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14811618 No.14811618 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here teach English in Japan? How do I attain this weeb dream? Will have my English BA in a year what do after?

>> No.14811624

If this is your dream I suggest getting a BA in literally any other humanities. What you need to teach in a foreign country is two things: A degree and the ability to speak english. Chances are you aren't getting your degree in English EDUCATION rather than English literature so literally any other humanities that can make you show your mastery of the English language is fine.

>> No.14811630

It sucks, do a master's there instead on their dime, fuck work

>> No.14811640 [DELETED] 

Don't I need to learn Japanese as well? Also what's wrong with an English BA? Do I need a masters in education?

>> No.14811667

Fun fact: The age of consent in Japan is 13

>> No.14811677

>>14811624 #
Don't I need to learn Japanese as well? Also what's wrong with an English BA? Do I need a masters in education?

>> No.14811686

Nothings wrong with it, just telling you could possibly get more out of your education with possibly the same outcome. I don't think you would necessarily need a masters in education but definitely need to know Japanese. Study the language and do a masters/student trip there like this anon says, maybe you'll fine connections there.>>14811630

>> No.14811705

Do a masters in Japan? in what? And I feel like I got a lot from my English degree.

>> No.14811768

lolicon is looked down upon desu

>> No.14811789

Been teaching here for about a year and half through the JET Program, pretty much all you need is a bachelors and a pulse. Japanese optional, though obviously quite useful and a small perk when applying. You can apply through private companies like Interac but JET will get you them sweet government bucks and benefits.

>> No.14811808

Do you know Japanese? What degree do you have? Also tell me about your experience desu. Thx for the help fren.

>> No.14811849

Knew some Japanese before coming, its improved a lot since them. Everyday functional, can converse with students and teachers about just about anything that comes up at school. You’ll learn a lot just being here if you study the basics beforehand

International affairs degree

Got placed in a relatively rural area, teach at elementary and junior high schools, average about 20 classes per week. I’m only lead teacher at one of my schools, at the rest I just assist with basic shit in the classroom
Lots of free time to read, study Japanese etc.
it’s an easy job, I’m saving money, and u get to see Japan. Not the most fulfilling or exciting work but fine for a couple years for sure

>> No.14811887

I think my dream is to get the fuck out of here, but well, with hundreds of books, a wife and a cat that's difficult. Besides the streets are good to skate.

>> No.14811914

How do I get started in Japanese? Will I need an education degree later on?

>> No.14811948

Definitely try going the ALT route as eikaiwa work can be a lot more taxing on you mentally and physically. Not saying it's impossible but you definitely need to either love teaching or have a certain kind of personality in order to succeed at it. If neither of those then at least be a big enough weeb to want to stay there despite hating your job.

>Don't I need to learn Japanese as well?
Not a 100% must but definitely try to learn as much as you can so that you can actually interact with locals without it being awkward as hell 90% of the time.

>> No.14811984

Check out tae Kim's grammar guide, everything u need to get started. There are millions of weebs out there self studying, no reason to take classes given how many resources there are for free.

If u wanna build a permanent career here/teach at uni then yeah u might need an education degree but otherwise anything is fine. ALT/eikaiwa work is mostly just an excuse to fuck off in Japan for a few years before going home or finding a different job.

>> No.14812095


>> No.14812107

Are you desperately refreshing NHK waiting to find out if you have a months holidays like I have been.

>> No.14812201


>> No.14812206

How old are you? What are you planning to do after?

>> No.14812221

Pretty much. No classes but still having to go in to school sucks
Getting lots of reading done tho

>> No.14812233

23. Looking into grad school after, not sure where yet. Not planning to stay here long term

>> No.14812306

grad school for what

>> No.14812312

What have you been doing in Japan desu?

>> No.14812636

Sex with an adult is allowed only from 16 and older though.

>> No.14812683

Me too. I can't complain that I'm being paid to study and read. I just wish I didn't have to be in a public building while my prefecture is in a state of emergency.

>> No.14812737

My friend does it, he just talks to students all day in english its a brainlet profession.

>> No.14812744

Then why don’t they up it then?

>> No.14813889


>> No.14813893

Which prefecture you at? Also what do you do in Japan?

>> No.14813894

You should stay there. If you leave your own country, you are a traitor and shouldn't be allowed back.

>> No.14813902


>> No.14813958

Yeah it's a pretty half assed quarantine if that's what they are going for

>> No.14813961

Hokkaido. Being an English teacher on JET means I have between four and seven hours of time being paid to sit at my desk every day. It is the perfect job for a /lit/ weeb.

>> No.14813963

Same things you would do anywhere else really. Only difference is I get to try new things occasionally, build language skills etc

>> No.14813975

Also in Hokkaido...interesting to find other alts on here but I guess there are a lot of us up north especially

>> No.14813985

Yep. I'm thinking based.

>> No.14813988

That's weird. I thought everyone else on JET in Hokkaido would either be too gay or depressed to post on here. I have no intention of doxxing myself but I can't help but wonder have we spoke before.

>> No.14813996

And I will cast thee out, and thy mother that bare thee, into another country, where ye were not born; and there shall ye die.

>> No.14814041

Hell of a coincidence
None of the ALTs I've met here I would suspect of posting on here
Would be very interesting if we've met

>> No.14814051

levels of based off the chart.

>> No.14814059

projection and ass blasted english teacher that wants to go back home and cry to momma.

>> No.14814106


>> No.14814120

I'm a first year, not American white guy somewhere South of Sapporo. That narrows it down to like 20 people. Try talk to all 20 of them about Nietzsche and Irish /lit/ and I will reveal myself.

>> No.14814137

>Same things you would do anywhere else really.
Like what? I'm a shut in

>> No.14814381

Does JET give you housing?

>> No.14814442

Depending on where you are. My rent is subsidised so I only pay $300 per month for a nice apartment that came with basic furnishing.

>> No.14814453

OP here. Im basically a shut in doing an english degree and have no friends. Would this be a worthwhile experience for me? Ive been thinking I need to do something spontaneous.

>> No.14814476

It would have been if you had applied two months ago. You can try again next year.

>> No.14814489

Oh I still have next year until I get my degree so I cant apply anyway. Do I apply before I get my degree?
Did you make some friends and go out and stuff?

>> No.14814508

How do women treat expats in Japan?

