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14808894 No.14808894 [Reply] [Original]

Empathy - is it real?
Hello /lit/. I come with a message of peace to discuss about a very important topic.
Empathy over internet in modern man. I believe that empathy has become a thing which is being forced upon by our highly politically correct society. I just can't explain how people feel empathy over things they read on internet. So if empathy is something which can be trained, is cruelty the same? But let's not digress.
The main issue I feel with empathy over internet is that it feels empty to me. Maybe it's the way I am observing it or maybe I am a psychopath destined to not feel empathy.
When I say that empathy over internet feels empty to me, I can't destruct it any further. Maybe you guys can help me out.
I know I have to read more.
To keep it lit, books for the feel to not actually understand empathy over internet?

>> No.14808914

Empathy, as it is invoked today, is nothing more than a buzzword used by leftists to pathologize their opposition. Today it boils down to feeling with an agenda rather than any sort of underdog others.

>> No.14809009

Does empathy have any basis in dna or is it all just epigenetics?
Is there even any advantage to having empathy in the modern world , atleast in the developed world?

>> No.14809020

Wtf are you two braindead toddlers on about? There's no fucking political agenda to make you empathetic. If anything, the internet desensitizes it's over consuming users to the point that they don't give a single fuck about their fellow man.

>> No.14809060

I am not saying that there is a political agenda to make me more empathetic but if you see posts with empathy on internet, do you find them to be fake? Devoid of any real emotion? If internet is desensitizing us then where is this empathy coming from?

>> No.14809187

>if you see posts with empathy on internet, do you find them to be fake? Devoid of any real emotion?
>If internet is desensitizing us then where is this empathy coming from?
You almost had it right. Fake empathy isn't real empathy, thus there is not an abundance of empathy on the internet. This all supports the point that the internet has left people desensitized. Your contrarians express it with edgy attitudes about not caring if harm comes to others, or even preferring it, and your normies express it by vainly virtue signalling without any love for their brothers. There is no empathy on the internet.

>> No.14809198

Some people do empathize with the suffering they read about on the internet. I remember being like this when I was a child, but years of browsing the internet and a lack of comradery with others will desensitize a person. Also, there certainly are some people who seem to pretend to empathize with the suffering of others to seem moral, but even these people I suspect are combining genuine emotional distress with a need for attention.

Empathy is real, although some people don't feel it nearly as often/strongly as others. I do not feel very much empathy. This is not to say I don't feel sympathy, but I do not easily feel the suffering of others as my own. A friend of mine, on the other hand, experiences empathy very strongly and struggles immensely to accept the suffering people induce upon each other. Because this person actively avoids attention I can confidently say empathy is not all about seeming politically correct and virtue signaling.

I think it's fair to say that the lack of socialization of young people, as well as a divisive and competitive culture (which is what NA culture is at its core), makes people unable to feel empathy. Furthermore, people generally don't care as much about out-group members as they get older, this has always been the case and probably will be forever, I guess it just depends on who people identify as in-group members.

>> No.14809262

Empathy is an act of observing life through the situation of another being. Yes it exists.

>> No.14809564

Empathy is real, but people are encouraged not to empathize with others (or to only empathize with a specific group of others, while restraining their empathy for other specific groups) in the modern world and on the internet. "Empathy" on the internet is usually just another excuse for in-group favoritism. It's not real empathy, it's posturing. It's possible for people to empathize with others on the internet, but this is rarely the case due to the fact that one can't really know enough about other people through the internet to truly connect with them.