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/lit/ - Literature

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14812648 No.14812648 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so racist?
You'd think this'd be a progressive, empathetic community considering it's about literature, philosophy and broadening one's horizons, but there's no knowledge on this board, only bigoted, uneducated hate.
I recommend you people read some Steven Pinker for starters.

>> No.14812652

Based, you are right anon I will say good morning to a black man the next time I see a black man in the morning.

Thank you, I was about to be racist.

>> No.14812725

lurk more

>> No.14812783

>I recommend you people read some Steven Pinker
I think your the one who needs to lurk more.

>> No.14812812

I recommend that you read Nietzsche.

>> No.14812814
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this is the legitimate worst board on 4chan. /pol/ has more value than /lit

sometimes I wonder if what you say is true and the cia niggers raided /lit/ years ago and filled it with hate and vitriol so that sensible minds wouldn't congregate here.

>> No.14812818

> 2kb
Ok, so first thing you need to understand, dumb newb pleb, is this is not an image board for fucking ants.

>> No.14812819

Dogs are mentally inferior, but I don’t hate them. I just don’t want them to be seen as being equal to me.

>> No.14812824
File: 6 KB, 187x187, lovecat_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb if you can't recognize this blessed animal in 2 KB

>> No.14812827

99.9% of greatest thinkers of history were some brand of racist/misogynist/fascist/imperialist/nationalist/proslavery/eugenicist. Those who weren't were usually by ((sheer coincidence)) jews. What does it tell us?

>> No.14812830

>considering it's about literature, philosophy and broadening one's horizons
But that's not what this board was ever about. This board was always about feeling superior by curating a list of in and out texts. That's what it was on day one.

>> No.14812832

You're right, welcome to /lit/. Now, get out.

>> No.14812854

Not everyone here is upper middle class, there's a reason people who actually live in diverse neighborhoods are way more racist on average.

Further diversity causes societal distrust, a high trust society, where you can leave your door unlocked, and diversity are mutually exclusive.

What are the benefits you speak of?
What if diversity only leads to reduced quality of life for the diverse nations and brain drain on the nations people leave? Is it the really empathic to let them come?

>> No.14812865

imagine 4chan as an apartment building, and /lit/ has for it's neighbors /pol/ and /r9k/, whose rants often leak through the thin walls and into the apartment.

>> No.14813099

>What does it tell us?
Well? What DOES that tell us?

>> No.14813155

This actually made me laugh for some reason.

>> No.14813220

the sad thing isn't the racism, how anyone with any life experience can believe that 'all people are the same' is mindboggling, the problem is the bigoted and anti-intellectual form it takes on here, people literally terrified to read books by jews, dismissing the cultural output of entire civilizations, etc.

>> No.14813226
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I don't really have anything against black people. I call them niggers on lit without malice, just so that people don't dismiss my point for its lack of slurs.

>> No.14813236

Bad analogy

>> No.14813406


>> No.14813433

>if its not the jews making this board uninhabitable its glowniggers
Why can't you just take some damn responsibility for once?

>> No.14813532

Doesn't seem that bad actually, if we introduce drunk /pol/aks and robots who trudge in, puke around and drop in their own vomit while everyone else is too busy reading to move the shit. Though this makes the assumption people on here read...

>there's a reason people who actually live in diverse neighborhoods are way more racist on average.
Wut? You constantly see rural (mostly white) places voting for racists while the far more diverse urban areas going for less racist ones, in basically all countries. Hell, here in Germany where we have different states, the places that barely have any migrants tend to hate them most while people in more mixed states care about actual problems. Also look at last elections in France.

>> No.14813533

stop shitting up the board with your shit

>> No.14813589

>Wut? You constantly see rural (mostly white) places voting for racists while the far more diverse urban
That is not the case in Sweden and its not the case in Germany either if you take east or west Germany into account.
Rural diverse areas voters far more an to-immigrant. In fact in Skåne where many of our farmer are and they are very diverse SD have their strongest support while in less diverse areas farmers have traditionally voted very much left wing.

It's true urban areas often vote less anti-immigrant on average. But I was talking about racism in diverse areas. People tend to self segregate with their own people, whites tend to live with other whites in big cities. So just because the city is diverse it does not mens the average person is living in a very diverse area.

>> No.14813619

Boy you're off

>> No.14813745

> if you take east or west Germany into account
You got the less populated east with hatred for scary brown people (and almost none of them) and more populated diverse west who don't give too many fucks? The worse economical condition obviously plays a part too (although the top 3 with migrants aren't exactly economical powerhouses either) but the trend seems obvious: Not having any contact with migrants makes people only more racist.