>> No.14814540

If you do, then don't come back.

>> No.14814541

I had lots of friends back home and don't have many friends here because all the white people here are depressed faggots and my Japanese isn't good enough to talk to the locals. If you are socially retarded JET is a safety net where you can easily meet like minded losers desperate to not be alone.

>> No.14814547

I accidentally cut off half my post. Yes, you apply either during your last year of college or any year after that.

>> No.14814578

yeah what the fuck is up with the weird white people here? don't get me started on the fat larping white girls with pink hir

>> No.14814649

>What you need to teach in a foreign country is two things: A degree and the ability to speak english

Pfft you dont even need either of those. You just need to be white.

T. Teach in SEA and there are plenty of cunts working here from shitholes like moldova and Ukraine who can barely speak English.

>> No.14814652

People don't move to Japan because they are satisfied with their lives in the West dude. Some of the coolest people I have ever met were white people in Japan but most people are running from their problems not people seeking adventure. I also strongly feel that to understand how Japanese culture is so cool you need to understand the order of rank of culture and most effeminate western men are incapable of doing so. Saying all culture is equal is an insult to Japan, unless you think Nigerian and Japanese culture are equal. I don't consider Japan superior to the West either before you write this off as seen ranting.

>> No.14814662

No one cares that you teach Thai monkeys their ABCs fag. Japan is a first world country and actually has hiring standards.

>> No.14814666

>You just need to be white
OP here. I am Greek/olive skinned. Will they reject me? :c

>> No.14814683

You can either be socially retarded or white but not both as an English teacher in Japan. Sorry bro.

>> No.14814693

*Non white.
Apologies for poor English. I have been staring at Corona virus happenings for the last 6 hours

>> No.14814719


Pfffthahahaha i have two saffie friends teaching in tokyo right now neither of which have so much as a bachelor's between them. One of them didnt even finish high school, was a diesel fitter before he went to japan to smash cunny. Youre obviously very new and dont have a clue. Aside from the elite institutions almost any esl company anywhere in the world will fake documents or use loopholes because the demand far outstrips the supply. Nigga you aint shit.

>> No.14814743


You can get a job. Even literal niggers from Africa manage to get employed. Just dont expect it to fall in your lap like it does for 23 year old white girls posting HI SEND ME JOB OFFERS I DESERVE IT on Facebook.

>> No.14814745

Your friends are being being exploited. Their real job is selling English books as unpaid overtime and they barely make enough to eat. All advice in this thread has been for going through the official government channels to get a cushy job in the inaka that lets you read all day. I guarantee your friend doesn't "smash cunny" (who uses such retarded phrasing except some incel who went to Thailand to lose their virginity) English teachers are absolutely despised in Tokyo because they let subhumans like your friends in.

>> No.14814749

Is getting pussy hard if you don't speak nip?

>> No.14814757

Yes. Go to China instead.

>> No.14814761

Lol btfo

>> No.14814786

Is it competitive? White women get in ezpz?

>> No.14814792


Theyre doing just fine and yes they smash cunny (hey look i used it again
Keep crying) because unlike you they are real people not dorks who went to asia to paper over their personal inadequacy. As for myself im married and have a son. You on the other hand jack off to porn on the daily and get your back up about white guys fucking jap girls because you have a purity fantasy about them.
> despised
English teachers IME are mostly despised by other english teachers like you, who have a chip on the shoulder that the market is telling you that your degree is literally irrelevant and thats the only thing you've got going for you. Guys like you go to asia and have no friends because you bristle at not being the only white guy in the room. Yes I've met your type plenty over the years.

>> No.14814803


Yes. If youre white and female and young job offers just get thrown at you in asia. Its great for business.

>> No.14814815

Your wife is a Thai monkey and so is your son.

>> No.14814818

For the guys teaching in Japan, do you have a gym near you?

>> No.14814839


My wife is ukrainian. The longest ive ever been in thailand is 12 hours. Keep trying and keep crying, dog. Evidently im able to read you like a fucking book while youre groping around in the dark INCEL UHH UHH UR SONS A MONKEY UHH THIRD WORLD. Here let me help you, the next one you want to call me is a sexpat or a pedo.

>> No.14814870

Pathetic. As are all the other "teachers" in this thread. If you want to actually do this then take a hard look at this chimp >>14814839
you'll end up like him sperging out on the internet trying to desperately defend and rationalize your escape. Ultimately it is the easy way out if you're a loser with nothing going on.

>> No.14814882

Nice chimpout bro the last reply wasn't even me. I have a degree in an unrelated field and am teaching English as a years career break. Lmao at people who consider teaching English a career. The only correct assumption you made was that I jack off daily.

>> No.14814891

Philosophy/linguistics, with an eye toward translating Japanese thinkers (undeserved market)

>you need to understand the order of rank of culture
You will learn social graces and an intuitive sense of propriety in Japan

>> No.14814908

Which Japanese thinkers? I'm looking for new untranslated stuff to read.

>> No.14814919

Cant i just learn broken Japanese and still get laid if I'm tall/attractive?

>> No.14814935

A friendly reminder that 13 is the minimum age set by the constitution of Japan, almost all prefectures raise this to 16-20 (with Romeo and Juliet clause if parents consent).
Also I doubt many Japanese parents are going to be cool with their underage daughters screwing with gaijin.

>> No.14814946

Maybe, you would be fighting much more attractive women off in China with no effort though.

>> No.14814949


Are you white? Not ugly? Then yes youll get laid literally anywhere in asia with relatively little effort with hotter women then you wouldve pulled back home. If youre hopelessly autistic or you're short balding and dont have a chin then you should curb your expectations.

>> No.14815017

>Also I doubt many Japanese parents are going to be cool with their underage daughters screwing with gaijin.

I think youll agree on review, that parents being or not being cool with something has never had any bearing on what a teenage girl does, but especially whose cock she is riding, in the entirety of human history. It would not be news to read of yet another teacher getting fired in japan or china for being caught having a sexual relationship with one or many of his students.

>> No.14815038

I'm afraid of dying horribly in china desu
Ehhh I'm a fairish skinned mutt, hopefully ill pass

>> No.14815070


If you're just about getting your dick wet and cheap cost of living definitely go china over japan.

>> No.14815194

so JET is only 5 years? what do i do if i want to teach their full time? i hate america and want out.

