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14811048 No.14811048 [Reply] [Original]

Interesting how bloggers like Moldbug and pic related basically predicted the future.

>> No.14811051

>predict hyperinflation and recession next year for 10 years on a row

>> No.14811056

he predicted that china would fuck us with their grotesque lifestyle

>> No.14811114

wow who would've predicted that

>> No.14811128

Yeah old news bud, Marx & co formalized the LTV 150 years ago.

>> No.14811138

They're not real intellectuals if they aren't talking about capitalism realism/surveillance/eros/thanatos/googoogllaaalllggoooogooogooogooo goo capital capital capital

>> No.14811255

zero hedge is pretty insightful, because despite being some sort of ronpaul lolbertarian, he is the scion of a hotshot bulgarian commie apparatchik, so he got woke on dank marxist analysis early in life
moldbug is just reactionary trash

>> No.14811319

>despite being some sort of ronpaul lolbertarian
Ron Paul is pretty based when he's writing about the Federal Reserve and education.

>> No.14811325

>dank marxist analysis

>> No.14811340

What are you talking about?

>> No.14811345

Moldbug? What did he say?

>> No.14811523

From what I've read Moldbug has been wrong about almost everything. What did he predict?
I don't think ZH predicted anything, it was common knowledge even in the mass media back then that QE would just push the crisis down the line and we'd have to deal with the banks later. But the documentation of numbers in all the manipulation is useful.

>> No.14811544

he is also pretty based voting for higher military budgets, police militarization, and do everything libertarians don't do except make some fun speeches every no and then and succ up those shekels for his political career.

>> No.14811589
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>> No.14811621
File: 32 KB, 640x427, neolibertarianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libertarianism falls apart when you realize that individuals can be just as evil as the State.
Also, a pass to collective capital (banks, corporations, cartels, syndicates, cabals, etc.) is an egregious loophole in their ideology; which spawned Neoliberalism.

>> No.14811634

A broken clock is correct twice a day. The doomsday clock is always correct.

>> No.14811636
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What Moldbug should answer is how the distorted image created by data has created a situation in which incompetence is indistinguishable from conspiracy. The Dome of the clear-pilled acts as a fish-eye lens for the real world outside of it - only that which is closest is visible, yet its appearance is monstrous and further distortsall that exists beyond it. Rationalism has become impossible through its very techniques.

>> No.14811652
File: 33 KB, 300x451, Johannes_op_Patmos_Saint_John_on_Patmos_Berlin,_Staatlichen_Museen_zu_Berlin,_Gemaldegalerie_HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how prophets like Paul and pic related basically predicted the future.

>> No.14811660

How so?

>> No.14811663

The kicking out of the money changers was the first act of Late Capitalism.

>> No.14811665
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the only reason the "state" would be evil is if the individuals making it up were evil.

>> No.14811690

>Bears finally win this year
ok, maybe.. blind squirrel wahtever etc

>> No.14811747
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>Political engineering is rocket science, too. It demands no less cogency and care. In particular, romantic illusions are as misplaced in the political engineer’s cubicle as a topless calendar in the gynecologist’s office. The reactionary takes the biped as she is. Reality alone—bleak, elegant, mindless reality—is the null device on her black flag. Anyone who tells the truth, who believes her own lying eyes, who knows whereof the fsck she speaks, is in that moment as bitter and uncompromising a reactionary as ever put foot on the earth.

>> No.14811752

It's such a glib ideology.
They love freedom but freedom will be the first thing commoditized.
They expose egalitarianism only because they'll be the first to exploit you once the barriers are down.

The whole thing is insidious and disgusting. It attracts some of the worst people.

>> No.14811861

It seems they want the freedom to become the exploiter/ Freedom for them is just allow them the space to create another minor tyranny.

The State has a monopoly on violence in order to control violence. The State also has a monopoly on tyranny, in a sense, for the same reason. Ideally, the State tyrannizes so others are unable. Therefore their irritation with the tyranny of the state is almost analogous to a thug's annoyance at the restrictions imposed by the violence of the police, but the libertarian's issue is on a 'higher' level than brute violence so we tend to let it slide.

>> No.14811885

Like some petty mob bossed who wishes the FBI would just fuck off.

>> No.14812343

What is the point of this thread?