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14805474 No.14805474 [Reply] [Original]

Hamilton's Mythology or Bullfinch's Mythology?

>> No.14805543

How can pagan gods get BTFO'd by baby-faced angels? Just asking.

>> No.14805569


>> No.14805591

Please just stick to the question at hand

>> No.14805604

Read the original sources. Hamilton is for morons.

>> No.14805613

>Read the original sources.
Any good collections? I can't really join the Ancient Greek oral tradition
>Hamilton is for morons.
What about Bulfinch?

>> No.14805698

>Any good collections?
This is all you need:
1) "Anthology of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in Translation" (2nd Edition, 2016). ISBN-10: 1624664970
2) "Apollodorus' Library and Hyginus' Fabulae: Two Handbooks of Greek Mythology" (1st Edition, 2007). ISBN-10: 0872208206

>What about Bulfinch?
Better than Hamilton, I guess.

>> No.14806619

I'll look into these. Thanks anon

>> No.14806707

Hesiod, Ovid, and pseudo apollodorus mentioned by anon above are all you need and then some.

>> No.14806726

The Greek Myths by Robert Graves

>> No.14807233

I've read Hamilton's but not Bullfinch's. Is it worth checking out?

>> No.14807255
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Anybody telling you to avoid Hamilton is just one of the anxty sexists.
Seconding this though. He lists everything and you can look for the source material if interested

>> No.14807280

Does it seem like baby-faced angels hold a strong presence in today's world? Jesus' Logos may as well have turned out to be a 14 inch demon cock.

>> No.14807287

Bullfinch. Hamilton is a filthy modernist and has an abhorrent understanding of the realities of analytical psychology.

>> No.14807331

Hamilton, Graves, and these recommended primary sources are all Greek exclusive! The only exception is Ovid, who is Roman.
But Bulfinch talks about the full world of myth! It goes from ancient times, to King Arthur, all the way up to the Romantics. The Golden Bough, one of the most influential works of comparative mythology, is based largely on the structure of Bulfinch’s Mythology and it assumes you’re familiar with the work.
If you’re doing a “start with the greeks” thing, yeah read the others, but Bulfinch is a class in its own to read

>> No.14807501

Do not listen to tripfags. Stop posting.

>> No.14807529

It’s don’t respond to tripfags you dumb fucking retard

>> No.14807577
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>> No.14808919

Hamilton is way too opinionated