>> No.14815461

If you are a native speaker of English, and you have a bachelor’s degree, you can get a job teaching English at a better than living wage (for a single person, at least) at any number of language school chains. Generally, no teaching experience or special qualifications beyond a degree are required. The degree can be in anything, doesn’t have to be English. There are exceptions, but there are plenty of jobs that require only the above. The bigger chains include Nova, ECC, and Berlitz. Their websites include recruitment pages, I believe. You may wish to check out some current English school (eikaiwa) teachers’ online forums to see what people are saying about current working conditions.

>> No.14815484

If it is an eikaiwa chain, you do not need to have any Japanese language ability. They have English speaking Japanese staff to guide you through the minimal admin, etc. Again, there are exceptions to this, but most eikaiwa chains require no language skills beyond being a native speaker of English. If all the native speaker English teachers in Japan were retroactively required to master Japanese as a condition of employment, at least three fourths of them would have to be immediately fired.

>> No.14815485

My sister did this right after doing Peace Corps work for 2 yrs in an E European country. At first she was involved with JET but then switched to another service she liked better. Was there for a total of 5 yrs and loved it; still keeps in touch with many of her students and even recently attended the wedding of one. Peace Corps may be your best way in, if it still exists

>> No.14815703

>no teaching experience required

>> No.14815715

what is she doing now?

>> No.14815726

also which service did she switch to?

>> No.14815807

Would I be able to start a new life in Japan teaching English? I live in America and feel completely lost and lonely and there is nothing going for me here. I want to get away.

>> No.14815825

She's an editor.

>> No.14815828

I'll have to ask her..
Will text her but may take awhile

>> No.14815839

>Peace Corps may be your best way in

>> No.14815902

so do i do eikawa or jet?

>> No.14815925

Fuck you’re lucky I taught a bunch of Osaka kids which was fun but I don’t like being in a city would’ve preferred the wild Hokkaido nature

>> No.14816176


>> No.14816197

would you say you've gound it easy to integrate into the country ?
I'm finishing my degree soon and thinking about applying for the programme.
I'd only do it for a year but I'm a bit worried I'd get super bored and lonely out there, even if it's only a year.
What is the social aspect like for the jet teachers out there ?
Any native friends ?
Other English speakers ?
Going out regularly ?

>> No.14816247


>> No.14816317

Only way really (for an American) to gain the type of experience they're looking for; or maybe double-major in English and Japanese

>> No.14816323

I thought they just look for having any uni degree

>> No.14816353

2nd year north of sapporo
Don't go to many jet events so chances are low but maybe see u around

>> No.14816364

I live in subsidized housing, $80 a month. Kind of shit building but at that price I can't complain. Housing varies wildly on where u are placed

>> No.14816376

If u are a literal shut in teaching might be a bit hard but in your off time you'll have fast as fuck internet and never have to leave the house. Good enough?

Personally spend most weekends skiing, hiking, or finding new places to eat. Hit up bars, karaoke, theater on the weekend. If ur a shut in and a weeb you'll be in good company

>> No.14816386

In general, yeah, but youre competing for places

>> No.14816411

What do you mean by new life? What are you expecting? Moving isn't going to magically fix your problems or life. It's generally a shitty job that doesn't pay well that you aren't going to want to do for more than a couple of years. What would be your plan after?

>> No.14816414

what are the best places and how do you compete for them?

>> No.14816417

i would like to stop being a shut in tho. what were your experiences in making friends there?

>> No.14816440

I'll summarize the things you'll hear in here compared to my experience
>You need a degReeeeeee
For the good jobs yes for the bad ones no. Get any relevant experience or certificates and you'll be much better off.

>Muh cushy government rural job
There are three types of employers who can get you a visa. Apply to all or one idc they're expanding their English program and need more people.
Jet- aka government job teaching highschoolers
Private - company that will have you working in elem and middle schools. Avoid a company called heart at all costs

Ekiwas - cram schools for students that want to study more English. More responsibility more pay and more work. You will basically be a teacher and book salesman under extreme pressure to sell.

>Dude I got so much pussy
Gajin hunters are a thing but you should do your damnest to avoid them.
Many women and men spend their 20s working and rarely have a social life outside of the weekends. Go to bars, clubs and you'll find it. All of those fedora tipping nice guys are chads compared to the average japanese man.

>Muh culture
This isn't a meme it's reality. They have a strict hirearchical society, men above women and Japs above foreigners. You will never be one of them if you aren't Asian. If you are at all progressive this is not the place for you. If you are black or dark skinned they might flat out refuse to shake your hand.

>Muh double speak
They are so fucking polite it's irritating. They will never tell you you've done something wrong or give you a straight answer. I asked my principal yes or no question about the dress code and got a "maybe". I spent five minutes explaining it really wouldn't hurt my feelings if he said no. This shocked him to his core. I asked again and he said weeb version of "well perhaps, I don't know"
Everyday it grates at my sanity

>> No.14816487

At least initially everyone will wanna talk to you so capitalize on that and you'll make friends fast imo. People are busy as fuck with work so that's the main problem outside of the office
As for making friends with other foreigners, you'll bond over the fact your expats if nothing else so you can make easy friends that way too

You will have to put in minimum effort but otherwise I don't think it's hard

>> No.14816543

how long have you been there

>> No.14816594

what do you guys plan to do after you stop teaching english there?

>> No.14816798

as ive said elsewhere, experiences on the program vary wildly but here it goes

pretty easy to integrate, you will always be a foreigner though, no matter how close you get to people

lots of people do it for just a year, just make sure you get out on weekends and use your paid leave liberally. lots of public holidays you can use as well. loneliness could be an issue and ill admit it was a bit of a problem for me in the first year but getting a car or being near to public transportation helps alleviate that a lot.

if u wanna be social, japanese teachers are busy as fuck so dont expect to make great friends there but frequent work parties means you can get pretty close with them

there are lots of clubs in even the smallest town where u can make native friends. a lot of these will be old women but they give u free food so hit that up

i find most younger japanese people to be pretty boring but again youre a foreigner so that gives u an automatic boost at least initially. making friends shouldnt be a problem if u frequent some club/gym/bar whatever

hokkaido at least as a very active ALT community so finding other foreigners to hang with also isnt hard. lots of weird people come here to teach tho so mileage may vary

u can party every night of the week if you want, i try to do outdoorsy stuff on the weekend
going out really depends on transport, but i live in a pretty rural town and made it work before i even had a car.

anyways, u wont be bored imo
some of this does depend on your level of japanese
people who dont know any tend to hang with other expats a lot

>> No.14816875

how much japanese do/did you know?

