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14820105 No.14820105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>these are the people telling you to read theory and calling you incel

>> No.14820111

It seems like a genuine concern.

>> No.14820119

You seem like a genuine cuck.

>> No.14820133

there was a family that literally hugged the murderer of their daughter in court to virtue signal about muh immigrants. These people are suicidally cucked

I understand the mindset, it's a kind of secular martyrdom, accepting your original sin of being an evil white and taking the punishment.

>> No.14820153

I liked original sin better when it had to do with being a sexual degenerate.

>> No.14820157

>tfw these people keep making appeals to the immediate material interests of individuals
I honestly think that underneath all the rhetoric, their conception of man is just as egoistic as Hobbes'. They're really nothing more than evolved liberals.

>> No.14820173

That sounds like an over-the-top reaction but it makes sense if they want to avoid enabling a narrative that will serve the wrong interests. If I suffered because of violence committed by an immigrant I would likewise not want that act to be repurposed to serve an agenda I don't agree with. Stop trying to make it into a mythological struggle

>> No.14820197

How many levels of ideology do you have to be on to jump through the hoops of justifying hugging the man who killed your daughter?

>> No.14820198

>Stop trying to make it into a mythological struggle
That's literally what you're doing.

>> No.14820202

Christian forgiveness?

>> No.14820208

How is that not a "mythological struggle"?

>> No.14820211

repulsive moralist mouth. you talk like a latent executioner. hangman.

>> No.14820217

Your death is what's meaningful. Your political views aren't.

>> No.14820223

I'm not justifying it, I'm simply saying I can understand why they would want to do something like that. Not only is it going to achieve a hell of a lot more publicity than had they simply condemned the man, but its also going to ensure that people can't abuse their story in order to promote an agenda they don't support.

I'm not the one who compared it to a fucking secular martyrdom. Out to lunch, are we?

>> No.14820228


>> No.14820229

Have you heard of 'psychology?'

>> No.14820231


>> No.14820232

not an argument.

Most of you would jump at the opportunity to use a story like this to promote your anti-immigration agenda, so its only fair that the other side get to manipulate the press to serve their own interests too. Call it immoral, call it despicable, but this is the lengths that people have to go to these days to ensure that their lives aren't just fodder for someone else's beliefs.

>> No.14820237

Why on earth would you care more about the public image of immigrants than your own fucking daughter? Not to mention the publicity will just be that an immigrant killed her, you're really only doing it because you want to be seen as holy. It would be better to bury the whole thing if you wanted to avoid immigrants being seen as murderers.

>> No.14820241

Jordan Peterson is in a coma because he didn't know how to take his advice, and the entire field of psychology is in the midst of a replication crisis. Why should I care about 'psychology'?

>> No.14820244

These people don't believe in Jesus tho.

>> No.14820250

If you can understand it then you you're saying that these people have deluded themselves I to believing their actions justified. There is no reality for them, only ideology and so on.

Thia doesnt answer by question.

>> No.14820256

Because you confuse it with other things and it makes you look retarded.

>> No.14820257

>you're really only doing it because you want to be seen as holy
this is where you're wrong. Why would you hug a murderer if you wanted to be perceived as moral? That's the last thing you should be doing. Regardless of their opinions about immigration, I think the majority of people would condemn that kind of the behaviour. So its pretty clear they're not doing it to improve the perception of themselves.

>> No.14820260

>Why would you hug a murderer if you wanted to be perceived as moral?
are you being facetious? we are from christian civilisation + since murderer is from victim group make the hugger look like big forgiving guy!!

>> No.14820266

based and christpilled

>> No.14820274

because it's seen as forgiveness and going against stereotypes of immigrants being criminal.

If you want to understand what is going on try to imagine a white liberal hugging a neonazi who killed their daughter. The resultant cognitive dissonance should clue you in.

Interestingly enough there are examples of black Christians extending exactly this sort of forgiveness towards neonazis who murdered their family members, but you will never see a white liberal do it, because the white liberal's religion is antiracism, not christianity.

