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14809506 No.14809506 [Reply] [Original]

Felix posted a new Greek philosophy video.


>> No.14809511

wow these 9 year olds are surely gonna be wanting to study philosophy now

>> No.14809522 [DELETED] 

Well I'm a 9yo that started studying philosophy because of him.

>> No.14809524

Let’s be honest, he deserved to get robbed
>shit out a 10 minute video 3 times a week
>pay his editor 500 dollars per month
>annual income: 12 million

>> No.14809526

Yeah better do something useful like reading Wikipedia summaries of minor Platonic dialogues than dedicate themselves to learning Java to code Minecraft mods.

>> No.14809530

I like Felix takes on philosophy,entry level sure but entertaining

>> No.14810260

I wish he would stop posting philosophy videos. Normies shouldnt be allowed read or know anything about philosophy.

>> No.14810343
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Stoicism is literally retard-central at the moment with all the new-age cucks trying to philosophically cope with the fact that Mr. Shekelstein makes their life a living hell. And edgelords have been missusing 'god is dead' for decades now.
Be glad that it is quite easy to spot the literal retards when someone tries to use some big names in his favor.

>mfw someone uses the categorical imperative near me as a throwaway line

>> No.14810359

lol cum

>> No.14810409
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feed greeks to the zoomers!

>> No.14810463

I don't think Plato's position was that the ideas reside in people's heads. That's exactly what he is not stating. The ideas are real. They exist independend from the human mind.

>> No.14810935

God I wish that were me

>> No.14811043

He pays his editors far more than $500 per month. Hell, when Aloona was still editing for him she was getting almost $1k per video (though she really only edited one video every week or so) before Sive became the primary editor for him.

>> No.14811053

How do you know that? I only remember Brad writing on twitter about not being able to afford buying games on steam.

>> No.14811075

I've heard Aloona answer questions about editing for PewDiePie on stream (though I don't know if I'd be able to find time stamps for VODs and stuff). As far as Brad goes, he hasn't edited for PewDiePie in over a year at this point and basically said he was quitting editing for Pewds so he could spend more time with his 3 kids and wife. He definitely wasn't getting to be a millionaire editing for him, but he was making a lot more money doing that than he does on streaming etc now. I don't know the exact nature of their contract or anything but if it's anything similar to what quartering paid Sive for the one month PewDiePie was fine it's around $5k a month.

>> No.14811088

One month Pewd's was gone*

>> No.14811137

He is such a midwit idiot, it is not funny anymore.

>> No.14811169

jesus.... i was expecting much from felix... but this? this isn't even philosophy. every story about diogenes was written down like 500 years after the fact. imagine if i wrote a book about some guy that basically nobody has written about first-hand, and everything has just been passed down with 500 version of every story. diogenes isnt even a fucking philosopher

>> No.14811258

This is a good thing

Which public figure nowadays is a better influence than Pewdiepie?

>> No.14811402

Damn, I can't wait for the sudden, mysterious flood of threads asking about Diogenes!

>> No.14811416

He makes millions and millions of dollars. He has more than enough money to basically retire for the rest of his life. Where does all of that money go? His videos look basically the same. They are basically just glorified vlogs and reactions videos. He puts out one 10 minute video either every week, or every couple of weeks. From the looks of things, he hasn't hired more people to help him with videos, because he doesn't even need a team with what he does. And the subject matter of the videos are usually just things he copies off of reddit or 4chan, or entry-level books like Plato's Republic.

Why do people willingly give money to him? He doesn't do anything of value with it. People dedicate their entire lives in order to get the funding they need to work on their projects, whether it be a book, a movie, a television series, even a video game. What does Felix do? The same vlogs, over and over again.

>> No.14811479

Because he's greedy and wants more money, he could actually make good videos but instead he reacts to videos and reddit

>> No.14811629

Dude, get a clue. He released daily video 7 days a week for over 10 years. I understand the whole greedy millionaire bit and that he's not looking to add you to his audience but can you stop talking out of your ass?

>> No.14811651

Sometimes people don't do it for the money anymore. To some, the money is just a score board that tells you if what you are doing is successful or not.