>> No.14816886

did 2 years of it at uni, which ultimately didnt do much for me as my speaking and listening were shit
but it was a basis to build on
im now functional for daily conversation, talking with students about whatever topic might come up etc.
i teach 5 and 6 graders so good enough for that? hard to measure
i kind of gave up on studying so most of this is just from osmosis and being in a japanese environment

>> No.14816893


Get ready to be nothing more than an overglorified kindergarten teacher. Even if you speak perfect Japanese, people will still regard you with wariness and consider you exceptionally stupid. Unless you have a Ph. D and are teaching classes in English at the University level, you will basically spend your days trying, in vain, to keep a classroom of kids who don't respect you and can't understand you in line, and all they will want to do is piss you off.

>> No.14816992

I will graduate in summer 2021 what do you recommend I do beforehand to prepare myself? Would self studying be helpful? Also keep in mind I am a shut in and have been dependent on my mother. Do you have a permanent position there?

>> No.14817025

note that you can apply to jet program before graduating so check dates on when you want to go

self study is absolutely the way to go with japanese, youll make far more progress and there are countless resources online
i recommend starting with the tae kim guide online
i volunteered at school to help ESL students and put that on my application, could help you as well

JET is a full time job, they hire a bunch of people who then get contracted out to local Boards of Education across japan. this is why experiences vary but everyone gets paid the same and the same amount of vacation etc

as for being a shut it, you will be teaching people english, potentially by yourself and with very young students...you gotta be able to deal with that
there are plenty of literal autists out here making it work tho so the standards are low

>> No.14817034

how much do you think I should have saved up? Also should I know how to drive or will I be able to get around fine with the train?

>> No.14817054

a lot of this stuff can be answered on the jet website btw...

JET recommends you bring around $2000 iirc? startup costs, initial rent, etc.
you can probably get away with less but u dont wanna be out of money before you first paycheck comes in
if you have a license and are american you can get a 1 year international permit
thatll give you time to go to drivers ed here and get a jp license
some countries/us states can get their licenses transferred without going to jp drivers ed which is a huge bonus because you pay out the ass for it
again this is highly dependent on your placement
if you are in tokyo or any other large city trains and buses will get you anywhere
i just find a car very nice because of where i live and my hobbies
some placements will require you to drive to school because of distances but you mark on the application whether you can drive or not

>> No.14817310

How long have you been doing this and what are your future plans?

>> No.14817327

>tfw native Spanish speaker and this will never be for you

>> No.14817346

about a year and a half
planning on grad school, then moving on to work in international relations (ie state deparment, NGOs, etc.)
failing that, would like to teach polisci or history

>> No.14817348

I've been teaching in Japan for almost four years now.

I studied Japanese for a year before coming but that didn't nearly prepare me for living in Japan. Now I'm somewhat fluent in the sense that I can converse about just about anything.
/int/ has good resources. Learn hiragana and katakana, then start studying vocab and kanji. Focus on useful words like big, small, long, short, dirty, clean, delicious, gross, and everyday nouns like bath, food, fan, sink. When I studied kanji I was learning stuff like respectable, fortitude, inside-out, and that shit is useless in conversation.
It depends if you're a loser or not.
Gyms are expensive as fuck in Japan. It costs on average $1,000 for an annual membership. But it's worth it for the social aspect. I made a lot of business connections and friends at the gym. I've even met sumo wrestlers.
Now it's far too late to apply for Jet. Anyone reading this thread will be applying for 2021.

>> No.14817367

>Gyms are expensive as fuck in Japan. It costs on average $1,000
wtf why so much

>> No.14817384

Some of the chain gyms in cities are closer to $500 per year.

>> No.14817402

I don't know.
I've been a member to two different gyms in Tokyo and they were both very expensive. A friend says those "anytime fitness" gyms are cheaper.

>> No.14817434

Why the fuck would anyone do this lmao? Is it white incel weebs that do this?

>> No.14817453

>Why would anyone want to travel to learn the language of the world's third biggest economy lmao.

>> No.14817478

the virgin tourist
>spends thousands of dollars on flights and hotels, comes home broke
>vacation is only a week long (or shorter)
>has to meticulously plan everything he wants to see
>makes reservations at all the restaurants the travel book tells all the other virgin travelers to go to
>constantly running from tourist trap to tourist trap to take the same instagram selfie
>can't speak the language
>returns home empty, having learned nothing

The Chad Expat
>makes thousands of dollars on vacation
>has been on vacation nonstop since 2014
>no plans, casually explores his neighborhood day after day
>discovers cozy five star restaurants hidden from the public, keeps it a secret for himself
>avoids tourist traps, observes only real culture
>"Lost? Haha, sure, I can help you find your station."
>grows and lives life to the fullest

>> No.14817520

Anyone with two brain cells and and actual qualification should look into JSPS program

>> No.14817587

redpill me on this

>> No.14817599

why would you want to be an over glorified kindergarten teacher that does shit work that is looked down by everybody for shit pay?

>> No.14817617

>What do you mean by new life?
well i feel lost and lonely in life with nothing to live for. ive barely went anywhere outside of my home town and havent done much in my life, i am hoping to find something new elsewhere.

>> No.14817627

You can get generous research money for one to two years in the sciences and humanities. I'm on one right now

>> No.14817630

what do you do

>> No.14817648

$25 an hour and subsidised rent for a job that you spend more time at your desk reading than doing any real work seems like a sweet deal to me.

>> No.14817652

I forgot who said it, but there's a quote about traveling that says more or less, no matter where you go you bring yourself with you.
You don't need a change of geography to change yourself.

>> No.14817661

i live in a dead end suburb dude i need to get out of here

>> No.14817669

Going in a random direction is not likely to lead you to where you want to go.
If you plan on just seeing new places, that's a fine thing to do, but I wouldn't count it being the start of a "new life."

