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14818243 No.14818243 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books with good prose?

>> No.14818253

Waterland by Graham Swift, The Sound And The Fury by William Faulkner, Beloved by Toni Morrison, and The Waves by Virginia Woolf

>> No.14818266

not this one

>> No.14818318

>Wardine be cry

>> No.14818739

Beloved is absolute horseshit prose.

>> No.14818768

I can't read the ebonics bits without imagining DFW himself reading it to a crowd of black people.

>> No.14819190


>> No.14819192

can mods please just delete any posts that include the word "prose?"

>> No.14819207

>Virginia Woolf
lmao good one

>> No.14819233


>> No.14819260


> pic unrelated

>> No.14819298
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Stoner and Lolita are the two books that come to mind when going just purely by the sheer joy of reading the prose.

>> No.14819356

Rabbit Run or The Centaur by John Updike

>> No.14819604

Don DeLillo's Underworld has gotta have some of my favorite content if we're going purely by really nice prose. He's the master of word economy. You can pick out any isolated sentence from that book and go "what a good sentence"

>> No.14819613

right, but the book as a whole kind of sucks. here with yesterday's news that "late capitalism" is a drag, mr. don delillo.

>> No.14819622

Just read mccarthy bro

>> No.14819664

Eh I think the last 2 parts could have been trimmed down considerably but overall I really enjoyed a lot of the plot threads

>> No.14819771


>> No.14819807
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>the prose

>> No.14819940

Even though I may hate him on a personal level, as far as narration technique (although he needed a better editor to cut about 25 pages, esp: re: the rejection letter he [she]gets), "Atonement" is the best book of the past....30-40 years.

>> No.14819949

re: "atonement," think about how many questions it raises....just as you are about to get angry at her for being a selfish, lying cunt, she makes the very valid point that without her, their story would not even exist on paper.
The movie was...it could have been better but the one
"Dunkirk" scene was worth the candle.

>> No.14819967

Nabakov was a repulsive human being on a whole number of levels. Solzhenisytsye n rightly hated his guts. I hate that Juden Peterson has made Solzhenitsyn so popular that the Jews have managed to bury his entire underground body of anti-Jewish work.

>> No.14820960

>Nabakov was a repulsive human being on a whole number of levels. Solzhenisytsye n rightly hated his guts.
y tho