>> No.14820276

>There is no reality for them, only ideology
this is the case for everyone, numbnuts. when you think you've escaped ideology, you've never been more within ideology. I can understand why they would do something like that to serve the principles they want to uphold. It doesn't mean I condone their actions, nor does it mean I think they are justified in doing it. I simply understand the impulse to stand up for what you believe in when the media circuit is so keen to put its own spin on things.

Instead of talking in vague, circuitous terms, why not actually just say what the fuck you're talking about?

>> No.14820289
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>Me or a loved one gets murdered by illegal immigrants is there a way to tell people to just ignore it? haha

>> No.14820297

I can't tell if this is satire.

>> No.14820299

Like I said before, they're not doing it to serve themselves, they're doing it to try and counterract the perception that all immigrants are murders. You can posture all you like about their corrupt motivations, but I personally know people like this, and they really don't give a damn about public perception. Yes we are a christian-based society but I still think most people aren't going to approve of being so forgiving to your daughter's murder.

We aren't anywhere near as christian as we used to be, on the whole. And also race reversals are always a weak argumentative point, since no one assumes that when a neonazi kills people, its because all white people are killers.

>> No.14820304

I dont think they're even standing for what they believe in, unless you think they didnt actually love their daughter and that they somehow believe it's acceptable that their daughter was murdered. They're standing up for something that's neither in their interest nor their actual de facto belief, although I'm sure they'd try to argue otherwise.

>im going to tell you not to infer things I haven't actually said while I infer things that you haven't actually said

>> No.14820305
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Silence, heretic.

>> No.14820308

Jesus was a fan of Jewish law. Jewish law says that you kill murderers.

>> No.14820329

Unironically this

Not that it'll ever happen but I wouldn't want my death to be politicized as a talking point, and I certainly wouldn't want that to happen to my loved ones. I'd rather die as a nobody.

If you die because of shitty healthcare are you okay with Bernie and Warren bringing your name up in support of universal healthcare?

>> No.14820330

>They're standing up for something that's neither in their interest nor their actual de facto belief
its in the interest of immigrants not to be perceived as rapists and murderers, and that's what they're trying to mitigate. It's not in the interests of the parents themselves to come to the aid of the murderer of their daughter, they are not benefitting whatsoever from such an act.

>> No.14820335

>Like I said before, they're not doing it to serve themselves, they're doing it to try and counterract the perception that all immigrants are murders.
I'm not saying this emphatically isn't the case, I'm just saying that there are self-interested incentives to do it.
>but I personally know people like this, and they really don't give a damn about public perception.
You know people who have done this?
>Yes we are a christian-based society but I still think most people aren't going to approve of being so forgiving to your daughter's murder.
It depends what cross section of society they are marketing themselves to: the hard-hearted meanie conserviatve proles or the middle class bourgeois liberals. obviously the latter is the demographic most likely to approve of this kind of display.

>> No.14820341
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>If you die because of shitty healthcare are you okay with Bernie and Warren bringing your name up in support of universal healthcare?

>> No.14820360

Is ChapoTrapHouse like the donald but for left wing people?

>> No.14820361

>have to go to these days to ensure that their lives aren't just fodder for someone else's beliefs
Again, it's the death that matters. You can always be portrayed as an unfortunate victim of pathological empathy, but we can still care about you as a person.
>If you die because of shitty healthcare are you okay with Bernie and Warren bringing your name up in support of universal healthcare?
Yes. But I also support the vast expansion of the welfare state. It would still be okay if I didn't.

>> No.14820368

>You know people who have done this?
I know people who have gotten arrested for Extincton Rebellion, and people who spent months providing food and helping out in the migrant camp at Callais. While these aren't anywhere as controversial as hugging your daughter's murderer, their motivations for doing these things really aren't anything like what you say they are. I'm sure there are a percentage of liberals who DO use social issues to paint themselves as egalitarian white saviours, but these are rarely the types to actually commit to any real action.

>> No.14820375

>going to ensure that people can't abuse their story
You are lacking in all common sense. Most ordinary people would rightly see these parents as insane and proceed to still blame the illegal migrant for being there in the first place, irrespective of the parents' absurd wishes.