>> No.14817680

youll prolly end up in a dead end suburb in japan
teaching english in japan is like putting a pause button on whatever you are currently doing
youll make money and if you apply yourself youll learn some skills, maybe make connections
but most people come for a couple years and then go right back to whatever they were doing before, just older

>> No.14817687

philosophy. but sciences might be better bet as you don't need to emphasize Japan aspect

>> No.14817693

>pause button on whatever you are currently doing
that sounds really nice actually. i will take whatever comfy time i can get.

>> No.14817698

what work are you doing in philosophy? which philosophers do you like? also what do you have to do to get into the program?

>> No.14817724

german philosophy is decently big in japan. you should research the departments and locate a possible senior mentor. you can enter the program at various levels, check their website

>> No.14817755

do i need a phd?

>> No.14817859


ffs guy, hes obviously a loser. "lonely" and "dead end" "new life" are coded language for tfw no gf and feel directionless if cant achieve basic adult milestones.

yes travelling to asia would undoubtedly fix some of his problems. In america hes probably invisible to attractive women. In China he would find an attractive mate before the end of the first fucking week.

>> No.14817864

this is true i am a loser desu

>> No.14817900


then go to china pal. Alternatively cambodia or myanmar if you want to experience life on the wild side, but I dont recommend that, not least because you wont actually keep any money there. China is the largest ESL market in the world, the women all have white guy lust, and most of the cities you will potentially be working in are great, modern cities with every sort of service you could possibly need and a very cheap cost of living.

>> No.14817911

>go to China
Now that’s bad timing.

>> No.14817930


well yeah, lmao. Give it a few months. Maybe a year kek

>> No.14817940

im not white i am greek/olive skinned. why china instead of japan?

>> No.14817951

>dorks who went to asia to paper over their personal inadequacy
he will never recover

>> No.14817996


because its simply easier and you will live better on less hours of work. Most of the people working in Japan are there because theres something specific about Japan that they like. But if you're one of these guys who just needs to fuck asian broads and live a relaxed lifestyle, go to China. Secondly, while asian broads everywhere have a fetish for white guys, including jap women that some dorks in here like to pretend are different (;_; nooo they're not the same! dont come here chad! dont fuck my precious Hina!), japan has a bit of foreigner fatigue from the massive amounts of dorks who went there during the 90s and early 00s. Secondly, you describe yourself as olive skinned and the japs are the most racist fuckers in all of asia, to them you might as well be arab. In china you'll pretty much just be treated as white. Finally, cost of living in Japan can be pretty aggressive especially if you want to live centrally in the big cities, china on the other hand, very good cost of living even in the tier 1 cities.

>> No.14818022

but the chinks as jews of asia have no honor and will trick you at every turn, unlike the feudal japs

>> No.14818028


>> No.14818049

Unless it is America then you should betray your own country.

>> No.14818069

but i want to live the weeb dream

>> No.14818073

its overrated
coming here actually cured me of my weebiness

>> No.14818075


go japan then??? shit nigga

>> No.14818090

Samefag. Eleven hour gap since your last post and then you autisticly write all this and you are still so upset by someone in Japan calling you an incel in parentheses in what is last night in your timezone you have taken to mocking Japanese women in parentheses >>14814745 in a feeble attempt to placate your low self worth. As expected of someone so unemplyable he thinks raising a kid as an English teacher in SEA is a good idea.

>> No.14818114


get an extension retard, thats me and me here:

And I'm not mocking japanese women, I'm mocking losers like you who put them on a pedestal. And given how butthurt you are by this, I'm guessing you're that exact same guy

>> No.14818120

What did you lads do/planning to do after JET?

>> No.14818164

Not the same guy. I don't put them on a pedestal. I don't even like Asian women. I just don't consider people with less than 100 IQ human and that includes most of SEA except Japan and Korea and hate that people like you in whatever shithole hired you consider them all the same.

>> No.14818280


>> No.14818385


>> No.14818410

JET/teaching abroad is like a black hole in your resume. You either need to switch jobs quick or be in the teaching game for the long haul.

>> No.14818466

It's hardly as bad as that. If you just do it for a couple of years after graduating.

>> No.14818467

>JET/teaching abroad is like a black hole
What? Why is that?

>> No.14818470

Really? I wanted to do the full 5 years

>> No.14819611


>> No.14819706

I have nothing in my life right now and have no friends. I have missed out on a lot in life and feel directionless. Having a goal like going into another country (I'm a sperg so this will absolutely shock me) and learning a new language is something that I need to get out of my rut. I know it sounds pathetic to you like lmao I want to be an over glorified kindergarten teacher well I am a complete loser who is not self-sufficient and was left behind everyone else so going into a foreign land all on my own would be a big milestone for me.

>> No.14819918
File: 166 KB, 600x961, cat and mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14819927

How is that a black hole on your resume what? It looks fine to me.

>> No.14819932
File: 976 KB, 300x168, mITKTFA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14820082

You can be doing a PhD on the program. There's also monbusho scholarship, can last 7 years from master's

>> No.14820097

A. Do you have your degree from a good school that the japs would know?
B. How tall are you? you don't have to be 6 foot 4. just not like 5 foot 2
c. Here's your tip: before you leave for Nippon, get a few things-- Arnold's encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, you eat chocolate Met-rx with oatmeal or grapenuts 2x a day, and for nigger you eat grilled chicken with brown rice
d. for about 10 months, you work out 6 days like your life dpends on it. I won
to get into what steroids to use, you can find that out.
Using this this method, I for laid all over Florence, Italy, Paris, Tokyo, etc,,, for over 2 years I got laid all over the world. Before you die, you should spend at least a few years in really god shape and know what it's like to have cute girls fawn all over you. I would especially recommend it during your uni/graduate/ law school years.
no matter what girls may say, they still wet themselves when you have really good abs and defined shoulder and arms muscles....

>> No.14820218
File: 133 KB, 922x915, SmartSelect_20190816-191122_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'd love to do this exact thing, but the only problem is that it'd cost me over $30,000 to dorm at university for 2 years. Then I'd have a ton of debt for an education degree when I could just get a useful degree and get a well paying job. I would like to do something I actually enjoy though. I'm currently stuck in the retail trap.

>> No.14820278

Why do Americans think you need to get into debt for a degree? Get a job, my guy. You can study and work at the same time, most people in the world do it.

