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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 139 KB, 1200x1752, 1200px-Maude_Gonne_McBride_nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14813176 No.14813176 [Reply] [Original]

What a God-tier woman

>> No.14813183

> man-face

>> No.14813197

She may not looklike you're type (e.g., Kim Kardashian) and may not know how to shake it to African tribal music, but I'd venture a guess Yeats did indeed have amazing taste, whether it's obvious or not.
I have a good story about Yeats. An old professor of mine, since retired and probably dead, was in a lecture by Yeats at a NESCAC school. at the end of the lecture, they opened it up for questions. The school had just turned co-ed, and this girl raised her hand and with a smile asked Yeats: "Do people in Irelad really believe in silly things like elves and little people?"
Yeats turned to her with a severe face and a booming voice: "Young lady, there ARE little people." and he was completely serious.

>> No.14813202

Looks like T.S. Eliot in drag

>> No.14813205

That's just the Anglo phenotype

>> No.14813210

dumb fuc, she's immortaized i "Easter, 1916" as "one who was most dear to (his) heart." You might as well come on here and say: "you know, I think Dante was wrong, Beatrice was really not that beautiful."

>> No.14813211

Bogtrotter battle-axe phenotype.

>> No.14813218

God there is so much trash here. you can't criticize a woman immortalized by WB Yeats. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T, YOU FUCKING SAVAGE.

>> No.14813227

Cope if you wouldn't satiate her feisty revolutionary spirit with your feisty revolutionary erection

>> No.14813250

Too bad his taste in thots didn't help him to write poetry that didn't suck. I guess coomers are just creatively devoid.

>> No.14813253

>didn't help him to write poetry that didn't suck.
LOL, NOT SURE WHETHER YOU'RE JOKING OR JUST A FUCKING RETARD.One of Yeats' poems is worth a pile of shit the jews are churning out today...

>> No.14813254


>> No.14813257

This is the anglo phenotype? Good riddance, god bless britbongistan

>> No.14813258

Literally a tranny.

>> No.14813260

Holy cope

>> No.14813264
File: 43 KB, 300x350, thumb_sleekntears-ernest-khalimov-gigachad-know-your-meme-50110422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? I prefer Saffron. Makes the cake more yellow

>> No.14813268

>square jaw
>thick pronounced nose
>thin lips
>wide shoulders
That's a man, baby!

>> No.14813271

I BET YOU DO. Question-- when you're getting it up the ass, do you brefer vasoline or noxemia?

>> No.14813273

Last time she was posted one anon correctly pointed out that she's sexy because despite all that she's still weaker than you.
She may look imposing but kiss her on the cheek and she'll obey her lordosis reflex.

>> No.14813274

> imma tranny fucker
We know, fag.

>> No.14813276


>> No.14813277

Um, anon, you know little people do actually exist right?

>> No.14813279

>That's a man, baby!
Ah...nothing like a bunch of obese spics at 4am on Sat. Criticizing a woman immortailized in one of the most important poems of the 20th century. Clearly, you need to go jerk it to that fat retarded brother fucker billie elfish with those cool yellow tracksuits.

>> No.14813284

So? The fact that he was in love with a linebacker in no way cheapens his work.

>> No.14813285

Iwild guess-- you know nothing about Yeats and his belief in Celtic mythology, and that he isn't referring to fucking midgets like warwick davis, correct?

>> No.14813286

>*ngl* g*nes
Absolutely abominable.

>> No.14813288

But it's 11am where I'm at. So yes, your historical love interest is a man.

>> No.14813289

Whatever, faggot. ‘She’ still looks like a fucking bloke.

>> No.14813294

>that he was in love with a linebacker
Back in these times--before the jews had women worshipping wiggers and niggers-- yeats would have esssentially had his pick of Irish society (ok, save for maybe the true hardcore catholics). you can rest assured he didn't randomly pick out some pig and that it's just a terrible picture and a terrible outfit.

>> No.14813303

I'm sure the editors of the norton anthology wi be in touch with you today to add your very learned comments about the woman immortialized through the man in "Easter, 1916" as someone who "had done wrong to one most near my heart."

>> No.14813304


>> No.14813305
File: 78 KB, 240x350, k89cu3jvy6j3smuf0ozjkwi98hfqg5t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunaithe agus deargpilleáilte

>> No.14813307

> this amount of crying and weeping over some dead tranny
Wanna hug, you fucking gaylord?

