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14807666 No.14807666 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good intermediate/Advanced meditation books?
I've been meditating for arround 2 years (not consistently) and read some basic books (e.g; meditation in plain english, beyond mediation in plain english)

>> No.14807675
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Pic related gave me an incredible boost in my sessions, no unnecessary chit chat, just providing a few really strong methods
Highly recommend

>> No.14808132
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>> No.14808139

Meditation is a meme, enjoy mindfucking yourself into permanent psychosis

>> No.14808204

this guy is a mega retard catering to secular retards craving popsci

>> No.14808208

kundalini is wrong meditation

>> No.14808223

cringe material

>> No.14808296

Isn't the symbol at the start the pedophile signal?

>> No.14808330

yeah this one
you probably can reach stream-entry just with this book

>> No.14808339

>Muh spirituality
Go fuck off with your eastern philosophic insights

>> No.14808358

Try finding a school and then start reading books about that. Personally, I've followed zen for a while and liked that ok. But when I found taoist meditation, the difference was amazing because it opened me up in a way that zen never did before.

>> No.14808367

this is standard conservo-right wing culture here

ie its fucking dumb and the russians will kill us with it

>> No.14808497

The only book you need op.
At stage 8 there are is a "Witness" practice aimed to induce no-self insight. But you need a very advanced concentration for this.

>> No.14808910

Is this book just a rehash of some other eastern text (in which case, please let me know which one) or is this the best book on the 9-10 stage model of meditation thing?

>> No.14808939

Not all of eastern philosophy is spiritual you Anglo ape

>> No.14808954

As a zen master and daoist I’ve found that what the zen is for the self (there is one, that combination of skandhas shit is retarded) the dao is for nature in general. When one incorporates the mindset of Zazen in his life he is useful like the bowl that is empty. When the trackless goes about, a path is made when walked on. Zen Buddhism and daoism are only speaking of the same things. When one is enlightened they will see into infinity, and know all.

>> No.14808992

Oh great master! What distinguishes a Zen master from just a Zen practitioner?

>> No.14809050

currently I am wearing a shirt of 100% cotton.

>> No.14809078

The stages are taken from Asanga afaik, but the instructions are completely original with stuff like peripheral awarness, types of dullness etc.

>> No.14809345

the guy is about insight practice, so some mix of theravada and tibetan mediation, then he goes full on Mahasi for insight.

It is not good, but nobody is skilled at mediation nowadays.

>> No.14809349

zen is hinduism and so wrong view

>> No.14809388

Thanks for the comment. Yeah the philosophy of zen is > taoism but I have to say that the taoist meditation is so much better. It's like watching movies in color when you've only seen them in black and white your whole life, just my 2 cents

>> No.14809487
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Theravada is just Hindu Brahminism but now the laypeople actually have to financially support the Brahmins completely while being given the Noble Lie by the Brahmins(monks) about merit making and these muckfarmer plebs getting to enjoy various heavens even though it flies in the face of anatta.
>life long paid for meditation retreats and borderline object of worship for me, dogmatic life denying moralism coupled with the daily breaking of these precepts just to feed me/live and noble lie for thee.

>> No.14809508

I was genuinely surprised how meditation quickly and effectively reduced my anxiety attacks. No fucking joke, I am not esoteric at all but God knows how it worked. Sadly I just stopped after a week or two, because I always used to do it before bed and skipped on it when I was too tired, got too sloppy etc. The positive effect was most definitely there and it showed after the second or third time, but I never really managed to do it for long.

>> No.14809771

Undisciplined. Shameful.

>> No.14809823

This dudes youtube channel is good

>> No.14809917

Yeah its pretty nice, except when he teaches lay people. His specific teachings to lay people amounts to nothing but strict moralism. He even advises all lay people to celibacy.

>> No.14810005

It's amusing to me that /lit/ Buddhists shun Asanga and never talk about him and when forced to they say that his teachings go against the Pali Canon and are practically heresy but then they praise a book (nevermind that it was written by a fake guru sex-addict) based on Asanga's stages as the best meditation guide ever

>> No.14810259

I hope you're comfortable.

>> No.14810440

It's literally one guy. At least I've never read any particular hatred toward Asanga on /lit/. Most discussion about Buddhism is generally pali supremacy or Nagarjuna.

Why would people have anything against Asanga?