>> No.14820313

>A. Do you have your degree from a good school that the japs would know?
I go to an okish public school. Nothing prestigious.
>B. How tall are you? you don't have to be 6 foot 4. just not like 5 foot 2
5'8 desu
>c. Here's your tip: before you leave for Nippon, get a few things-- Arnold's encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, you eat chocolate Met-rx with oatmeal or grapenuts 2x a day, and for nigger you eat grilled chicken with brown rice
>d. for about 10 months, you work out 6 days like your life dpends on it. I won
to get into what steroids to use, you can find that out.
I bench 3pl8 squat 5pl8 and can do chins with 3pl8 desu

>> No.14820322

Also going to the gym has got me no puss btw still a kv

>> No.14820367

Also if I get put in the country will there be gyms nearby?

>> No.14820380

Do you have a degree? If yes you can go teach in Japan for 1-5 years and get paid a bit.

>> No.14820388

And you don't need an education degree specifically just any degree in general and being a native english speaker.

>> No.14820400

How could you afford to travel like that for 2 years?

>> No.14820405

If my wife wants to do a fellowship in Japan and IDK the language (I have a degree in electrical engineering) is my only choice to make money teaching English or something?

>> No.14820499

yea basically

>> No.14820616

Do you get interviewed for JET? What do they ask?

>> No.14820967

I do work. It's still really damn expensive though, especially if I just wanted to teach english.

>> No.14820992

If you’re over 20 and still a weeb you unironically need to grow out of it. It gets tiring really fast when you teach

>> No.14820996


>> No.14821126

How competitive is this?

>> No.14821258


>> No.14821311
File: 109 KB, 2048x1024, thinking whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucked am I if I don't have a degree, but I have a lot of experience in teaching english (3+ years), even at the university level. Or should I just give up on the idea of teaching in asia?

>> No.14821378

You need a bachelors it is required for the visa desu. Go get that piece of paper bro you don't have to go to an expensive school and it is mad helpful.

>> No.14821392

How are you teaching with no degree?

>> No.14821399

I just did a TEFL course, it was enough to teach in france. Now after 3 years I have loads of experience and a full time job in a private school. I would like to go back to uni and get a degree though if it could help me get a job in asia.

>> No.14821503

Ah I see. In terms of Japan you will need a bachelors and TEFL is not a requirement there unfortunately for you desu. Not sure about the rest of Asia though.

>> No.14821579

If you have no friends what makes you think it will be any different over there? And how the hell are you going to teach? lmao

>> No.14821650


About half of the teachers i come across in asia dont have a degree. The other half i suspect some are lying because their quals dont match up with the jobs they are getting (someone claiming to have a masters and 5 years teaching experience would really be working at an elite institution not mickey mouse public school work)

>> No.14821694

>someone claiming to have a masters and 5 years teaching experience would really be working at an elite institution not mickey mouse public school work
it's tough for teachers today

>> No.14821854


>> No.14821991


>> No.14822265

Less than 10% of papplicants from some consulates get onto JET some years. If you are outside America it is much easier.

>> No.14822536

I am in NY how competitive is it going to be? What do I do to compete?

>> No.14822656

>Do you have teaching experience?
>Have you ever been to Japan before?
>Can you speak Japanese?
>What makes you think you'll be a good teacher in Japan?

>> No.14822658

In Hokkaido as well. First year, south of Sapporo, American.

>> No.14822664

Extremely competitive. Have teaching experience, be able explain why you want to go to Japan, don't be a sperg if you get an interview. Speaking Japanese, having a driver's license and TEFL certs all help a minute amount to get an interview.

>> No.14822674

How is it? What do you do? Why did you do JET? What type of person are you? What were your credentials? Do you speak Japanese?
Sorry for so many questions I just want to know if this is right for me I feel very lost.

>> No.14822677


>> No.14822680

Also a JET ALT on Shikoku. Used to browse /lit/ more, just came on to see what was up after the corona scare. Guess it's a small world.

Using the time to work on a collection of short stories. I'm only staying a year but it's plenty of time.

>> No.14822689

Japan has many social problems. If America is seen as too individualistic, I think it's fair to say Japan is too communal. Kids can't answer a question in the classroom without looking to their peers for validation.

>> No.14822704

Are you Japanese proficient? Even then, it probably isn't going to help you from feeling lonely (only exacerbate it with the culture shock)

>> No.14822705

As compared to countries with no social problems?

>> No.14822710

JET is better if you can get it. I have eikawa friends and they don't like it. JET is easy, gets housing insurance, pension etc. You also don't have to do jack shit for most of the day.

>> No.14822725

I'm saying Japan is idealized and people underestimate the problems they deal with. I never said no country has social problems, but people have a grass is always greener mentality and that's not necessarily the case, just a different kind of struggle. Japan is not made cooler imo by understanding the social heirarchy that persists throughout every facet.

>> No.14822737

Japan is p cozy actually if you aren't a zoomer american

>> No.14822740


>> No.14822741

People idealise a country with no crime, no niggers outside of the capital, where women and children can walk home alone at night and where you can get a good job and start saving for an affordable home out of college. News at 11

>> No.14822794

As the other person said, as we're always told. Every situation is different. It'll change greatly depending on prefecture.
For me, it's okay. Best approach is to come in with interest of Japan and less about the education system. You're only getting so much from working in the classes (I go to two schools a week, at most 4 classes a day). Different schools will have different expectations of engagement, and for me it's pretty minimal so for the most part at work I have about 2 hours free to myself to do whatever I want.

Many days you're just repeating stuff out the English book. I make activities here and there but not as many as I'd like (schedule is pretty strict).

I want to teach when i go back to the states, and I thought JET was a pretty low stakes way of working in a classroom without having the weight of maybe fucking these kids up. It's only one year, but I think it shows I can function in a classroom and have some experience in planning.

I'd say I'm an antisocial extrovert. I'll go out and have a good time but I can only do that so much. I keep a positive and nice attitude around the kids because they appreciate it but it can get tiring. I got a BA in English, studied Japanese for 5 terms but forgot most of it. I can have very basic conversations but I don't understand shit from the morning meetings. Sometimes kids say stuff I don't understand either. Knowing Japanese helps, but you shouldn't be speaking to the kids in Japanese very much except for maybe kyushoku.