>> No.14820390

It doesn't matter what they think. What matters is their underlying psychological and social/political background contextualising their actions. Also, none of these people are good. You probably aren't either. You can't be sycophants for corporate-endorsed narratives and have a high moral standard.

>> No.14820395

>sure there are a percentage of liberals who DO use social issues to paint themselves as egalitarian white saviours, but these are rarely the types to actually commit to any real action.
Belief in a transcendent humanity that should be prioritized over all else will inevitably lead one to flagellation. These groups of people are more similar than they are different in that regard.

>> No.14820396

there's way more trannies

>> No.14820399

You're just restating what I said, yes

>> No.14820410

Anything to jump through hoops that an unscreened population that you just let in willy nilly may have some less than reputable figures. Shit like that could be avoided, you dont even have to paint all immigrants as bad

>> No.14820411

It's slightly brighter but suffers from way more cognitive dissonance.

>> No.14820412


>> No.14820414

become a pessimist idiot.. i'm sure you find these virtuous people insufferable..

>> No.14820430

You guys are weak. Convincing yourself everyone who disagrees with you is a monolith based on one bad tweet

>> No.14820468

>Most ordinary people would rightly see these parents as insane
This is literally what I've been saying, though. See >>14820299
>I still think most people aren't going to approve

Which is why I find it implausible that their motivations for doing so are self-interested, when everyone is going to hate them for it. They know they're going to get slaughtered by the public and the press, but if the focus is on them and not the potential narrative that all immigrants are murderers, then they have succeeded.

>What matters is their underlying psychological and social/political background contextualising their actions
And the same goes for anyone that would politicise the murder in service of a right-wing agenda. This is the kind of bullshit that mass media reduces people to, it literally makes everyone fucking insane.

>> No.14820476
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Chapo Trap House? More like Chapo BRAP House

>> No.14820477

I would never die of shitty healthcare because shitty healthcare in America doesn't exist.

>> No.14820479

I don't despise these people because they are all the same; I despise them because of what they have in common despite their differences. It's an important distinction to understand.

>> No.14820480

Ummm sweety, that isn't a tweet. It's a Reddit post.

>> No.14820489

It's sweaty

>> No.14820490
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>Jewish Law

>> No.14820494

Twerking is sickening

>> No.14820495

So is it wrong to do what you're describing? Making the story about them forgiving the murderer rather than "feeding into the right-wing narrative" about Mexico not sending their best.
Because, there sure as hell is a difference between dying to someone who shouldn't even be in the country and dying to a shitty doctor (who incidentally, depending on which countries' healthcare you're looking at, probably also shouldn't be in the country.)

>> No.14820502
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No, you're just more likely to starve to death because prescription medication is extortionate, or end up an addict to opioids.. Also, you think pills are a superior way to treat obesity than diet and exercise, and pic related is the result. Does that seem like "good" healthcare to you?

>> No.14820506

These people hate Christians and they hate Christ

>> No.14820508

Uh, no

>> No.14820509

She's not twerking. That is the force of the massive, bean-fueled BRAPS working their way out of her fat ass.

>> No.14820512

imagine dying to a suicide bomber or something and the glowniggers use your death as an excuse to go to war with another one of israel's enemies. truly a ghastly thought. this is why i always wear my terry davis fuck the CIA shirt every day so there will be no confusion over my true beliefs

>> No.14820521
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There was an article on the new york times recently about Chapo. Funny how liberals freak out about the slightest hint of class consciousness.

>> No.14820526

I forgot the link because I'm retarded

>> No.14820531

>So is it wrong to do what you're describing?
I think its morally dubious, but then again I would think the same about any similar public gesture. I think if the girl herself would've approved of her parents actions (which is likely since she would've been raised within that value system), then I would call it a victimless act.

>> No.14820535
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>The fivesome of “Chapo Trap House" are not the only bards of the new American left — there is “Red Scare” and another whose name cannot be printed

i love journalism so much bros

>> No.14820548

I like Red Scare but I'm not a leftist. Those girls are just fun to listen to and Dasha's insane cackle warms my heart.

