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14821898 No.14821898 [Reply] [Original]

>Favorite book
>Biggest accomplishment
>Biggest regret
>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Other anons will try to guess things about you and will recommend you books.
I'll start:
Overcoming a depressive and suicidal period in my life to go back to uni and get my degree.
That I never learned a language or instrument or something as a kid.
I will live a quiet, stoic, straight edge life and I plan to marry and have many children.

>> No.14821967
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>Favorite book
Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book

>Biggest accomplishment
Making a small simple animation of a bird fighting a snail to the music of Power by Kanye West.

>Biggest regret
Going to an expensive college that leave me with a shit ton of U.S. student debt.

>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Fly to Mexico and live with my boomer grandparents. I'll spend the rest of my life making 2D animated films and shorts inspired by the Bible, North American and Irish folk tales and my favorite music albums.

>> No.14821994

> Favorite book
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

> Biggest accomplishment
Going to university and getting a degree

> Biggest regret
Walking away from someone I will love forever

> What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Wait for the person I will love forever to find me again

Guess: You like music, listen to it on your own, and when you’re sad you go for long walks.
Recommend: ‘The WindUp Girl’, Paolo Bacigalupi

>> No.14822024

>Favorite book

>Biggest accomplishment
Have a cozy writing business that enables my /lit/ lifestyle.

>Biggest regret
Pissing away my life from the age of 12 to current year.

>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Probably something incredibly unremarkable

>> No.14822046

>The Sun Also Rises
>I feel extremely fulfilled by my wonderful friends and family. I am grateful for all of them everyday.
>I'm a little hesitant at times. There's been a good amount of women I've probably missed out on because of that.
>Planning to be a high school English teacher. I'd like to have a family eventually, and I do have a desire to see the world with my friends.

No recommendations, just want to congratulate for going back to college. I hope you find what you're looking for friend.

Sorry, anon. Love is everywhere, don't shut yourself off.

Comfy lad who just has to figure a couple things out

>> No.14822074
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>favorite book
Thus Spake Zarathustra

>biggest accomplishment
I wrote a short story recently that I'm very proud of and going to try to submit to magazines

>biggest regret
Not doing more before chronic pain took over my life at 20

>what you're going to do for the rest of your life
I have no idea, and the thought of going on as I am now for an extended period of time scares me to death. I wish I had the courage to an hero

>> No.14822289

Very into every artistic medium and postmodern/experimental stuff, can't recommend much like that because you've probably already read the classic stuff like that.
Please post your shorts on here when you make them!
Smart but directionless, you need to live for yourself and be content with the idea that this love may never return, at least not in the form of that person.
Roman stoic philosophy could help, it did for me at least.
You are literally Stoner. Even though your life, like mine, will probably be unremarkable, there's no reason not to shoot high anyway.
I feel you on the regret lmao.
You seem like you've got it together, but you're going to have to pick which of those plans has priority, though I wish you luck in attaining all of them.
I love Zarathustra too, and please post a link to the short story when it is published!
I hope you can find a fix for your chronic pain and don't kill yourself bro, though unlike other people I don't look down on suicide if the circumstances are insurmountable.

>> No.14822300

Also, despite making this thread I feel so useless with the recs because all i've read so far is classics and dry non-fiction.

>> No.14822583

It's alright, Anon. :)

>> No.14822591

> Smart but directionless
That’s actually pretty accurate. I’ll look into your recommendations thanks

Thankyou, kind Anonymous.

>> No.14822676

>favorite book
Crime and Punishment
>biggest accomplishment
Graduate school probably, but the one I'm most proud of is finding a woman who appreciates me for who I am
>biggest regret
Not realizing my friend was being molested by her stepfather before she took her life.
>what you're going to do with the rest of your life
With any luck, have a family and get a job at a university.

>> No.14823089

>The Fall
>Going to uni and studying what I'm interested in.
>Not socializing with anyone through out high school other than a few people over messaging. I think the lack of social skills development will haunt me for a long time.
>Going to get my degree, work here for a number of years, get a work visa and move to the UK to experience living in that place as I've always been interested in it. Eventually try and find a way to work as little as possible yet lead a comfy lifestyle.

Wish I could recommend books to people but I've read so few.

Aren't good at moving on and frequently recall the past. Frequently compare yourself to others with usually discomforting conclusions.

