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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 156 KB, 1015x1200, hith-10-things-voltaire-painting-104418281-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14804930 No.14804930 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did he drink so much coffee?

>> No.14804946

It was heavily watered down because he re-used the same coffee grounds over and over again. It was truly expensive back in his time. Also, he was an addict to uppers.

>> No.14804962

>tfw eat raw coffee grounds all day
>wake up after 3-5 hours sleep daily and still caffeinated upon waking up

>> No.14804968

The coffee was heavily subsidized by the Austrian government in an effort to destabilize its neighbors.

>> No.14804974
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.14804981

One *sip* at a time.

>> No.14804982


>> No.14805002

i imagine he was quite regular

>> No.14805303
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>In the 19th century, Søren Kierkegaard would also get into a coffee ritual. He "had his own quite peculiar way of having coffee," writes biographer Joakim Garff. "Delightedly he seized hold of the bag containing the sugar and poured sugar into the coffee cup until it was piled up above the rim. Next came the incredibly strong, black coffee, which slowly dissolved the white pyramid."
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14805450

How could one man be so based?

>> No.14805458


Is that literal crack?

>> No.14805481

no wonder he was trembling and anxious

>> No.14805516

laughed like a retard, much needed, thanks anon

>> No.14805590

Imagine the diarrhea.

>> No.14805610
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Jesus Christ, what the fuck?

>> No.14805616

Imagine being the maid who cleaned up? (No flushing toilets back then.)

>> No.14805628

Sounds a lot like modern day energy drinks desu.

>> No.14805659
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>Balzac's work habits are legendary. He wrote from 1 am to 8 am every morning and sometimes even longer. Balzac could write very rapidly; some of his novels, written with a quill, were composed at a pace equal to thirty words per minute on a modern typewriter. His preferred method was to eat a light meal at five or six in the afternoon, then sleep until midnight. He then rose and wrote for many hours, fueled by innumerable cups of black coffee. He often worked for fifteen hours or more at a stretch; he claimed to have once worked for 48 hours with only three hours of rest in the middle.

Would the classical authors be coke heads if they were alive today?

>> No.14806065

The classical authors would be very unhappy and ineffective in modern times. They would probably kill themselves within a month.

>> No.14806088

Coffee is good for you. Sexual arousal, sexual activity and masturbation are not. They are pro-inflamatory, always result in habit and dull the mind. The Greeks were calling people cumbrains in 2500 BC, malaka.

>> No.14806099

holy fuck
no wonder he died in his early 40s
>complications from falling from a tree
my ass

>> No.14806104

kek, noice

>> No.14806134

Wow, I thought I was the only one who did this... I had no idea this was completely normal.

Well okay then.

>> No.14806159
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They would be on amphetamines and listening to jungle music.

>> No.14806245

It helps to stay regular.

>> No.14806623
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>> No.14806695
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way ahead of you, bro

>> No.14806753


>Georges Simenon’s extraordinary production was undoubtedly linked to the strict, unvaried routine he followed for producing a book.

>Firstly, Simenon would list the names of his characters, including their descriptions, addresses, and other personal details on a large manila envelope. The plot line would come later, almost as a revelation, while writing. On the eve of his first writing day, he would meticulously prepare, polish, and change the ink ribbon of his IBM electric typewriter. He would lay out a selection of pipes, some of his special ‘Coupe Maigret’ tobacco, a coffeepot and a large cup, and two folders — one for typescript, the other for carbons. With the phone disconnected, he would hang a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door of his study. The whole household knew that a tomb-like silence had to be observed to avoid distracting Georges Simenon during his creative process.

>On the following day, Simenon would be up at dawn, wearing one of his checked Abercrombie & Fitch sports shirts, ready to work. He wrote quickly, never consulting a dictionary, never going back to edit. He poured his popular novels onto the pages in torrents, at the rate of 92 words a minute, hardly even pausing to ruminate. By about 10:30 a.m. he would be finished for the day, with a complete 80-page installment ready for his secretary and his sweat-drenched shirt ready to be laundered. He produced between six thousand and eight thousand words a day. In his younger days, it’s said, he’d throw up after completing his shift The ritual demanded that he wear the same shirt until the novel was finished. After eight or 10 days (the Maigret stories took up to a month), another Simenon would be off to the publisher.