>> No.14820549

Exactly, everything has been flipped on its head. Sexual degeneracy is now a virtue

>> No.14820552

>Funny how liberals freak out about the slightest hint of class consciousness.
Not funny, because their concerns are legit.
Class consciousness = resentment from dumb easily misled lower classes. That's how left wing populism works and it can end in disaster.
Based Tucker explains why the danger is real:

Although TbH I don't think Bernie can actually realize his plans, just like Trump couldn't. The liberal establishment is too strong.

>> No.14820587

Coom town lmao

>> No.14820599

I'd say the upper classes are quite class conscious. Resentment is a perfectly legitimate source of political motivation.

>> No.14820649

>Resentment is a perfectly legitimate source of political motivation.
The problem is when resentment is fueled by ignorance, as is often the case when you're mobilizing dumb lower classes. There's a high chance they're too stupid and short sighted to understand why socialism is bad, for example.

>> No.14820685

>Although TbH I don't think Bernie can actually realize his plans, just like Trump couldn't. The liberal establishment is too strong.
I think Sanders' goal is the gradual transformation of American politics. Legitimizing socialism as a concept within American politics is alll he's trying to do in the short run.

>> No.14820700

Yeah, it is so cucked to do what Jesus would have done.

>> No.14820710

Jesus as a man is despicable. Jesus as a figure of cultural mythology and aesthetics that orients the west in opposition to the Muslim world is fine.

>> No.14820724

Forgiveness is the true jewel of the West. Without it we're as good as beasts

>> No.14820728

i'll support "socialism is bad" when the government ceases funding the welfare nigger zogbot military and bailing out billion dollar industries mismanaging trillions in assets. until then, anyone right of lenin can suck my dick

>> No.14820738
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holy shit, when did butterfly get so based?

>> No.14820751

Lenin is too right wing, which is why the soviet union was fucked from the start

>> No.14820799

Jesus punishes murderers in hell for all eternity.
>Rev. 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
>11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

>> No.14820803
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UHHHHHHH, I think I wanna lift my cheeks up and...


>> No.14820827
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>> No.14820855

Plenty of other places about hell you can read about. If a murderer does not repent and turn to Christ, then they are not one of his children, and hell is where they are going to go.

>> No.14820869
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>> No.14820878

Only if they die without having accepted Jesus Christ. Our Lord can absolutely forgive murderers, and encourage us to do so (in accordance to the public law, of course: I'm not saying that we should have freed Ted Bundy). What that woman did, by hugging that immigrant murderer, was a surprisingly nuanced and genuine Christian act. To mock her conduct is to mock Christianity itself

>> No.14820900

>What that woman did, by hugging that immigrant murderer, was a surprisingly nuanced and genuine Christian act.
It depends why she did it, whether it was politically motivated, etc.

>> No.14820911

It’s still establishing a narrative moron, just one that is twice removed from reality rather than one. You are acting like there is only one big bad narrative, when more often than not flavors of different narratives have some hint of truth. This is pure antithesis and flanderization.

>> No.14820913

That's sad and all, but do you really want to turn a literature board into /pol/-lite?

>> No.14820917

none of these people read theory

>> No.14820934

People say USA is cucked to immigrants, but I actually don't see so outside of blacks and Hispanics, who both receive a lot of benefits very easily. In Europe, it's possible Middle Easterners are treated like blacks or Hispanics?

>> No.14820935

True, but many people here are treating forgiveness as a political motivation in itself (a "cucked" one, apparently). It is very likely that those anon have not been properly exposed to actual Christianity. Hell, some of them are even racist!

>> No.14820942

A good way to balance it is for the media to show both good and bad immigrants. However, the media is skewed towards whoever serves the interests of Jews.

>> No.14820957

There's a point at which "assuming the best" about people's motivations becomes purposeful naivety (which we are commanded against (Mt. 10:16)), and I think the current political climate necessitates such a distinction. If you have a group of people pushing lawlessness and evildoing as national policies and someone makes a show of Christian virtue which just so happens to function as a political act that would support such things, what is one to think? It's hard not to assume you are not merely playing a role here as well.