>> No.14823201

>Moby dick
>I don’t care or know

>> No.14823204
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>>Favorite book
War and Peace
>>Biggest accomplishment
I'm on my last year of uni.
>>Biggest regret
not visiting my father enough when he was in the hospital; not going the funeral of the grandmother of a friend
>>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
fuck do I know

>> No.14823280

>Favorite book
Fiction: Hunger and Confessions of a Mask
Non-fiction/poetry: Leopardi's Canti and Artaud
>Biggest accomplishment
Happy that I made it this far, that I grew so much, that I see growth.
>Biggest regret
Disappointing family, not being myself, drugs, caring too much, being a overall mess and dropping valuable opportunities.
>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Plan to go to University for philosophy or English and work for academia till I write my way into a comfortable place. I just want peace to write my thoughts and find myself, I don't care about money, I really don't give a fuck about it.

>> No.14823402

>Favorite book
Since the Bible is probably cheating, and the Rule of St Benedict is more of a manual, I'd probably go with Le petit prince, unless I can go with poems, in which case it's either la Chanson de Roland or Beowulf.

>Biggest accomplishment
Picking up two languages conversationally between the ages of 17 and 21 with basically no time spent studying. Working on learning my fourth (so my third foreign) language now.

>Biggest regret
I want to say trying to stay with the woman who cheated on me, but I've got to go with "not going to church earlier." Had I done that, I'd probably have been less of a cunt, less confused for parts of my life, and I'd have had a community with money to have helped my family avoid homelessness.

>What I'm going to do
Ideally, get a Master's and maybe a PhD in French, then go to seminary and get ordained as a priest. My denomination has a priest shortage, especially of good ones, but not every church can afford a priest, so I'd be bivocational if need be.

>> No.14823469

>favorite book
>Biggest accomplishment
beating a 5 year long fapping addiction and the depression that came after it
>Biggest regret
letting my toxic parents destroy me as a person, although that did make me turn to books, so......
>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Use my decently paying job to fuel my relatively cheap hobbies, finish my bucket list, learn as much as I can, find a gf and make a kid, and visit every continent before settling down in a unabomber cabin until I die. That's the current plan.

>> No.14823545

I'd also say my biggest accomplishments and regrets was the time I spent on /b/, /r9k/ and especially /pol/. They just made me an angry coomer. It's sad how much time I spent I time I spent on them, but I left em. Aside from /lit/, theres no board I regularly visit, and they're all blue boards

>> No.14823711

>favourite swear word?

>> No.14824041


>> No.14824086

So many people ITT not playing it properly. The coolest bit of it is making guesses about and recommends for your fellow Anonymous.

>> No.14824101

>Favorite book
Moby-Dick, but considering that is everyone on /lit/s favorite book, I'll add I like Kafka and Faulkner
>Biggest accomplishment
winning 3 state championships as a high school athlete. (not that proud of it anymore but at the time I was super proud)
>Biggest regret
Where I chose to go to college, I went for athletics and it blew up in my face, then I stuck around in a place I didn't wholly like
>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Had cancer surgery a month ago and I'm recovering with family now. Just graduated college in December and I need to get a job. Thinking about lots of stupid things I could do with my future (law school, military, advertising) but really haven't gotten too far with anything, they're just ideas I'm weighing atm

>> No.14824106


You can have “fuckcicle” if you like.

>> No.14824136


Hearts mend, try to move on physically, change your environment, I am a melodramatic in love like you, we get burned eventually, no matter what

I recommend The Third Policeman by Brian O'Nolan

What's your business?

Have you read much Chekhov? "In the Ravine" "The Kiss" and "Ward No. 6" are great stories by him.

A good family is a blessing. I'm the youngest in a big family and my older siblings have saved my life

I recommend reading For Whom the Bell Tolls, having read Hemingway's 4 big novels and a lot of his short stories. Sun is a great little novel.

Keep reading Nietzsche and you'll be alright anon

Read Dead Souls, I'm sure you'll see a bit of Dostoevsky in it

Read Billy Budd fellow Moby-Dick lover

>trying to stay with the woman who cheated on me
I'm embarrassed to say I'm in that situation right now. Happened more than a year and a half ago while we were long distance. She immediately broke up with me without telling me the truth, we got back together later (after me pursuing her again despite her discouraging me from doing so) and she then told me. I'm finding it impossible to forget even though she was very regretful and I no longer bring it up anymore. Sucks majorly inside.