>> No.14806769

A cup is what? 200ml? 10l seems a tiny bit excessive. Is there any proof for this shit?

>> No.14806775

Maybe his cups were small, like little espresso cups?

>> No.14806799

>He wrote from 1 am to 8 am every morning and sometimes even longer.
>He often worked for fifteen hours or more at a stretch; he claimed to have once worked for 48 hours with only three hours of rest in the middle.
Literally me.

>> No.14806804
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>> No.14806843

>In 1977 [Simenon] said he had had sex with 10,000 women in the 61 years since his 13th birthday

>> No.14806914

Whys that

>> No.14806940

No doubt at 92 thrusts per minute, hardly even pausing to catch his breath.

>> No.14806982

i was losing my mind the last time i was pounding coffee everyday - shit was out of control. no idea how these authors could manage it

>> No.14807000

thats more than one woman every other day. meanwhile i havent had sex in about 4 years

>> No.14807004

Your body gets used to it pretty fast. I don't feel shit when drinking less than 4 500ml energy drinks these days.

>> No.14807014

You left out the part where he masturbated right up the edge of orgasm, stopped right before cumming, and then started writing.

Not even joking my guy

>> No.14807029

liked to keep his balzac nice and plump

>> No.14807059

even 6 months in on 4-5 cups a day i’d be a trembling mess by mid afternoon plus those final cups didn’t allow me to concentrate better only amp up the negatives. guess i don’t have the right nervous system for it

>> No.14807067

>Caffeine fueled mania
>Semen retention
>Was a royalist
You just know if Balzac were alive today, he would be on /lit/.

>> No.14807081

That sounds like fucking madness. How did he manage to concentrate on writing after blueballing himself? Being horny, doing a fap break and going back to writing worked much better for me ... although I guess the alternative is worth a try.

Well, I'm on this trip for years, not just a few months. Thought the benefits to concentration are minimal for me too. Just with the whole caffeine and sugar addiction, I'm a complete mess without at least one energy drink a day ... and then feel nervous when it's just one, and yeah.

Nah, he'd be too busy actually writing.

>> No.14807090

Took me months to get over the brain fog from quitting caffeine but it was worth it. Now I drink it 2-3 days a week but still function fine on the non-caffinated days.

>> No.14807141

Lovecraft loved his coffee and I agree. I poo much easier and am filled with glee!

>> No.14807154

Kek. Haven’t laughed like this for a while. Thanks anon.

>> No.14807155

What did actually improve for you and what was your motivation?

My only reason to consider quitting so far is the price, but saving a couple bucks while suffering for months doesn't sound like a great deal.

>> No.14807570

Spending your time on /lit/ is not the same as working.

>> No.14807582

>That sounds like fucking madness. How did he manage to concentrate on writing after blueballing himself?
Semen retention my man. Look it up. It gives you super powers.

>> No.14807585


>> No.14807588
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Based Entp addicted to coffee.

>> No.14807590

Yes but not the paedophilic degenerate picture of yours you sick bastard.

>> No.14807591

I'm in break mode after finishing my shit and sending out queries. Surely a week or two before jumping into the next project is acceptable?

>> No.14807593

I’ve actually done the edging thing and it helps me with writing as well. If i do cum I experience a petite mort that kills my writing, but edging to the very end keeps me agitated and alive.

>> No.14807597
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>> No.14807602

I was saying that you're often shitposting here for 15 hour stretches. And once did a 48 hours of shitposting with only three hours of rest.
That is not acceptable.

>> No.14807607

But not if they all appeared together, like Homer Dante and Goethe showing up to destroy modernity would be pretty /nice/. If they were alone they would probably sink into artistic depression though so I agree with that part.