>> No.14822826

I'm sure that sounds wonderful if you ignore draconian drug laws, excessive work hours leading to salary men dying to the point that companies need to have insurance for it, a society that still largely reinforces sexist beliefs, and other things as well.

If that doesn't matter to you, that's fine, but let's not pretend like these aren't worth considering just because the problems are of varying degree compared to other places.

>> No.14822856

No drugs is a good thing. "Sexism" is a good thing and no one is holding a gun to salary men's heads. They are free to get a low stress job if they want.

>> No.14822886

Thanks. How old are you btw and who did you get for your letter of recs? Also did you have any teaching experience beforehand or do tefl or something?
I am 21 right now will have my BA next summer at 22. Was thinking of starting to self teach myself some of the language starting during this summer and doing some part time job after I graduate to earn some money then go there at 24 or something. Mostly looking to explore myself in a new land and see if I like the classroom experience as well. I also do love Japan and semblances of its culture have always been with me throughout my life. If everything goes as planned and if I enjoy it there I was thinking of doing the full 5 years. I know I am just dreaming too much but I don't have anything else.

>> No.14822919

I'm on Jet, I've been following the thread and it seems like an escapism fantasy. By all means start learning Japanese (heads up it will take as long as learning 3 European languages) and apply to JET but don't base your future on the assumption of a successful application and start fixing your life before you move to Japan.

>> No.14822921

>start fixing your life before you move to Japan

>> No.14822930


>> No.14822972

I'm an English teacher not a shrink dude. Find some way to make friends. The fact you are asking someone on /lit/ this is concerning.

>> No.14822987

I want a new experience in my life and hitting this milestone of going somewhere on my own would make me feel better about myself

>> No.14822992

No Japanese prior to coming in. I too want to end up in education and didn't feel like spending more time in school to get a teaching license. It's a very easy job but Japan can sometimes bring out the worst in foreigners. For what you get out of it it's not a bad way to spend a couple of years in your twenties.
I finished undergrad with an english degree. I think the interview is the most important part of the entire process. Japan is a reserved society so the more chill you are for first introductions the better off you are.

>> No.14823009

How did your interview go what did they ask? Also did you have teaching/volunteering experience or tefl?

>> No.14823013

>I want to fix my problems when so turn 24 in 3 years.
I give up you are beyond help.

>> No.14823041

I didn't say it would fix my problems I said that if I were planning to go (learning some Japanese and earning a bit of money) I would be ready at that age

>> No.14823060

Also I am looking for an experience to grow as person. I have never been on my own and have never had a coming of age experience. Also having a goal to work towards like this seems good for me.

>> No.14823066

Jesus, that's your dream? You weaboos are pathetic. Especially if you come here and don't know any Japanese at all. You're essentially at the mercy of the school.
Personally I learned Japanese, got accepted to an uni here and will get a normal (read: actual) job when I graduate in two years. And yes, I do my utmost to avoid most other foreigners.

>> No.14823075


>> No.14823082

b nice anon

>> No.14823085

Enjoy being encased in a circle of other weeaboo foreigners.

>> No.14823097

>circle of other weeaboo foreigners.
sounds comfy desu

>> No.14823152

Why even come to Japan at all? Right, cause you're a basic weeaboo.

>> No.14823161

The questions weren't that much different from the sample questions they give on the JET website. I think they are looking for people who understand that they will need to be flexible and won't be easily offended when they feel like they are mistreated at work/culturally. I am very, very far from a weeaboo, knew no japanese, and not a ton of cultural stuff and I still got in. You don't need to go crazy Japan. I had no tefl stuff. I worked with kids for summer jobs and took education classes in college. I think it also depends on where you will be doing your interview. Where's the closest for you?

>> No.14823173

in japan you do need a degree.

>> No.14823174

I live in NY
Should I get some teaching experience?

>> No.14823187

why did you go to japan?

>> No.14823195

>For the good jobs yes for the bad ones no. Get any relevant experience or certificates and you'll be much better off.

No, retard, you need a degree or 10 years of experience. The exception might be some special programs aimed at attracting Filipinos who'll get worked as builders and shit.

If you got hired at an eikaiwa without a degree, I hope you get found out, the place shut down and you deported.

>> No.14823215

the koreans are the jews of asia

>> No.14823219

Maybe not necessarily teaching experience but definitely something to add to the resume to talk about in the interview. They asked me about my college radio show of all things which I don't really think they cared about, just something to talk about in the interview. If you are thinking about summer jobs then working with kids would probably look good. Summer camps, nannying, tutoring, etc..
I am assuming the NY cultural affairs office (who handle the interview I think) would be pretty big. Their definitely is a fetish for "brand name" universities so being close to NY might hurt ya. Fortunately, I would assume there are lots of other offices you could potentially do the interview at if you were that worried/anxious to get in.

>> No.14823227

My parents did JET back in the early 90's and loved it. Japan and JET has changed a lot since then but it's still a easy, good job and a good experience for people in their 20's. I finished undergrad with an english degree and knew I wanted to go into teaching but didn't want to stay in school for at least another year. I'm saving some money, though not very much. I think you sign up for JET more for the experience and chance to see some unique spots in Japan.

>> No.14823229

Yeah, and you're better than the other Japanophiles then, huh? Stop being so conceited.

>> No.14823246

holy fuck incompetent jannies delete this shit.
and all of you sexpats are embarrassing losers.

>> No.14823251


>> No.14823254

if i were king i would ban all tourism and work migration,

>> No.14823261

Holy based. These people could at least choose a country they can fit into.

>> No.14823262

Yeah, desu.

>> No.14823289

You aren't as good as you think you are.

>> No.14823293

t, seething roastie
get off this board

>> No.14823302

yo how do i get a summer job in some day care or tutoring or some shit where do i look? i want to get a bit of experience so i look good. ive never had a job before.

>> No.14823315

get better at identifying women faggot. this has absolutely nothing to do with literature, it is just the robot regiment here thinking they will live life as some anime protagonist.

>> No.14823319

help me niggers

>> No.14823342

how much japanese do you know

>> No.14823380


The Japanese dont want to fuck eachother. At a most basic level you are dealing with a deeply sick and unsustainable society. But your shit for brains is all like bb but its clean! No niggers!

>> No.14823403

Perhaps not, but I'm not a fat American weeaboo like you.