>> No.14811823

You guys are the ones who know about his videos
Why would you even know about his uploads? He does philosophy ?
Last I heard he a was a gamer that dropped occasional /pol/ references

>> No.14811935


>> No.14812028

Is he actually big with normies? I always thought his audience was comprised mostly of small children and autists, and the subscriber war just boosted his popularity within that demographic.

>> No.14812065
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>unlisted video on Heideggerian Entschlossenheit

>> No.14812074

he puts out videos daily. His money is from ad revenue and sponsorships by people watching him.

I agree with the general indignation at this getting him millions of dollars but it is what people want to see. We unfortunately seem to be trending towards a entertainment based service economy in the long run. As far a most youtubers go he is on the better side for actually focusing on some sort of philosophy that may get his audience interested in the subject.

>> No.14812615

How does one seethe so much cope?

>> No.14812651

I never watched more than 30 seconds of any of his vids. I am not sure that Felix is his real name. If you know all of this, you need to read more and stood watching shit on YouTube.

>> No.14812654

Stop* watching shit

Pardon me I was triggered

>> No.14812673

There are specific videos I enjoyed, but yah, by and large is just annoying.

>> No.14813170

He seems pretty contradictory. He makes millions by intentionally producing low-effort content that mostly re-utilizies other people's content, making them easily and quickly producible, prioritizing quantity over quality, he regularly employs cheap click-baiting strategies, intrusive advertising and product-placement, and he seemed to work very consciously toward the goal of having 100 million subscribers, even though it's completely meaningless even if you look at the actual viewer numbers. And then he tries to shape himself as philosophically woke and critical about material possessions and the culture of vacuous attention-hijacking in the world of social media hypes... lol.

>> No.14813200

I stopped watching his videos years ago for these same reasons. Half his videos use click-bait. Just look at the one called "I read 731" books this year where he says he just lied about the number so people would click on the video. Or take a look at his description and you'll see that there are like a hundred different affiliate link on shit he doesn't even use. And let's not talk about the fact that most of his videos nowadays are just reactions to either other videos or top ten plebbit shit or made up drama about why he's leaving YT but he never leaves (unfortunately).

I honestly don't see the appeal nor why he's considered the bastion of creativity and integrity on YouTube. He's just another hack that uses the platform to make some quick money yet if you dare criticize him a whole army of f a g g o t s will try put you to death. Guess I should leave the Internet again...

>> No.14813209

>Be averagely intelligent Swedish kid
>Make some nice dough doing the same juvenile shit we were all doing 7-10 years ago
>Obviously don't be content with making funny videos, look for something more
>Skip bullshit spirituality/progressive populism
>Use acquired comfort to actually educate yourself with the great works of literature and philosophy
>Share your path to patricianhood with millions of kids
Can you be anymore based than Felix?

>> No.14813233

I'd love to see what content you'd make for youtube.

>> No.14813263

I dunno, him trying to move towards "headier" topics (i.e. entry-level high school lit, entry-level philosophy) after spending years pumping out clickbait vlogs and reaction videos (and screeching at happy wheels before that) while talking about how being rich isn't all that great seems more like a coping mechanism to me. Him talking about selling his possessions seems like that too. It's like he knows he's a sham and he's trying to compensate.

>> No.14813302

Brad doesn't have kids anon.

>> No.14813322

He's not moving towards them you retard he just likes making videos with topics like this every now and then, he's been doing it since 17 at the same rate if not faster than he does now.

>> No.14813332

Don't forget he married also.

Man, all I need is everything in the world and then I think I'd finally be able to devalue material possessions in pursuit of a spiritual journey.

>> No.14813379

I wouldn't. I was never interested in that. I'm the same age as Felix. While he was rising to fame I spent thousands of hours reading the books he is now starting to get interested in. I'm nobody working on some experimental prose that nobody likely will be interested in while Felix is a millionaire working on videos millions of people want to watch. That is the normal course of events. But it doesn't detract the legitimacy of pointing out the contradictions in his actions.

>> No.14813676

>>Be averagely intelligent Swedish kid
I presume you believe you are above average intelligence?

>> No.14813725

i love you anon