>> No.14820972

Some people are beyond forgiveness. Zoroastrianism is superior to both Christianity and Islam. What is needed is purification. There is no such thing as redemption in this world. Only a process of purification.
Some people are beyond being purified and best off executed. Murderers, pedophiles, furries, and etc. should just be executed immediately. The problem is your society is sick to the core, and what can help it is theocratic monarchism with someone, such as I, as the king.

>> No.14820973

That act is supposed to promote murder? And what are the specific lawlesses and evildoings you're referring to?

>> No.14820978

De facto dissolution of the border. It's a tactic of Satan to sow confusion by conflating Christian benevolence with tolerance of evil.

>> No.14820982

There is something repulsive about an ideology that would encourage the parents to embrace the man who slaughtered their daughter.

>> No.14820994

Even your average redditard hates them

>> No.14820995

I think there is a distinct difference between legitimate forgiveness and a political statement. If they forgive the guy because he was Mexican and to actively not provide ammunition to a perceived opposition (ammunition that would be arbitrary) I think it’s gross and slimy and only enforced your views as polemic rather than genuine. Not thinking of the murderer as a person, but as a demography. If it’s genuine forgiveness on a personal level I think it’s moral.

>> No.14821009
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You do realize that most immigrants want their own murderers and rapists dead too, right? Well, most of them except one in particular...

>> No.14821071

Agree to disagree, to say that some people are beyond salvation is to deny God's omnipotence.
Why is cosmopolitanism linked to the concept of evil? Do you think that immigrants are a force of evil? Furthermore acceptance of immigrants does not directly imply any no-border ideology: one could still be fine with the current rates of immigration in their country without having to desire the dissolution of national borders.
So you think that the act of that immigrant murderer should not be conflated with the conduct of his people? Because lots of people here are claiming exactly this point.

>> No.14821077

Reading theory is the best way to justify being an incel, but you wouldn't know. Anyways that's probably a joke post. Learn irony

>> No.14821085

>to deny God's omnipotence.
Indeed, I do deny God's omnipotent. You cannot have both an omnipotent and all-good God. I believe in an all-good, very strong God, but he is not omnipotent. Can you find the presence of God is a serial killer's chamber littered with the heads of little girls? Nope, only Ahriman's presence is there. This world was created through a cosmic accident when Ahriman attacked Ahura Mazda.
This world is a continuous battleground of Spenta and Angra Mainyus. To banish the darkness is an act of good. There should no be no mercy to the serial killer in my example. It is a false compassion, and to execute him and banishing him to the House of Lies is superior.

>> No.14821099

Posting in an epic cuck bait troll thread

>> No.14821113

Indeed, I do deny God's omnipotent. You cannot have both an omnipotent and all-good God. I believe in an all-good, very strong God, but he is not omnipotent. Can you find the presence of God is a serial killer's chamber littered with the heads of little girls?
Yes, what is evil in that room was a product of a free soul, and God would have not been all-good and omnipotent, had he not granted us free will. God is not responsible for those terrible actions, we are. Furthermore, all the suffering in the world is nothing compared to the eternal bliss He'll concede to those who accept Jesus Christ in their heart (this is tied with my previous post, since said eternal bliss is available to everyone, for no one is beyond salvation).

>> No.14821139

>It’s still establishing a narrative moron
Where did I say it wasn't?

>You are acting like there is only one big bad narrative
No I'm not, I'm addressing the fact that the narratives in the media circus compete with each other when it comes to shit like this, and its never about what is "true", but who can sensationalise the most. The "hugging a murder" narrative is simply more sensational than the "immigrants are murderers" narrative, so its going to draw away attention from the latter. This is the kind of cultural warfare we have to deal with these days, ethics doesn't even come into it

My biggest issue with it is not that they are trying to promote pro-immigrant views, but that they are using the immigrant in the most disgusting, sentimental, tokenist way. It's part of a bigger discourse about "opening our hearts" to the Other, when the truth is they don't need our sympathy, they need concrete help. Our love for them has no bearing on their fundamental human rights, and talking about the issue in this way turns complex geopolitical issues into a humanitarian crisis. They are shitty people, just like us, but that doesn't mean they are less deserving of our help.