>> No.14824167

Got first place in a national music competition in HS jazz band
Allowing my mental health to stunt my growth and relationships
Be a broke asshole, make music, and read books. Hopefully travel a bit more.

>> No.14824194

>Read Billy Budd fellow Moby-Dick lover
I will read everything Melville ever wrote within the next 3-5 years.

>> No.14824431

World War Z
Nothing yet
Not keeping up with writing
Trying to make money from writing

>> No.14824440

The Sound and the Fury
Killing a Cthun
Sperging out too many times
Fart and poop

>> No.14824483

>favorite book
The Stranger
>biggest accomplishment
I'm approaching two years in my first real job, and I have managed to move up the ladder here substantially since I started despite having no real-world experience in any professional field and a constant struggle with depression and melancholy.
>rest of my life
I have no idea, honestly. My plan was to work this job until I turn 21 and then find something else to do. Maybe armed security, or bouncing, or bartending or some such thing. Now that I am nearly 21, none of my options seem tempting.

>> No.14824502
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>favorite book
>biggest accomplishment
I guess the time I published an article in a nationwide journal. That wasn't very personally significant though. So it's hard to say.
>biggest regret
Being born. Or for a slightly less edgy answer: not reading enough classic stuff as a child.
>what you're going to do with the rest of your life
The plan is to do a PhD, assuming depression doesn't get in the way. I would ultimately like to end up as a professor at a comfy liberal arts college somewhere. Maybe publish a book at some point that people continue to cite every now and then after I am dead. But mostly I am trying to survive.

>> No.14824536

I doubt mine will as it’s gone on so long now, it feels as though it’s in my very bones. But thank you.

> The Third Policeman
This actually looks very interesting. I recall reading something by this guy years ago and liking it, so added to my Amazon orders, thank you.

I’m very sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis, Anonymous, but I’m very glad to hear your treatment was successful. My sister went through a cancer battle a few years ago and while she’s now in full remission, the terror she went through and the bravery she had to show in the face of it was truly humbling. You have my utmost respect.

My guess about you: you are a deeply thoughtful person, with a rich interior life. Many who know you probably think of you as quietly confident and amiable but they often miss that you are fundamentally driven by great ambition and once you set your mind on something you will ensure you make it yours totally. I predict you will live a truly accomplished life, and likely one filled with much self-satisfaction and happiness.

My recommendation: ‘The Life and Times of Michael K’ by J M Coetzee.

>> No.14824643

>favourite book
The Brothers K

>biggest accomplishment
Running 100km in 15 hours

>biggest regret
Being in a polyamorous relationship and allowing myself to be a cuck because I was tired of being a virgin. Becoming so wretched and miserably depressed I almost ended it.

>rest of life
Research quantum information science

>> No.14825414

Feel you on the porn addiction, been chained since 11 years old but i'm almost out, it's only at my lowest points I return.
Cunt is by far the best.
That was a fucking ride of an answer desu.

>> No.14826876


>> No.14826960

>Favorite book
Crime & Punishment

>Biggest accomplishment
Coming back from being suicidal and homeless in July 2019 in just 4 months

>Biggest regret
Giving a fuck about school because I was bullied

>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
I dont know. Lose some pounds and finally get a job (and hope that these two things will have a positive impact in my life)

>> No.14826998

ur doing it rong. this thread is not just about you. contribute.

>> No.14827061

Ok, I will try.

Literally a machine. In both, the good and the bad way.

Sounds like a guy I would like to hang out with because you seem very pessimistic but like a chill guy.

Your living the life of a normie (which is not meant as an insult), besides the cancer thing. Hope youre doing well, Anon.

Edgy redditor.

Extremly based. We need more priests on /lit/

Like the other anon you seem to be very normieesque.

>> No.14827115
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>Favourite book
Absalom, Absalom!
>Biggest accomplishment
Studying for a masters degree at a prestigious university
>Biggest regret
Ending up alone because of my own inaction.
>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
I would like to have a family one day, but I don't think I'll live that long.