>> No.14807646

>I was saying that you're often shitposting here for 15 hour stretches.
Guilty as charged.
>And once did a 48 hours of shitposting with only three hours of rest.
Now that's a bit less likely. Shitposting isn't that entertaining, the only things outside of writing I did for such periods of time was modding a porn game and tagging my music collection. Basically repetitive tasks that work very well when you're not at 100%. Shitposting requires a spark that's hard to capture after a 24-30 hours.

I don't know, I had 1-2 weeks without fapping because I just didn't feel like it, and don't recall any noteworthy benefits. Is there anything else involved?

Haven't tried edging yet and ... not sure I could pull it off. I can feel the frustration just thinking about it, and imagine my thoughts would just drift the fuck away when trying to write. I bet even notes would be a total bitch.

The times when I tried to go to sleep and couldn't or woke up in the middle of the night after drinking felt like my most productive periods when it comes to writing something new. For editing a bit of weed/alcohol and just doing it for hours was the trick.

>> No.14807690

Wait so some of you guys are actually authors? Do any of you have published books? If so link

>> No.14807762

No. It fucks your sleep and makes you feel tired all the time as you build up tolerance. It works like this:
>caffeine blocks adenosine which is the brain chemical that makes you feel tired
>brain produces more adenosine receptors to counter caffeine
>the extra adenosine receptors will make you feel even more tired so you take more caffeine
>at this point, you wake up always tired because of the extra adenosine that keeps building up so you become dependent on coffee in order to function
>if you don't take coffee, you will keep feeling fatigued all the time until you tolerance goes down after 1 week to 1 month without coffee

I'm going through a caffeine detox and it's hell, I end up sleeping around 15 hours. Luckily I didn't use to take more than 1 cup.

>> No.14807774

>please doxx yourself

>> No.14807785
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>> No.14807807

hypochondriac sperg

it is not "hell" to stop drinking 1 cup of coffee per day. you do not need to sleep that much.

>> No.14807814

Here's some /lit/ original content I can safely link for you without doxxing anyone.

>> No.14807815

of all kinds of drugs, stims like coffee and amphetamines are generally the source of most great art. downers ruin artistic potential

>> No.14807821


Why does Voltaire look like that smug girl in school who would snitch on everybody?

>> No.14807825

Forgot the link, https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Original_Content

>> No.14807832

He seems more like the intelligent but fun kid who gets into mischief to me.

I don't see know-it-all girl, though he may be something of a know it all he is a self aware of it.

>> No.14807881

>being known as a writer that posts on a literature forum.
Your right this is the wrong place to share your work. I honestly don’t see the harm, unless your a tripfag there is no way outside of this thread people would know it’s you.

>> No.14807937

>unironically thinking that american amphetabrain Ayn Rand and Kerouac tier ramblings are better than the English laudanum poets

>> No.14808116
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>You will never sit in a 18th century coffee house discussing the newly published works of Voltaire.

>> No.14808119
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>> No.14808143

Been thinking about trying to change my sleep schedule to something like that. Go to sleep late in the afternoon/early in the evening and wake up in the middle of the night. Supposedly your early hours are your most productive, so spending those writing or reading sounds better than wageslaving away.

>> No.14808146

Joys both Beethoven and Hitler could experience.

>> No.14808218

WWI was the worst thing to have ever happened

>> No.14808228
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Would we be dining in the /lit/ cafe on a stormy afternoon in Austria, all warm and engaging in actual social friendship and dialectic instead of this place if WWI never happened fren?

>> No.14808262

i think that's how it was and more to add is those "50 cups" were probably his peak at one time or like few times during his life and not ordinary amount

>> No.14808348

lol get a load of this nincompoop
drink a cup or two per day and none once or twice a week and you'll be fine

>> No.14808372

6 cup a day master race reporting in. Every morning, 2 cups. Another two late afternoon. A double espresso at night.

Feels good, you sleep great, and you have a good tolerance plus or minus a cup or two a day.

>> No.14808490

Fuck I wish I could work this hard, how the fuck do they do it? I can barely do anything for a couple hours before getting bored.