>> No.14821141
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A truly all-good God would not create the conditions of evil in the world. All he would intend is for the peace of every sentient being. Thus, the world would be crafted for pure order and tranquility if his intentions were truly all Good. However, we see much disorder, greed, and malice in this world, which an all good God would not create the conditions for. Instead, that was due to the Prince of Darkness / Ahriman's attack, largely due to avarice, which God was not responsible for the creation of.
The whole idea of Original Sin was made by St. Augustine due to resentment towards not becoming an Elect in Manichaeism. The Manichee conception of Jesus makes more sense.

>> No.14821144

what's wrong with not wanting your own death to get politicized?

>> No.14821157

>A truly all-good God would not create the conditions of evil in the world.
This would imply a limitation in our free will, making it, by all accounts, not free.
The possibility of evil, through the creation of free souls, is a condition of possibility for benevolence. Manicheans seem to miss this dialectics

>> No.14821165

Because there is nothing more ideological than the realm of the 'non-ideological/non-political.'

>> No.14821167

I feel like you could find something better than this, please try a bit harder and come back.

>> No.14821180

>but if the focus is on them and not the potential narrative that all immigrants are murderers, then they have succeeded.
The focus will be on both. One necessitates an examination of the other.

>> No.14821182

What's wrong with now wanting my death to be politicized in a certain specific way?

>> No.14821184

>This would imply a limitation in our free will, making it, by all accounts, not free.
How so?
You have free will to pick between the Father or the Prince of Darkness, Ahura Mazda or Ahriman, and Spenta or Angra Mainyu.
>The possibility of evil, through the creation of free souls, is a condition of possibility for benevolence.
An all-god would desire nothing more than a world of pure benevolence, like a shining orb of light.
>Manicheans seem to miss this dialectics
Monotheists seem to ignore the full implications of their beliefs. Schopenhauer did a good job analyzing it in one of his essays "On the Suffering of the World". He admitted that Ditheism makes more sense than Monotheism.

>> No.14821195

>How so?
He would have to predetermine my soul in a way that would make it impossible for me to be evil. To be free I must have the potency of being evil.
>An all-god would desire nothing more than a world of pure benevolence, like a shining orb of light.
This would be an universe devoid of goodness, therefore worse than ours.
>Schopenhauer did a good job analyzing it in one of his essays "On the Suffering of the World". He admitted that Ditheism makes more sense than Monotheism.
I'm not familiar with Schopenhauer. What's his argument in that essay?

>> No.14821211

What literature should I read to redpill myself on Zoroastrianism?
Been interested in a while but not sure where to start

>> No.14821216

I love seeing people say shit like this because of the hubris it takes to assume that a mortal like us would be able to conclusively determine if God, the creator of all things, is “good” or not.

>> No.14821219
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Jesus went into the temple with a god damn whip and cleaned it out thoroughly

>> No.14821228
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>He would have to predetermine my soul in a way that would make it impossible for me to be evil.
There is a divine fragment in most sentient beings, which they can liberate back to the Father via good conduct.
>To be free I must have the potency of being evil.
People may have free-will, but the point is to pick the good over the bad. This doesn't have bearing over my overall point though.
>This would be an universe devoid of goodness, therefore worse than ours.
No. It's possible for good to exist independent of evil and vice versa. They have a degree of independence given how they are conflicting/antagonistic to one another.
>I'm not familiar with Schopenhauer. What's his argument in that essay?
I highly recommend reading it. I like R. J. Hollingdale's English translation. Here is the passage I was thinking of.

>> No.14821234

The Gathas go back to Zarathustra.
However, I also like the Bundashihn, which was written by later mobed.
This is a decent beginning.