Why have you walked away? My guess is that you are a very family-oriented person and that your idea of love might be a little too old fashioned (not that it's a bad thing).
Recommendation: Half a Lifelong Romance by Eileen Chang
I hope you'll succeed. Your goals are very beautiful. My guess is that you are similar to the Anon whom I have previously quoted, but you might value having a family with children more than just having a wife.
I'm sorry, but I don't know what to recommend you.
Congratulations on your short story! I am not good with words so I don't really know what to say. Don't kill youself. You could write a good short story, why stop there?

>> No.14827126

Good lad.

>> No.14827557
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> Half a Lifelong Romance by Eileen Chang
I feel this may really resonate with me. Added to my Amazon purchase list. Thank you, Anonymous.

In return -

My guess: you love animals and are not afraid to show your emotions with people you love. Those who know you think of you as kind, understanding, and compassionate but they miss how lonely you often feel. I predict a great love story in your future.

My recommendation: ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’ by Milan Kundera.

>> No.14827580
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You’re smarter than you even give yourself credit for. You’re a true survivor, and have little time for fools. You’re going to prove to be a very inspirational person and someone others will want to follow. Someone thinks about you more than you know. Let go a little.

My recommendation: ‘Pan’ by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.14827599
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>Favourite book
L’amant by Marguerite Duras or Night on the Galactic Railroad by Miyazaki’s Kenji
>Biggest accomplissement
I made a 50 foot yacht with my dad from basically just an abandoned hull. It’s not fully done yet but it’s incredible looking and really proud of it.
>Biggest regret
I was madly in love with this Hungarian girl and I wished things could’ve worked out better. She spoke my language (French) fluently too. She was very beautiful but I don’t know what happened to her
>What you’re doing for the rest of your life
Gonna work in national parks, maybe become a guide for hikers or something a long those lines. Marry a French women, have a lot of kids. Live far away from the city, a more rural lifestyle ideally.

>> No.14827618

> Other anons will try to guess things about you and will recommend you books.

>> No.14827686
File: 358 KB, 1000x1500, AD58818C-7E6C-4043-8BAC-B73B5335E3A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite book
The Gay Science.

>Biggest accomplishment
Going to a prestigious university to get a double degree in spite of coming from a really poor environment.

>Biggest regret
Not putting as much work as I wanted to into the things that I love deeply. I feel like I’m late to life.

>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Writing and experimenting.

>> No.14827698

Maths BSc probably
Not continuing sports/athletics past high school, losing touch with frens from before(and during) uni then going on to isolate myself from the world, not 'taking the plunge' with women on numerous occasions, not continuing on to do a masters, its difficult to pin one down as the biggest
stability in my social life then hopefully a partner

>> No.14827713

>T. S. Eliot, Prufrock and Other Observations
>Shitty PhD dissertation I hate
>Not getting married when I was still young and less broken
>Writing shitty poetry and fighting a Sisyphean fight to make it at all ok or good

>> No.14827723

So many people posting and STILL not paying attention to the OP. This is why otherwise based threads turn to shit and die.

>> No.14827730

But I am the main character, you lot are the other anons

>> No.14827735

careful with that edge there, bro

>> No.14827753

Because it’s too tedious to write so many recommendation it’s op’s fault really. No offense op

>> No.14827766

Thanks for the support, supporting character
I'd suggest you follow the OP and get recommending

>> No.14827802

>Crime and Punishment
>I made the Start with the Greeks chart, not actually my biggest accomplishment, but I like to think it helped a lot of people live more literary lives
>I wish I never went to college, it was a waste of time and money
>Keep reading and travelling the world

emily dickenson or ralph waldo emerson

lolita - nabokov

120 days of sodom

genki vol 1

>> No.14827820
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Moby Dick is my favourite book
My biggest accomplishment was either my first class degree or overcoming intense sadness through increase of knowledge and understanding for the beauty of reality to become one of the happiest people I know
I have no true regrets as reality could not have happened any other way but if I could go back as the person I am now I would try much harder with my high school gf and try to stay with her permanently.
I’m going to do a postgrad in medicine, become a doctor, marry a woman I find attractive but do not love, father and raise several children (at least 2, definitely no more than 4, preferably 3 with two boys and one girl), grow old with my wife who I have come to love as the mother of my children.

>> No.14827929

And you killed the thread. Well done.