>> No.14808542

Because everyone is extremely over stimulated in the modern world by entertainment. Excessive release of dopamine in the brain causes readjustment and more dopamine will be needed to trigger the same response which means you need the greater stimulus (ie modern entertainment rather than something more thoughtful). That being said if you read like 50-100 pages everyday you’re better than most people and writing plenty is certainly more than most provided what you’re writing is substantive; not to mention, Balzac was a machine, some people have that ability to write that much and others don’t, it would require a lot of training to do so; and other prolific writers like Dumas had a team of people helping him

>> No.14808568

Because that's who Voltaire was.
>you will never invent a genre for the sole purpose of slagging off people you don't like.

>> No.14808572

Black coffee in morning. Green tea in noon.

>> No.14808644

this explains the hatred for Rosseau

>> No.14808650

Nothing is good for you.
Except water.

>> No.14808657

he must of had terrible teeth

>> No.14808719

wrong. most water contains fluride/clorine/copper/lead/bpa/estrogenoids so its not good

>> No.14808721

Because he was based

>> No.14808742

If you use the water to make coffee, then the coffee will still contain those things. The only way to escape this would be to use distilled water for everything.

>> No.14808751

obviously, yes, the coffe will be worse. destilling wont kill the clorine tho. the only solution is to stop having kike governments

>> No.14808758

>destilling wont kill the clorine tho
How do you remove the chlorine then? What if you used a distillation column to fractionate it?

>> No.14809122

Distilled water is actually bad for you, look it up, best water is from water reserves or fresh water sources,

>> No.14809139

How can it be bad for you if it has no impurities? Is there something that needs to be added?

>> No.14809149

my boy

>> No.14809153

He’s definitely lying.

>> No.14809189

Spring water is pretty good I find. Most other water makes me sick or thirstier, especially tap water.

>> No.14809294

>'strong' coffee. sugar to the brim
Even espresso strength into a demitasse and watered down (simpler to add boiling water as required), very questionable. Fear and Covfefe Shakes indeed.

>> No.14809314

>brain fog from quitting caffeine
Adrenal stress. You can have the same quantities, just needs to be at meals/with food. It isn't cigs or blow, no need for cold turkey.

>comfy fin de siècle spontaneous discussion groups in stunning palatial coffee houses
You bet fren, we have to make due with the digital correspondence salons for now

>> No.14809382

>As a patient, Proust was famous for his lack of discipline and constant self-administration of drugs, where stimulants and sedatives coexisted, including caffeine, sparteine, adrenaline, euvalpine, barbiturates (e.g. trional and veronal), chloral, ether sirup, morphine and others. Anti-asthma cigarettes and pectoral powder fumigations also played a central role. Shortly before he died, Proust was literally living on coffee and cold beer alone, which he had specially delivered from the Ritz in Paris. These mixtures, of course, had side effects, which Proust well recognized, for instance, when he said that chloral was ‘making holes’ in his brain. His insomnia, which finally led to a complete reversal of his sleep-wake cycle (he was waking up at 8 or 9 p.m. and asked his mother to fix breakfast for him at 11 p.m.), was also greatly worsened by this erratic auto-medication, and episodes of toxic coma occurred at least twice, in 1917 and in 1921

>> No.14809453

That explains a lot about his writing.

>> No.14809783

kek based
post more reimu cunny

>> No.14809789

No wonder he could pump out sentences that lasted an entire paragraph back to back to back.

>> No.14809808

How the fuck do you do that? I tried it once and when I stopped right before cumming my body just said "fuck you" and did it anyways xd

Is there a secret to edging or something?

>> No.14809904

Practice makes perfect. Train the muscles that hold and release. I've been doing it for years since I was kid before fapping even. I would often start and stop pee for fun and aim for shorter bursts and my muscles down there are very strong so when I cum now, nothing comes out and there's no release. I was able to edge for 7 hour megasessions back in the day. Another trick that can help is crossing your legs and squeezing your crotch inward. Use the pressure from your hamstrings to force that cock to narrow and shut.