>> No.14810545

The writer of this book is a redditor and cheated on his wife with prostitutes after writing this book. He stopped only when he got caught. Avoid

>> No.14810569

Post attainments

>> No.14810594

You are discouraging anons from the only book that has instructions beyond "return to the breath, let it come let it be, and wait patiently for first jhana or A&P".

>> No.14810596

Because those are the only instructions one needs.

>> No.14810598

Meditation doesn't necessarily make you a good person.

>> No.14810610

The author of the book claimed precisely otherwise.

>> No.14810619

That sounds like enough instruction to me.

>> No.14810621

Yeah, if you are a neet with infinite free time living near a retreat center with a teacher

>> No.14810634
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how about this?

>> No.14810636

You don't need a retreat center nor a teacher.

>> No.14810659

Such is human nature.

>> No.14810683

Then he shouldn't have made the claims he made.

>> No.14810705

Even if that claim was made, it doesn't disprove his teachings.

>> No.14810712

It does.
Yates claimed his teachings lead to awakening, he claimed several attainments, he claimed awakening.
He is not awakaned, he is a liar, his teachings don't lead to awakening.

>> No.14810721

You are naive if you believe that awakening will stop your desires.

>> No.14810729

"Desires" aren't "yours" and "you" have no need to follow them if you are awakened.
This is assuming awakening doesn't stop your desires, which it does

>> No.14810738

There are plenty of people claiming they reached awakening at /r/TheMindIlluminated/. Are they all wrong?

>> No.14810739

Anything by Saint Teresa of Ávila

>eastern philosophic insights
I take it you don't know a literal Roman emperor wrote a book called meditations

>> No.14810751


>> No.14810755

The book's original title has to be translated has "To myself"
The western/eastern distinction is meaningless, though

>> No.14810767 [DELETED] 

TMI mentiones the 4 stages of enlightenment model, but I think that Culadas explicitly equates enlightenment with Insight into no-self. Btw sense desire ends with 3rd path I think

>> No.14810801

dude even Theravada says you can straight up kill people after you've entered the stream

>> No.14810820

Cheating on your wife is worse than killing people.
There's nothing wrong with killing people in buddhism

>> No.14810825

Being a redditor is worse than both.

>> No.14810826

>There's nothing wrong with killing people in buddhism
Except the first and probably most important precept.

>> No.14810827

I agree.

>> No.14810869


>> No.14810880

Ignorant redditor
Ignorant redditor

>> No.14810890

Is that supposed to mean something?

>> No.14810893


>> No.14810906

I haven't read TMI myself, but I've heard that it puts too much emphasis into the stages of meditation, which, paradoxically, goes against the whole idea of being non-judgmental, and being okay with the present moment. Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.14810908

Share the meaning with us.

>> No.14810945

dude let’s strip meditation of all its religious trappings that make people uncomfortable and require radical spiritual change and turn it into a cope that we can commercialize and sell to western rubes lmao

>> No.14810953

This has been happening ever since a bunch of Jews started pushing Zen on hippies 60 years ago.

>> No.14810962

I don't see how it's a problem. Teaching in stages is simply very effective, it's the whole rationale for it. You could be as easily judgemntal without the stages-model, you'd just have 2 stages: enlightenment and non-enlightenment.

>> No.14810966

Yes, some people complain about that. On the other hand breaking meditation into stages helps immensely in recognizing where you are and what you should be doing at the moment.

>> No.14810994

I would not recommend learning meditation from a book. You can enhance your meditation experience with reading, but instructions beyond basics ought to be pointed out by a living teacher in a valid tradition.

The reason for this is that meditation - especially intermediate/advanced meditation - is not just a stress reduction exercise, but a spiritually potent method for accomplishing any number of supernatural goals. But spirituality is bankrupt if it does not have a direct, living connection to the divine, and the only way that is found is through a teacher who has inherited that connection (they don't necessarily need to have experienced the divine connection themselves, merely to carry a lineage of the blessing from someone who did).

If you're content with basic meditation, your basic books will do fine. If you want intermediate/advanced tactics, find a teacher.

>> No.14811042
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I found Mindfulness by Joseph Goldstein to be useful/interesting.

>> No.14811049

Imagine, the world is full of excellent treaties on meditation from a wide range of people from Buddhist societies and you choose to have a Jew interpret it for you. Embarrassing.

>> No.14811058
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>> No.14811272

>living connection to the divine
nice meme

>> No.14811336
File: 22 KB, 324x499, wie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Although trying to find a Jew-free Buddhist society or book these days is increasingly difficult. Pic related is good