>Top 3 migrant percentage (17-19%) with percentage of AFD votes.
Berlin (14,2%), Bremen (6.1%) and Hessen (13,1%).
>Lowest 3 migrant percentage (under 5%) with percentage of AFD votes.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (20,8% and 3% for an even more openly racist party who larp as NSDAP), Brandenburg (23,5%), Sachsen-Anhalt (24,2%)

>So just because the city is diverse it does not mens the average person is living in a very diverse area.
If you're living in a city and aren't too rich to pick the WHERE (aka. like most people), you're still bound to run in far more migrants, work with them and even live next to some. Yet people in most cities tend to vote for the much more progressive parties.

>In fact in Skåne where many of our farmer are and they are very diverse SD have their strongest support
Isn't it also a pretty diverse region in the sense of having the cities AND rural places? The SD share in Malmö municipality specifically is half of the social democrats and less than basic bitch conservatives. At 18% they are still closer to the fucked states in Germany also noticeably below the 23,4% for the overall region.

>People tend to self segregate with their own people
Which is often also about class too. Polish builders would obviously prefer to live next to Polish builders instead of some Swedish or Arab code monkey and vice versa.

>> No.14813765
File: 53 KB, 680x681, excellent bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14813782
File: 236 KB, 450x452, 1938toloto01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pasta? I'm fairly certain that I've read this exact post before but I have troubles with false memories.

>> No.14813794

>He thinks that hatred comes from ignorance and stupidity.
You have to go back.

>> No.14813824

I told you take compare west Germany with West Germany and east Germany to east Germany because of the inherent differences between he areas, you did the opposite.

>If you're living in a city and aren't too rich to pick the WHERE (aka. like most people), you're still bound to run in far more migrants, work with them and even live next to some.
White people start moving out of areas when only a few percent of the population there is immigrants. Immigrants tend to self segregate.
This is natural and is the opposite of what should happen according to diversity ideas.

You are most likely to have people your own ethnicity, or close to it as neighbour's. When this is no longer true and you can't move you are likely voting for less immigration.
The Yugoslavs here who are often living in poor areas are very much voting anti immigration.

>Yet people in most cities tend to vote for the much more progressive parties.
That's absolutely not necessarily true. In Sweden rural people tend do vote social democrats and left party whilst cities tend to vote moderates (right wing, not anti immigration but for privatization and such).

>Isn't it also a pretty diverse region in the sense of having the cities AND rural places? The SD share in Malmö municipality specifically is half of the social democrats and less than basic bitch conservatives. At 18% they are still closer to the fucked states in Germany also noticeably below the 23,4% for the overall region.
Malmö has very few Swedes left actually and it still is voting for SD above the national average, meaning Swedes are very motivated to vote anti immigration and even many immigrants vote for it too.

>> No.14813839

How blessed this man must've been

>> No.14813966

>because of the inherent differences between he areas
What difference would make the people SO much more racist though?

>This is natural and is the opposite of what should happen according to diversity ideas.
Not really. It's a work in progress thing. No pun. It took centuries for different white Burgers to care less about the countries their parents came from and consider each other Burgers first, centuries for "Germans" to unite as Germans, the Reunification with the East is still progressing with disdain from all sides; it's a generational process for the overall population.

>The Yugoslavs here who are often living in poor areas are very much voting anti immigration.
Due their own backwards culture. Plus there is always that fear of "muh migrants getting gibs and so we might get less" to say nothing about different religions. Most of migrant East Euro/Jew boomers I know vote for conservative parties too, some who still barely speak the language after decades even unironically considered more hardcore parties. These are the people who self segregate and basically never get in contact with other groups but still get a heart attack seeing a headscarf. Something that's in a big contrast to their kids. Are the yugos you know old fucks too?

>In Sweden rural people tend do vote social democrats and left party whilst cities tend to vote moderates
Seems to break trends with others around Yurope (see the big gap between cities/rural places in France) or Burgerland, and generally pretty curious. Though with Sweden being generally more progressive than most countries, it's tricky to compare. Guess with a relatively strong social net, the professionals in the cities focus on a bigger share of the pie while the rural folk lives in a more precarious situation.

>Malmö has very few Swedes left actually
>he city has a population of 341,457 inhabitants. The largest metro area has more than double this population, with over 700,000 residents
>Over 135,000 residents have a foreign background. Nearly 100,000 were born overseas. Fourteen percent of the population are foreign nationals.
Doesn't seem that drastical. If anything, it's rather low. Muh West German city has "40% of the city's population is of foreign background" and 20% don't even have a German citizenship. AFD barely reached 6,1% here.

>> No.14814117

fuck off nigger

>> No.14815398

It really isn't, though threads of this ilk are bound to draw the ones b8ed, asshole.