This book is good for Manichaeism. Several chapters are devoted to Manichaeism:

>> No.14821238


Yes, dutch europoor here. Not by the people though, but by our traitor courts and pedophile blackmailed judeo-satanist policians.
News just came out we are gonna pay 70 - 100 million euros (THIS YEAR) to asylum seekers because we cant process them fast enough. Taxpayer funded refugee lawyers help the asylumseekers take their claims of up to 45k euros from the exhausted dutch populace.

>> No.14821239

How is that christian? Christian forgiveness is when you forgive the sinner in your heart but still make him face consequences of his sins. Inquizition was an embodiment of christian forgiveness.

>> No.14821245


Zoroastrianism bows down to Christ (3 kings), but is indeed entirely compatible for co-existence or fusion.

>> No.14821249

Zoroastrianism is more compatible with Gnosticism but less so with monotheistic variants. Mutual respect is still possible though.

>> No.14821253

>Zoroastrianism bows down to Christ (3 kings)
Christian headcanon

>> No.14821260


Even muslims bow to christ (end times isa (christ) leading the armies of the righteous against the dajjal)

>> No.14821264

Your death doesn't belong to you, not in the sense this thread is about, anyway.

>> No.14821279

>People may have free-will, but the point is to pick the good over the bad.
I can't "pick" if I can't possibly be evil.
>This doesn't have bearing over my overall point though.
It does, it pertain the example you've used. An omnibenevolent God is possible even in your serial killer scenario.
>No. It's possible for good to exist independent of evil and vice versa. They have a degree of independence given how they are conflicting/antagonistic to one another.
It would be devoid of good because it would be devoid of souls. The universe youve described is a mere inanimate object.
>I highly recommend reading it. I like R. J. Hollingdale's English translation. Here is the passage I was thinking of
Were is it?

>> No.14821289

Which is what happened. The murderer wasn't pardoned only because those people forgave him
This makes no sense

>> No.14821302

Islam is in the same Canon. Zoroastrianism has no ties to abrahamic religions

>> No.14821316

Thanks a bunch!

>> No.14821323


No islam is a reversion towards judaism (cube worship, foreskin cutting) with an infusion of pagan war godess (crescent + star of venus/inanna/ishtar).
Jews and muslims were best friends until basicly 1900

>> No.14821327

Oh you're one of those people. Ok yeah you win bro have a good day.

>> No.14821372


Lol the same nigga who beat the shit out of a bunch of jews for usury??

>> No.14821394

At no point it is stated that they are beyond salvation. Forgiveness does not imply absolute leniency, mantaining the order of law is still a duty of ours. That murderer went to jail regardless of those parents' forgiveness

>> No.14821420
File: 117 KB, 768x768, TrapChapHouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists are barely human lmao, they're closer to slugs

>> No.14821461

>I can't "pick" if I can't possibly be evil.
Yes, you can be evil...
> An omnibenevolent God is possible even in your serial killer scenario.
I disagree. It is impossible for God to be both omnipotent and all-benevolent, since an all-benevolent God would eliminate evil immediately.
>It would be devoid of good because it would be devoid of souls.
There are souls. They are trapped in matter from the primordial conflict. The image I gave in the very beginning showed that.
>Were is it?

>> No.14821467


Yeah no shit im talking about the idea that jesus would literally embrace a murderer in that uniquely modern perversion of biblical 'love'. People use this soft headed idea of jesus to excuse all manner of sin

>> No.14821496

>It is impossible for God to be both omnipotent and all-benevolent, since an all-benevolent God would eliminate evil immediately.
Again, to do so he would have to eliminate freedom too: His creation would have to be entirely inanimate (and such a world would be devoid of goodness yadda yadda yaddda)
>There are souls. They are trapped in matter from the primordial conflict. The image I gave in the very beginning showed that.
I was talking about this claim of yours:
>>An all-god would desire nothing more than a world of pure benevolence, like a shining orb of light.
This would be a world devoid of souls, and, therefore, goodness.

Regarding Schoppy's quote, I can't parse its context. I'll read the whole essay later.

>> No.14821506

Jesus would absolutely forgive and embrace a murder: in fact this can be said for every single soul.