>> No.14813313

Looks like one of those fat guys who do YouTube “MUA” videos trying to get Jeffree Star’s attention. LMAO.

>> No.14813318
File: 22 KB, 500x352, 20101126__28beyug_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14813320

Is this like an obscure argument of authority? Gaylord fits you right

>> No.14813326

Yeah, I’m sure it’s ‘her’ “outfit” that’s giving ‘her’ that squared off fucking jaw and thin, manly mouth, fag. That’s definitely it.

>> No.14813330

> buttblasted
You giggy, nigger.

>> No.14813333
File: 53 KB, 595x419, 3l71xk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14813334

lmao, I'm being called a "gaylord" by a 12 year old fat spic for defending a woman immortalized in one of the most famous poems of the past century. Not sure whether to laugh or cry, but i'm more inclined to laugh at this point.

>> No.14813342

You're pushing this
>immortalized in le ebin heckin good poem therefore she hot
Angle. Is this your coming out anon?

>> No.14813349

That’s all wrong, and ‘she’ DOES look like a fucking man even by the most objective of measures, but ok, whatever gaylord. You just carry on screeching into the void of Lol Nobody Gives A Fuck, Tranny Lover.

>> No.14813351

Nigga back then women were more hardcore. They went outside, ate natural foods, used less makeup and didn't stare at screens. Nowadays there's so much estrogen in the water that even the women look like faggots

>> No.14813354

>You're pushing this
>>immortalized in le ebin heckin good poem therefore she hot
>Angle. Is this your coming out anon?
Coming up in the next thread: the 12 year old spic with the 8th grade education tells everyone why Beatrice was really not that pretty and why Dante was actually not talented, since he couldn't really spot a woman who could shake it to African tribal music...
Like a fucking alternate universe, where I'm supposedly in a /lil/ thread and having to defend yeats....

>> No.14813366

right, I give up, you win. yeats was an untalented hack. Which is why not only are 12-15 og HIS poems in every Norton anthology, but even poems MARKING HIS DEATH are included in just about every anthology.
Hey man, who's your favorite rapper? Are you into "Crack daddy and the partycrew?" I esp like "gaylord." Like you just woek up from 1987 or are afraid that the Jews in the UK will lock you up for using the word FAG.
You got it though. Yeats was really a hack. I bet he couldn't even sing a "rap song" if he had wanted to...

>> No.14813372

I genuinely pity you. I'm 21 years old, live in Europe, and have slavic ancestry. You're just mad that good poetry doesn't make up for looking like a man in drag, and you offset that feeling (possibly your own dissastisfaction with your personal attraction levels) by projecting whatever insult is most divorced from your idealized self onto those who disagree. Don't kill yourself, we're all fucked in the head. Just not all of us are gay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.14813378

Dude. How does anon saying she's ugly translate into claiming Yeats was shit?

>> No.14813380

I'm a 22 y.o. Slav and I find her hot. You'll see the light in a year's time.

>> No.14813381
File: 45 KB, 564x791, 7037D42B-0741-4CBD-BCA9-F4843D482005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O rly.

>> No.14813383

Looks underage. Gtfo pedo

>> No.14813384

Where did you get “Yeats is shit” from anything said, you overly sensitive, fucking doink? That woman in OP does indeed look like a fucking man. If Yeats wrote his le ebin epic paeans to some guy, no problem. Who fucking cares. Get a grip.

>> No.14813386

Haha no. You find her hot because you know what slavic women look like when they age.

>> No.14813390

Concede accepted. Many thanks. Gaylord.

>> No.14813391

>I'm 21 years old, live in Europe, and have slavic ancestry
Do you see the oxymoron there? you won't say "Pole" or whatever it is. Which is why I think you're full of shit. As far as me "screaming ito a void:

"This other man I had dreamed
A drunken, vainglorious lout.
He had done most bitter wrong
To some who are near my heart,"


I write it out in a verse—
MacDonagh and MacBride
And Connolly and Pearse
Now and in time to be,
Wherever green is worn,
Are changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born."

