge and all power, the comic does not exist."
"... the comic vanishes altogether from the point of view of absolute knowledge and power. Now, if we inverted the two propositions, it would result that laughter is generally the apanage of madmen, and that it always implies more or less of ignorance and weakness."
I will read more of this later to verify this, but I thought this ought to be brought up now.

>> No.14822424

do it fagget

>> No.14822431

Bergson actually unironically got btfo'd by Guenon, not even memeing

>> No.14822444

I’ve thought about this and tried to understand why most left or libral memes don’t work. I think it’s something to do with rejecting universal absurdism, or the lack of egoism. I think the universal part is important, it’s not just saying something is shit and endorsing another thing, the whole concept has to be inundated in the absurd. And the egoism is important because it speaks to the core idea of frankness and personal interest, cutting through extrapolated ideology and sentimentality like caring for others.

>> No.14822467

Nah, it's simpler than that. The left hates lying. It's the same reason they never play political hardball. They're too goody-two-shoes to misinform.

>> No.14822472

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

>> No.14822478

What are memes if not illustrated lies?

>> No.14822489

Illustrated jokes. Often made hyperbolic (which is why I suppose you label them lies) for comedic effect.

>> No.14822508

Have to disagree. Left irritates half truths just as much as the right, but tends to do it in a much more insidious and holier than thou way. At least the right usually has the common decency to be more frank about its interest groups, while the left sock puppets any pity points possible.

>> No.14822515

Rightwingers find its funny to lie about their opponents. At its heart, conservatism is a meme philosophy.

>> No.14822521

"Everyone to the right of me is a Nazi, no I'm not lying, and no I've never said anything in the least misleading about anyone I disagree with."

>> No.14822523

What is the left lying about?

>> No.14822529

^ Case in point.

>> No.14822542

You don't believe that anyone who you identify as the "Left" has ever erroneously labeled someone a Nazi or said something misleading about people they disagree with?

>> No.14822577

i dont see the contradiction. he's saying that laughter is inherently human and a sign of weakness and ignorance. but not a sign of "feelings of weakness and ignorance"

>> No.14822613

You have a penchant for hyperbole.

>> No.14822687

And you're disingenuous.
I think we make a good pair.

>> No.14822776

Laughter and hilarity are the product of an instinct to repress and ignore the knowledge of death. Death-defiance is the ultimate function of every joke, insofar as death being the ultimate certainty means that any subversion is a subversion of a chain of thought that ends in death.

>> No.14823323

Suggesting something out the idea of survivability when most comics joke is to point out first those trait in events; such as putting the audience as the observer of the event turning them into superior. Most laugh coming out of conversations are events turned either up-side-down or showing sign of obliviousness to the happening. As you should put everything into subjectivity, turning every event laughable and therefor minor. As butterfly effect dictates small thing can turn small events into large, the opposite should then be. Turning large events, or serious one, into a minor moment, the impossibility of seeing the grand scheme of stories as laughable moments is lacking the understanding of the subjectivity. Turning a blind eye to large events is what can turn good to bad. Making seriousness into laughable stock create playfulness and relaxations. In times of battle, most soldiers cherries playfulness between themselves and others.
What you present as "the left can't meme" shows only some people who can't laugh at events regardless of what it is. Displaying the inability of subjectivity in the individual you are dealt with. Most picturization of moment turned into meme by the so call 'left', as you put it, is only a sign of the regressive people in their group. You can literally see the same type of meme on both side. What would be better to stipulate would be stupid people on the left can't meme. In either camp, most people will rather choose to be moderate than hard liberalism.

>> No.14823502

Dumb joke

>> No.14823586

You need to take three or four years of ESL classes before attempting to write anything like that again, Jesus christ. Trying to read that shit made me go cross-eyed.

>> No.14823648

This. Laughter is, as Nietzsche says, schadenfreude with a good conscience. But the opposite of that is what specifically what makes the left the left: their extreme pity for the sick and decadent. So they will never be able to have schadenfreude with a good conscience, other than when they are making fun of the wealthy or powerful, who are usually ascending, and so are harmed far less than the 60-IQ black minorities, redneck homeless, and mentally / physically disabled.
Therefore, the left cannot meme. QED.

>> No.14823667
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Not >>14822508 but the left doesn't have a clean record and in the last few years, they've shown they'll stop at nothing as long as they can get political power one way or another.

>> No.14823704

I go by Bataille's concept of laughter as a need to degrade others and affirm oneself
"a tremor that runs through the entire Being" ot something like that

>> No.14823733

jesus this fuckin thread, only nerds and pseuds could intellectualize humor and mirth into an act of evil

>> No.14823746

The concience considers itself better to the ego and to the body its attatched.

>> No.14824353

you don't laugh at yourself

>> No.14824396
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>> No.14824955

But the left upholds the gregarious security of the species (the HSS, in other words). Not that (((Sonneberg))) would know anything about dat.

>> No.14824957

>If laughter according to Bergson is a tool for survival
It's not, so...

>> No.14825361

Virtually all popular comedy, all humour, comes from left-wing perspectives. You pretending it's all crap doesn't change the reality.

>> No.14825371


>> No.14825383

Sure you have to be kind of smart to be funny but most of the old comedians basically agree comedy is losing its edge. Also seems laymen leftists are VERY bad at comedy overall

>> No.14825393

I think it's a product of self-consciousness. If the function of consciousness is to detect anomalies/threats within the current state of affairs such that the being can act towards making the present more desirable, laughter is probably a physiological reaction to something you value positively, like how arousal informs us of what we desire sexually.

>> No.14825398

People really laugh at stand up comedy or its right timed imitation?

>> No.14825405

>some guy had a radon thought he had to write down and we have to take it as a fact

99% of philosophy is garbage shit that only gets brought up by association

>> No.14825791

>Bergson was born in the Rue Lamartine in Paris, not far from the Palais Garnier (the old Paris opera house) in 1859. His father, the pianist Michał Bergson, was of a Polish Jewish background (originally bearing the name Bereksohn). His great-grandmother, Temerl Bergson, was a well-known patroness and benefactor of Polish Jewry, especially those associated with the Hasidic movement.

>> No.14826074

The OP is garbage. Bergson didn't even think that about laughter. You guys got trolled. Again.

>> No.14826249