>> No.14823413

unironically, japan has been harder hit by the burgerization of society than anyone else because it conflicts so much with the original culture. at least domestically burger culture has the benefit of having developed there so it at lest is minimally socially functional.

>> No.14823414

help me niggers

>> No.14823457

Wrong on all three counts. But I suppose you can feel good stroking your ego at the expense of having anyone that genuinely enjoys being around you. At least fat American weeaboos have something outside of themselves they take genuine interest in. You only have your vanity, and when you lose even that you'll have nothing going right for you.

>> No.14823465

Wow, you're so high and mighty. And yet I wouldn't even talk to you. Not even when asked how to board the train.

>> No.14823472

Aren't you just describing yourself? You're making a lot of assumptions, and none of them are true.

>> No.14823489

>At least fat American weeaboos have something outside of themselves they take genuine interest in.
imagine thinking this holds any value

>> No.14823494

It's a step-up from basing your self-worth on not being a fat American weeaboo.

>> No.14823508

the homo you are arguing with before me (just >>14823489) doesn't necessarily do that just because he dislikes them, in fact it's plebbit tier assumption. and it is not a step up from useless and pathetic because it is still useless and pathetic too.

>> No.14823534

Just because both options are useless and pathetic, doesn't mean that one can't be more useless and pathetic than the other. It's not about like or dislike either; that's an emotional judgement. it's contempt that makes you useless and pathetic.

>> No.14823535

Their population can half and they will still have ten times the population density of Ireland. Why don't you focus on a genuinely shit non western country instead of trying to fix one of the only good ones.

>> No.14823550

Because he's a pathetic weeaboo.

>> No.14823579

this, nature is just reducing their population back to more manageable numbers and it will eventually reach an equilibrium for population

>> No.14823717

when I got here, none. I can sort of get by in public now but I have 0 grammar skills. Just sort of barf words out

>> No.14824270


> shits on japan
> hes a pathetic weeaboo!

stop huffing paint, shit for brains.

>> No.14824288


I'm not trying to "fix" anything. I'm telling you some simple facts: when humans stop wanting to fuck eachother, thats a sign of deep dysfunction, and it is simply not sustainable as a country. You retards can't talk about anything positive in japan outside of creature comforts, never about the wonderful people or culture they encountered there, which is very revealing. Bugmen thread.

>> No.14824295

>You retards can't talk about anything positive in japan outside of creature comforts,

>> No.14824312


> see
> proceeds to reiterate fantastic creature comforts

still waiting on you to say something nice about the people or culture. Let me guess, you didn't make a single Japanese friend your entire time there.

>> No.14824328

I avoid white people and made plenty of friends here. Mostly from snowboarding and the gym. If I didn't love the culture I wouldn't be here. Which has no bearing whatsoever on my argument that you are trying to fix something that isn't broken which I find utterly contemptible and in my experience is usually carried out by gay or depressed people because they love Japan but find parts of their identity don't fit in with the culture of not sticking out and putting on a happy face.

>> No.14824380

>How could you afford to travel like that for 2 years?
Easy, i got one of those cocktail party fellowships to Oxbridge where they give you travel money for the summer, and then I interned at a law firm where I got to work in nippon and europe.

>> No.14824389

Here os gppd advoce I learned from my father, who left a european-based law firm to work for a nip law firm-- japs CANNOT STAND jews. They find them pushy, arrogant, they just cannot take them. So if you're appplying to a Nip company, whether you are or no, put something there about "working on the parish council" just to make sure they know you aren't a jew and you'll have a better chance at any job you're going for.

>> No.14824995


>> No.14825076

Is it as comfy as it seems?

>> No.14825354


>> No.14825473

Depends if you are a sperg or not and know Japanese

>> No.14825497

>actually has hiring standards
Depending on how rural and cut off you go that can change. Teaching in Tokyo and teaching in bumfuck nowhere Hokkaido is not the same, I can guarentee you some place like Jakarta has higher standards for hiring than most of Japan.

>> No.14825546

I taught in Japan for two years. You'd have to be dumb to think that's a viable job. The hiring pool is so large that wages and working conditions are in freefall. You literally cannot survive on what they pay you. Imagine working an 80 hour workweek for less than a part-time minimum wage job in a country that costs more to live in than America.

>> No.14825577

It's not like most people go on these programmes with the aim of doing it for life anon. It's just an easy way to move to Japan for a couple of years (whether for weebs reasons or just wanting to live somewhere foreign)

>> No.14825616

Did you do JET or were you an actual real teacher there?

>> No.14825643 [DELETED] 

I teach in Korea. I have a friend who's part of a 4chan Japanese group chat/social club. According to him, all the 4channers in Japan are low test weeaboo faggot basedboys.

K-teachers are the superior alpha male breed. Fuck kikes.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck trannies.

>> No.14825822

I really want to this but I have nothing to show for myself in regards to work and volunteering. All I have is an English degree, some stuff I can exaggerate about (altar boy at my church where I occasionally do shit and some shit in high school where I was in the French and Business club where I barely did shit but I don't think they would care about high school). I love the English language and Japan though. I know in the back of my head that I am actually attracted to this because it looks like an escapist dream. If I were to actually start preparing I would teach myself some Japanese tho (Japan has always been in my life whether it be anime in my childhood or reading jap lit and watching film or sometimes listening to the pop music which makes me feel better. shit I've even read a bit of stuff on some history and shit on tea ceremonies). I've never been on my own and haven't traveled too much so this looks like a good experience for me to grow as a person. I don't know if I would be able to compete with the people that have experience in teaching/tutoring/being with little kids or people that volunteer though.

>> No.14825836

These things aren't that that competitive. The fact you have a degree basically means you've passed

>> No.14825917

Dude I keep reading mixed things. You say it is not competitive then I hear someone else say it is.

>> No.14825985

You do not know until you try. Just jump in! Best way to learn about Japan is to go there and live, stub your toes and make mistakes. These will be great stories for you to tell years later.
Also, unironically see this:

>> No.14825998

What experience did you have? Like clubs and volunteering stuff? I feel like I should try to do shit before applying

>> No.14826157

How old is too old for this? I'm almost 30 and entertaining the thought

>> No.14826184

You are fine bro.

>> No.14826344

why do you want to do this?

>> No.14826817


>> No.14826962