22. To a Child dancing in the Wind


"DANCE there upon the shore;
What need have you to care
For wind or water’s roar?
And tumble out your hair
That the salt drops have wet; 5
Being young you have not known
The fool’s triumph, nor yet
Love lost as soon as won,
Nor the best labourer dead
And all the sheaves to bind. 10
What need have you to dread
The monstrous crying of wind?


Has no one said those daring
Kind eyes should be more learn’d?
Or warned you how despairing 15
The moths are when they are burned,
I could have warned you, but you are young,
So we speak a different tongue.

O you will take whatever’s offered
And dream that all the world’s a friend, 20
Suffer as your mother suffered,
Be as broken in the end.
But I am old and you are young,
And I speak a barbarous tongue."

>> No.14813392

They turn into babushka. How is this relevant?

>> No.14813398

Perfection. The face.

>> No.14813402

Not him but way to proving how butt ravaged you are with this whole word salad mess, you fucking tranny-loving cuck.

>> No.14813403
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, Maud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as I said, that's just a shit picture of her...

>> No.14813405

Her face is symmetrical but looks somewhat boring and dead inside.

>> No.14813409

Stop talking shit. Her face is utter perfection.

>> No.14813411

>or whatever it is
*eye roll*
Austrian. I feel like not reading the rest of your post just to spite you

>> No.14813415
File: 8 KB, 280x180, wby2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fucking tranny-loving cuck.
you miserable spic, your fucking brained is so bogged with trannies that you are willing to post in a /lit/thread and calla woman immortalized by
yeats for her beauty a tranny/. think about that, and ask yourself who's brain is really fucked......

>> No.14813417

It explains why someone growing up among slavs would find OP's 'woman' hot.

>> No.14813419

IDK, has an uncanny valley doll robot feel. I like her hair tho

>> No.14813420

>I feel like not reading the rest of your post just to spite you
do you really think it's sweat off my balls? you can take a retard to a museum but you can't force it to look now, can you?

>> No.14813425

There's that word again. How do you not understand that
>beautiful words to describe a car accident
>the car accident being beautiful

>> No.14813427

Nope. STILL looks like a fucking man, you deranged, buttblasted, tranny cucked, over the top, fucking cockgargling absolutely snivelling, whining, flailing, gigantic fucking moron. Give up. You’re absolutely rekt.

>> No.14813431
File: 162 KB, 952x1466, Maud-Gonne-1901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can anyone possibly, in any seriousness, not think this women is beautiful?

>> No.14813432

Lol okay. She still looks manly. Just get over it

>> No.14813437

> dat Buzz Lightyear jaw
Ok, gaylord.

>> No.14813438

Is not
Is not
Is not
Cute? Sure. Imposing maybe? Sure. Maybe she has brilliant charisma that lights up any room she stands in, sure. She still isn't overwhelming by a long shot.

>> No.14813440

>STILL looks like a fucking man, you deranged, buttblasted, tranny cucked, over the top, fucking cockgargling
A faggot rapefugee is cursing ME for acknowledging that Maude Gunn Macbride was beautiful. You know, you can start to see Hitler's point about putting you in camps alongside the Jews after enough arguing with you...

>> No.14813441

she's a beaut alright. but that's one manly chin she got there.

>> No.14813444

Some people just have shit taste and only like baby faces.

Maud is top-tier. I'd let her dom me.

>> No.14813447
File: 192 KB, 864x1390, maud-gonne-1865-1953-mrs-john-macbride-ardent-irish-nationalist-and-D95X9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, gaylord.
1978 called, fucko. they want their word back.

>> No.14813460

>Some people just have shit taste and only like baby faces.
>Maud is top-tier. I'd let her dom me.
Well, not only that, but you have to keep in mind that yeats was among the top 3 most famous Irishmen of his time(yes, I know he was Protestany but as a supporter of Irish independence, he'd have had his choice of essentially any Irish female intellectual he wanted. No, she may not come across as a modern day "model" who flew with Jeffry Epstein, but if you don't think yeats had a huge choice before his affections fell upon her, you're insane.

>> No.14813461

> wahhhh nobody likes my tranny wahhh
Whatever, gaylord.

>> No.14813463

>writing the most beautiful poetry in the world gets you a frigid 6/10
Truly a dead medium

>> No.14813466


>> No.14813468

She really is beautiful tho, people are just being edgy

>> No.14813473

> any Irish female intellectual
Careful choice of words there, faggot. In other words: “he had his choice of any annoying fucking ugly dyke”.

