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/lit/ - Literature

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14805198 No.14805198 [Reply] [Original]

Universities have completely outlived their purpose and I can't wait until they're finally replaced by 3-to-12 months of mostly online courses administred by people who actually work in the area.

>> No.14805251

Couldn't agree more, Anon.

>> No.14805266

Idk man, get STEM degree and thats an easy 80k right out the door

>> No.14805268

Completely agree. Why the fuck am I being paid $150,000 over the course of 5 years to produce a book that no one is going to read? Who is paying for it? Why? I don't fucking know, but if any good is coming of it, it's subsidizing the weed industry.

>> No.14805269

But attending one is a nice way of being a pseudoneet while not feeling like a failure

>> No.14805288

The transfer of citizens education (which is in humanities: classics, history, literature, philosophy, and also pure math), to vocational education, along with the erosion in quality of the former, is what's killing the educational system. Due to the way its financially oriented, its due for collapse.
People are hesitant to know that vocational education is a system made for peasants and slaves, rather than to make them more thoughtful and greater citizens. And we've seen this in history, in Rome during Cicero's time. And then the Prussian educational system which has informed the modern American one.

>> No.14805302

sauce on the prussian reference?

>> No.14805340

Does this have anything in particular to do with literature? You won't learn a language or literary theory in a 12-month course.

>> No.14805383
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The rabbit-hole goes deeper once you realize agriculture was in fact invented for slaves, and that for most of human history freer races of men simply tended vast estates for game, fish, and plants before a couple Euphratean warlords realized they could simply force their slaves to toil over the same small patch of ground for years on end in order to create a meager surplus of grains.

>> No.14805405

what is the biggest distance you can actually see irl of a mountain. Like i imagine you cant stand somewhere and actually see 8km of Everest rising before you right?

>> No.14805942

Absolutely no one except retarded white teenagers who play too many Paradox games care about historical role-playing. People want money and to be able to seek training and re-training as they get older without having to commit to a 5-year 100k+ shitfest that could be trimmed down to a few essential classes.

>> No.14805967

Education, as in the liberal arts, was something basically only the upper class did up until the late 1800s, where I think it was France that instituted the first mass schooling systems. We now have some kind of deformed Frankenstein of vocational training and the corpse of what used to be education.

The middle classes very much still LARP as being aristocrats, they care very deeply about being 'educated', which increasingly means "got a degree and have Woke opinions' whereas a century and a half ago it meant that you read the entire body of Greek and Latin literature in the original, and learnt mathematics and metaphysics.

>> No.14806015

You are wrong. If anything, this is a resounding success of the herding and indoctrinating of the slaves into more advanced slavery that is only possible in a hyperadvanced capitalist-democratic society, which allows the hidden aristocrats, powerhouses, and great men more subjects to use to create more complex technology and science that they can use to bend the future to their will. To attempt to make everyone read the works of the past will just create further levelling of our account of history, out of a need to reduce ressentiment in women and minorities (as is already happening, with the "old white men" memes, black history couses, "all cultures are equal" schpeal, complaining about colonialism and slave ancestry, pity for the pathetic works of the stupid such as African and female writers, etc.)

>> No.14806167

>whereas a century and a half ago it meant that you read the entire body of Greek and Latin literature in the original, and learnt mathematics and metaphysics.