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/lit/ - Literature

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1481972 No.1481972 [Reply] [Original]

ITT book's you're currently in the middle of:

Confederacy Of Dunces

Sirens Of Titans

Atlas Shrugged

How To Tell A Story (Mark Twain essays)

Swanns Way (First volume in In Search Of Lost Time)

>> No.1481980
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Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go
Rainer Maria Rilke - Duino Elegies and The Sonnets To Orpheus

>> No.1482001

The Dubya memoir because my mom is Fox News loving tard but I'd feel hypocritical if I didn't give it a fair shot. Honestly it's not bad.

Also Johnny Weir's (the flamboyant ixe skater) memoir "Welcome to my World." He had no co-author and very little editing was done. It shows. It begins like a book written by Paris Hilton. Flaky and all flash for teenage girls and fags but then it feels like Johnny got comfortable and confident with writing and it starts to get some depth. I'm enjoying it as well.

>> No.1482002

Halo:Cryptum by Greg Bear

@OP: A Confederacy of Dunces and The Sirens of Titan are my top 2 favorite books. Hope you like them!

>> No.1482006


>> No.1482009

Sirens is taking a while to pick up but I see potential in it.

My father gave me is copy of Confederacy and I love it

>> No.1482012

Metro 2033
The Man in the High Castle
Crime and Punishment

>> No.1482014

Lord of the Rings - Tolkien

Just got to Helm's Deep. Super excited!

>> No.1482015


>> No.1482023


>> No.1482027

Fahrenheit 451
Stephen Kings Misery

>> No.1482034

Whenever /lit/ tripfags go there they got bullied. You mu people are mean.

>> No.1482039

OP here, forgot to mention 451

My brother-in-law read Dune, anyone else like it?

>> No.1482041

Oh, watch out man, they get ambushed and shit.

>> No.1482042

That's regrettable, however I'm quite nice and inviting so I choose to stay.

>> No.1482070

I'm reading Tony Blairs - A Journey (Don't stop believing) and Sylvia Plaths -The Bell Jar

Both are good so far.

>> No.1482089

Currently reading The Plague by Albert Camus.