>> No.14813484

Stop samefagging, idiot. Remember where you are.

>> No.14813487

neutral opinion here, her face does look really masculine, im sorry but its true :3

>> No.14813493

You'll get the boot from the Tomboy Ethnostate

>> No.14813500

tomboy's dont necessarily have a masculine face, its just that their behaviours, dress, and hair are somewhat masculine, and they might have small breasts, but ultimately there will still be an underlying feminine core that roots it all down. I can't really see that in Maud :3

>> No.14813501

> inb4 OP rage
Get ready.

>> No.14813520

OP here, I'm not actually the "immortalized" guy
cringe but fair enough

>> No.14813526

Nobody cares who you are, OP. Take your trap thread and fuck the fuck off.

>> No.14813527
File: 413 KB, 1438x1340, 1573708559804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14813536
File: 729 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200301-065727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this absolute unit of a femoid

>> No.14813540

>Stop samefagging, idiot. Remember where you are.
samefagging. Your mothers dead rotten corpse. remember where YOU are, retard. This hasty be the single most bizarre thread I've ever been in on /lit/, and that's saying something. Defending a woman immortalized by Yeats as beautiful, I have one accusing me of same sagging, one who just keeps saying "gaylord" over and over (which I haven't heard since the early 90s

0 and one who can't seem to get that the most famous Irishpoet of his time (who was also considered attractive by females black then) would have had an eyes for the best looking, most ebullient, and most beautiful women. It comes across very clearly in her photos if you aren't looking for a piece ofArmenian trash like a Kardashian and are looking for true European\n, Celtic beauty...

>> No.14813543

Feeble. What else you got?

>> No.14813548

no u

>> No.14813551

What a fucking mess of a response. Take a deep breath before replying in future, fag, and maybe you won’t come across a quivering, quaking fucking woman. Embarrassing.

>> No.14813556

o u

>> No.14813558

There are way way way more beautiful celtic women.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.14813561


>> No.14813569

What in the fuck is she wearing

>> No.14813579

good stuff

>> No.14813584
File: 26 KB, 404x440, 0B186851-293C-4387-B2CF-760184B3113D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking heathens! You plebs! Look at this magnificent woman that I, Yates, wrote muh ebic pooem for!

Golden was the colour of her tresses
Borne aloft by fiery tempestuous
Simmerings of my loins
As I reeled to turn four square on her quarter
Yay though I pluck heaven’s memories of her laughter
Come take this mild man’s heart
Of here and thereafter
Forever enraptured, befooled, and enraptured
Verily I am ruptured and martyred by this vision of jaw, of bull neck, and thick ankle
As she turned to me loe the angels did marvel
It’s MA’AM MOTHERFUCKER and don’t you ever forget it

>> No.14813595
File: 440 KB, 2025x2937, 8e49387e9ebef7e431c7eb6496714cc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get ready.
Gu-Macbride has bee immortalized as a beauty for over a century ad was the subject of probably the greatest feud over a Womacks i the cetic word for over a century.
Long after you are food for worms, studies of it wi be looking back to study her , both for her roe Irish independece ad for her relationship to Yeats, her ebullience, her charisma, her role as a point of contention between Yeats and Macbride, etc....
ll stick my neck out here say that in a century, no one will remember what some random dickhead said regarding possible masculine qualities to her face.
She and the story go her love triangle with Yeeats is immortalized in THE most famous Irish indolence poem every written. That's the end of the story, and nothing can ever change that.

>> No.14813607

She still looks like a fucking man, faggot. No matter how much you try browbeat everyone with irrelevancies based on appeals to authority, you can’t control their eyes.

Now fuck off and go snivel to /fag/ if you don’t like it.

>> No.14813611

>You fucking heathens! You plebs! Look at this magnificent woman that I, Yates, wrote muh ebic pooem for!
i vey, edgy one hymie. Oi vey, look at this Herschel! Anyone who also think that the ue of WE Yeats was cute must also be a fucking faggot! I mean, for fuck sake, look at some of the pictures above! She's actually european! She's not aa fat-assed. repulsive armenian! oi vey!

>> No.14813618

Reads like a spazz.