>> No.14827939

> all that matters is I post my self-absorbed blah blah blah
kys faggot

>> No.14827941

>>Favorite book
diogenes the cynic, sayings and anecdotes
>>Biggest accomplishment
got a job as webdev
>>Biggest regret
telling the doctors the truth and getting sectioned
>>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
read, exercise and work

>> No.14827964

With your great natural intelligence, you venture out in search of meaning. On the surface, you are stoic, yet deep down you're afraid because you haven't found the meaning you are looking for. Your reason has taken you into dark, unfamiliar places and you are lost. You look down on the religious but you are secretly envious of their happiness. For you, I'd recommend The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

>> No.14827974

I didn’t even say that you retarded faggot I gave you and answer to the reason why the thread is shit nothing more

>> No.14827989

>the master & margarita
>paying for my own (new) car
>hurting my mother

>> No.14828087

Yeah, we know. You’re a newfag and literal cancer. Anything else you want to screech about?

>> No.14828115

> the thread is shit
> imma post muh attention whoring anyway

>> No.14828167

Kinda gay and kinda based. 2d animation cool. Recommendation: book of disquiet

You sound like a pussy. Recommendation: Marcus Aurelius meditations

Somewhat based. I want to read stoner. Recommendation: castle by Kafka

Underrated book. No recommendation.

Extremely based, congrats on short story. Fuck publishing, still submit, but only to share it with the world. Still be proud if rejected. I’m reading Zarathustra now. Recommendation: Faust by Goethe

Crime and punishment good. Recommendation: rest of dosto

Camus is a good novelist. I recommend Celine. I need to read plague and fall by Camus.


Based. Anna Karenina or Napoleon by Vincent Cronin

Nice. Master and margarita or divine comedy.

You’re living in a fantasy. On the road by Kerouac,

Individual or team? I went for athletics too, And then transferred because I quit. Right decision, but I’d have a high paying job now if I stay. Still my personal journey supersedes capitalist ideals. Recommendation: madame Bovary.

Nice life goals stay based. Recommends: Ulysses

Eh. Read Pessoa

Sperging our is based. Recommendation: castle by Kafka

Stranger is good even though it’s shit on here. Schopenhauer, Kafka, or kierkegaard is next.

Pnin by Nabokov

Based. Wittgenstein philosophical investigations

Why were u homeless?

Musil man without qualities

Slave. Solitude is a virtue.


I’m similar. Math major too. Don’t care about friends though.

I like Eliot too



>> No.14828181
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You are avoidant about pretty much anything. Inside you, great passions stir but you refuse to acknowledge them. A woman is going to come into your life and show you what you’re worth.

For you: ‘The Housekeeper and the Professor” by Yoko Ogawa.

>> No.14828212

>Favorite book
To The Lighthouse
>Biggest accomplishment
Winning an international judo tournament as a young'un
>Biggest regret
Not going to Imperial College when I had the chance
>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
No idea

>> No.14828245
File: 27 KB, 400x267, E9692B99-0FC2-4A64-B969-A2277221835E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not the one getting mad over nothing but continue seething at me if you want lol

>> No.14828279
File: 54 KB, 485x640, 8456967A-7AF0-4A62-92F3-ABE74A934490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your upbringing has put great pressures on you. One of your parents refuses to see just how strong you are. The greatest life lesson you have to learn is that you are already perfect, inalienably capable, and can do anything you put your mind to. You should spent time on your own in art galleries.

For you: ‘Walden’ by Henry David Thoreau.

>> No.14828625

>Favourite book
1Q84 with Brave New World as a close second

>Biggest accomplishment
Winning a provincial speed swimming tournament

>Biggest regret
Not getting treatment for acne and being left with severe scarring

>What you're going to do with the rest of your life
Become a high school English teacher, make music and marry the love of ny life

>> No.14828666

>Recommends: Ulysses
I’m finishing up a portrait of the artist rn and I don’t think I’d have the patience to finish Ulysses. What else would you recommend? If you can’t tell I’m very into kunstlerromans.

>> No.14828692

Werther, hunger, look homeward angel. Ulysses isn’t that difficult

>> No.14828693

>Individual or team? I went for athletics too, And then transferred because I quit.
Twice with a team and once individually.
>Recommendation: madame Bovary.
Read it and truly enjoyed it, thanks for taking the time to rec me something anyway.