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1480716 No.1480716 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/ , we are gonna play a game. Your on a desert island and you can only have one of each of these items for the rest of your life:

>Favorite book

>Favorite movie

>Favorite CD

>> No.1480719

book: escaping desert islands for dummys
move: so you want to escape from a dessert island
cd desert island by the escacpers

>> No.1480723

Young Frankenstein
Bob Dylan - The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Live 1966 - The "Royal Albert Hall" Concert

>> No.1480733

> the count of momte christo

> american beauty

> highway 61 revisited

pretty hipster-ish. am i supposed to feel ashamed?

>> No.1480735

ok fine i'll answer seriously
just one book? ok
a fistful of charms
duct tape forever
ill ron hubbard

>> No.1480738

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Fragment of the Future

>> No.1480740


>Brother's Karamazov

>Jurassic Park

>Kongo Magni

>> No.1480741

which is the book move and cd

>> No.1480744 [DELETED] 

>Favorite book
2666 - Roberto Bolaño

>Favorite movie
Fight Club

>Favorite CD
Either Cristal Castles' Crystal Castles or Peste Noire's La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence

>> No.1480747

The Stranger

Pulp Fiction

Old Traditions, New Standards - Tullycraft

>> No.1480756

My favorites are not what I'd want on a desert island. I'd want how to survive desert island books. But anyway:

>Favorite book
Ender's Shadow
>Favorite movie
Good Will Hunting
>Favorite CD
Modest Mouse - We were dead before the ship even sank

>> No.1480761

>Favorite book

Hmm. Probably Ulysses or complete Shakespeare.

>Favorite movie

On a desert island? Really? Maybe Bergman's Seventh Seal, or Altman's Short Cuts.

>Favorite CD

"It's Monk's Time" by Thelonious Monk

>> No.1480768
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>Favorite book
Naked Lunch

>Favorite movie
The Matrix

>Favorite CD
In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3

>> No.1480770

>Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
>Fragment of the Future


>> No.1480773

a dvd is more useful as signaling device than a video medium

>> No.1480783 [DELETED] 

Doctor Zhivago
The Golden Age of Wireless

>> No.1480792


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I have no clue..

>> No.1480798

>Doctor Zhivago
>The Golden Age of Wireless

>> No.1480813

Complete works of Poe
The Big Lebowski
Blue Sky Noise by Circa Survive

>> No.1480823

These aren't my favorites, but rather the ones I can stand to experience repeatedly without my enjoyment decreasing:

Book: Redemption of Althalus
Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Album: Split between Third Eye Blind and Blue by Third Eye Blind

>> No.1480832

>Favorite Book
Divine Comedy, so I can elaborate about semiology during years and never get bored
>Favorite Movie
Oldboy, so I can laugh, cry, fap, and scream "FUCK YOU STUPID CUNT, YOUR SISTER DIED BECAUSE SHE WAS A BITCH!"
>Favorite CD
Rodrgio y Gabriela - 11:11
so I can learn some good guitar

>> No.1480851
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>The Hobbit

>Pan's Labyrinth

>Second Stage Turbine Blade


>> No.1480856
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Blood Meridian
Lawrence of Arabia
Frances the Mute

>> No.1481059

Cat's Cradle

In Bruges

By the Throat - Eyedea and Abilities

>> No.1481132

Book: Gravity's Rainbow
Movie: The Big Lebowski
CD: Hello Rockview

>> No.1481197

Book: Don Quixote. It's not my favorite book, but I don't think I could ever get tired of it. That or Robinson Crusoe, since I'd be able to relate to it.
Movie: Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail. Again, not my favorite, but if I'm trapped on an island, I'm gonna need a laugh and something I can watch over and over again.
Music: If I were trapped tomorrow, I'd probably go with The King is Dead by the Decemberists. It's all I've been listening to since Tuesday. Now sure what it'd be after I get down off that high. I'd probably go with The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me by Brand New normally. Something I could be all emo too but also rage when my loneliness finally drove me insane.

>> No.1481202
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Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me.

Annie Hall

Can't Maintain - Andrew Jackson Jihad

>> No.1481203

Gravity's Rainbow

There Will Be Blood

Two Door Cinema Club-Tourist History

>> No.1481206

The Wind-up Bird Chronicles

Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind

Talk talk-Laughing Stock

>> No.1481209

Jules et Jim
Dark Side of the Moon

Those these will change in an hour or so.

>> No.1481214

We should be pals before you die in a motor accident.

>> No.1481220
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Breakfast of Champions

>> No.1481227

I like you.

>> No.1481231

I've got a friend who really likes Andrew Jackson Jihad. He's let me listen to them several times. They're alright for a lark.

>> No.1481239

The Seventh Seal
Agalloch - The Mantle

>> No.1481245
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>mfw nobody mentions Woman in the Dunes by Kobo Abe

>> No.1481263
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Book: "Alhazred" by Donald Tyson (not my favorite book, but my favorite really long book which would be better on a desert island)

Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (already seen it more than 100 times and still laugh)

CD: "Night at the Opera" by Blind Guardian (probably listened to it over 100 times and still one of my favorite albums)

>> No.1481265

>Looking for Alaska
>Heretic Pride, The Mountain Goats

>> No.1481269

Mountain Goats. Fuck yeah. Their new single is awesome, by the way.

>> No.1481279

>Wuthering Heights (inb4 newfag)
>idk... Maybe one of the Lord of the Rings, I don't watch many movies.
> absolutely no idea... I'm not one for movies or CDs, more for games and books.. I failed.

>> No.1481281

The Plague by Camus

...Fight Club. Goddammit.

Closer by Joy Division

>> No.1481284

I sense a lack of--oh yes, I see it, now--oh dear--there's going to be a severe dearth of pussy in your future. Buy a fleshlight now, while you're not sure if you'll need it.

>> No.1481287

What am I going to play the movie and the CD on?

>> No.1481296


but really thanks for the advice, bro.

>> No.1481297

>Complete Works of Poe
well thats just like, your opinion man

>> No.1481299

The boom box and DVD/TV The Professor builds you out of coconuts.

>> No.1481306

Where to plug it in? That's the question.

>> No.1481307

>Favorite book
East of Eden

>Favorite movie

>Favorite CD
Binary Universe - BT

>> No.1481317

East of Eden
Thin Red Line
some kinda Bach/Chopin compilation

>> No.1481318

oh shit

>> No.1481319

wtf I'm struggling to comprehend how someone with such an outstanding favourite book can enjoy the drivel BT puts out.

Seriously. I would rather grate my ears off than listen to that album again.

>> No.1481321

Fuck, I love you. And that dude who listed "Brother's Karamazov."

>> No.1481326

Than recommend something or stfu.

>> No.1481335

Try DJ Shadows 'Endtroducing....' or some john coltrane or some shit

Anything but BT really

>> No.1481338

havent read it yet. now i'm gonna.
thread turns out to be productive

>> No.1481339

Thanks man.

Made me sad face. But agreed. This list gave me some new things to pick up.

>> No.1481364
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>Brother's Karamazov
>Brother is Karamazov
>(my) Brother's Karamazov

Are you sure it's your favorite novel? You misunderstood the title, for fuck's sake!