>possible masculine qualities
Saddest cope ever

>> No.14813637
File: 226 KB, 440x605, 440px-Maud_Gonne,_as_photographed_by_J.E._Purdy_circa_1890_to_1910,_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter how much you try browbeat everyone with irrelevancies based on appeals to authority,
Dude, you cage dig up your dead mother, take her out of the casket, put her on your sofa your sofa with a nice plate of tea and crackers there.
I'm defending the muse of the greatest poet of the 20th century, not some fat disgusting slag. If you cannot see that, I'm happy to say that it is YOU who belongs fish for man most, not me.....

>> No.14813643

You’re becoming increasingly incoherent.

>> No.14813644

What age did you grow out of dating "strong women" anons? Yeats never did, nor did John Lennon

>> No.14813652

When will you quit being a pedo?

>> No.14813653

As muses go, I prefer the taste of Novalis

>> No.14813660

t. seething roastie
take it up with mother nature, bitch

>> No.14813661

>Saddest cope ever
Pricisey. Good point. And Dante's Beatrice was really a fat, disgusting slag too and not the most beautiful girl every to walk across the streets of Florence. i cannot believe I fucking wasted this much time in /lit/ and allowed myself to be baited by either retarded
jews or fucking trolls..

>> No.14813670

Like I said, pedos everywhere. Kys

>> No.14813673

>You’re becoming increasingly incoherent.
Good. Because i' starting to get well sick of defending the muse of the greatest poet of the past century....

>> No.14813696

> “strong women”
> a tranny and some ugly little gook
Ok lol

>> No.14813703

>I'm a sucker for authority, especially aesthetically pleasing authority
Coulda just said that instead of going on and on and on how IMMMORTALIZED THIS GORGEOUSLY BEAUTIFUL CHARISMATIC RADIANT (man jaw having) CELTIC QUEEN was.

>> No.14813714
File: 8 KB, 231x218, 1557735423043s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14813719

You seem very fixated upon her jaw, obsessed even... One might say, attracted to her...

>> No.14813736

Not a shabby attempt to turn this around but I didn't comment on the anon posting that underage(?) girl.

Hey man, atleast I don't feel the need to defend the fact that my closet homosexuality is based on mildly interesting poetry. Personally I prefer Baudelaire, and that dude was an actual fag, so yeah :)

>> No.14813761

agreed, what a goddess

>> No.14813769
File: 8 KB, 225x225, mgggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't it amazing, anon? This retard has spent the better prt of the night attempting to argue that the muse who inspired the greatest poet of the 20th century was, in actually, not attractive at alll but REALLY had a man face. To what end? What does such a person get out of such an arrangement? What sense does it make?

>> No.14813774

But it's day, 14pm where I'm at dipshit

>> No.14813864

>tfw I once dated an Irish girl whose face wasn't far off from Maude's
She was great.
I didn't. Strong women are the best. And by that I mean "strong women" and not "strong wimyn".

>> No.14814071
File: 327 KB, 1021x1600, Edward-Grey-3rd-Baronet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was she ever in the same room at the same time as pic related?

>> No.14815309

>"Young lady, there ARE little people." and he was completely serious.
Little -- as in lacking character, fortitude, like the pusillanimous student (or agitators itt)

>> No.14815401

Strong Women are the real patrician choice

>> No.14815420

>124 replies
>17 posters
lol wtf

>> No.14815745

Looks like a dude.

>> No.14816104

unfuckable believeable that this is still going. The Best rummer of my life was a an RA ay
Harvard summer school, researching my thesis a nd taking yet another course on Yeats. You know, before Harvard turned into a COMPLETELY fucking Jewish sewer.
SOOO....here I am, in the year 2020, defending the muse of perhaps the greatest poet of the 20th century (after Eliot), in the face of some edlord who wouldn't know good poetry if it him in his mulattoo, mongrel head.

it's things like this that make me think the endtimes are near---- at least I fucking hope so....

>> No.14816109


>> No.14816607

Looks like a man ngl.
This one is even worse with her(?) linebacker shoulders.

>> No.14816613

Absolutely based, fairies are 100% real.

>> No.14816629

Looks like she's going into battle and needs some strong potions.

>> No.14816632

>thin lips
That's a based trait. Nigger lips are disgusting.

>> No.14816650
File: 107 KB, 780x438, 14178414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thin lipped monkey

>> No.14816657

Disgusting whores.