>> No.14809943

Yeah sounds like it makes sense. Though not sure if I want to train being a degenerate :v but I will have it in mind next time I write

Though 7 hour megasessions sound pretty fucking nice ngl desu

>> No.14809956

>I would often start and stop pee for fun
This is the key. It strengthens the pubococcygeal muscle. Push it out as hard as you can, then stop it as quickly as you can. Make those same contractions, even when you're not urinating.

>> No.14809963

Nothing to do with being a degenerate. This is part of tantric practice that many celibate monks do. Training the body to retain semen goes hand in hand with training the spirit to retain vital force.

>> No.14809964

Would devoling that muscle make my squats heavier though? Thats the question

>> No.14809974

Sure, but I am weak agains the pleasures of the flesh and know that if I could go for 7 hours I definitely would

>> No.14809987

No, but it pairs well with squats for strengthening the pelvic floor in general. Someone on /fit/ can probably help you with the details better than me though.

>> No.14810009

Don't do it, my dick was dead for the next 3 weeks and I was bleeding from rubbing it raw. I also happened to have taken a caffeine megadose, relevant to thread actually, of roughly 1.2 grams. Can't remember if it was 5 or 6 pills of 200mg each. Couldn't sleep for 2 days and felt like I was constantly on the verge of a heart attack. My chair was dripping wet in sweat and there was even mild condensation on the walls of my unventilated room. Very uncomfortable and painful. And erections that long can cause serious issues requiring amputation I think. Priapism, anon. I only hit 7 hours that one time and most of the time it was 4 to 5.

>> No.14810012

Edging trains you to be stronger against the pleasures of the flesh. After all, it takes great force of will to resist ejaculating when you can already feel orgasm approaching.

>> No.14810018

>Nah, he'd be too busy actually writing.
All the more reason to believe he would come here once in a while, if only to destroy us with his godly effortposts.

>> No.14810029

Well I'm not circumcised so I have the high ground :^)
But I may consider it desu
But thanks for the advice
Is it more efficient than no fap though?

>> No.14810050

Everything they wanted existed back then, and no longer exists anymore. What is there to do when you've aready lived and died through life?

>> No.14810090
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>> No.14810093

Edging doesn't mean you rub it for hours at a time. You jack it to the point of orgasm, stop before cumming, and then go do something else with the energy. If it's getting red and sore, then you are edging too frequently.

>> No.14810098

>Is it more efficient than no fap though?
The nofap community would class this as 'soft-mode' (an ironic term, given that you will be harder than you have ever been.) Not touching it at all is called hard mode. Some people prefer one over the other. I think it is worth experimenting with both to see what results you get.

>> No.14810111

>Everything they wanted existed back then
Weren't a lot of them pretty discontent? I think it would be exciting for them to have a new world to conquer with their ideas. Imagine Shoppy and Nietzsche trolling a modern college campus together.

>> No.14810112

He also fapped 10 times a day, he had them crackhead genetics, that mofo.

>> No.14810120


>> No.14810130

Be bored to the point you break down and are never bored again, sit in an empty room doing nothing, read a whole 200 pages book in 1 sitting, you know what I mean.

>> No.14810147

It's not that hard anon
Ooh I may have to try working out after doing it
I can go like a week in nofap if I try desu; It sounds that soft mode is harder since once I cum I always end up doing it three or so times more desu

>> No.14810152

Is that you, Balzac?

>> No.14810171

>Ooh I may have to try working out after doing it
Yes, many people find that it improves exercise.
>It sounds that soft mode is harder since once I cum I always end up doing it three or so times more desu
You're not supposed to cum, even with soft mode. The only thing that makes it harder than hard mode is that you have to summon the willpower to stop right at the edge.

>> No.14810194

Yeah but I can't stop meself from going over the edge even if I let go

>> No.14810198

>one french press in the morning
>a second french press in the afternoon adding a double shot of baileys with each cup
>marijuana and turmeric tea all night

is my personal go to reading/writing drug combo

>> No.14810209

I'm beginning to think I may be a distant relative of his.

>> No.14810252

That's what the kegel exercises are for. Train the muscles to retain semen, then wank to the edge and hold it. Don't worry if you fail the first few times, you'll get better with practice.
From personal experience, I can say one of the best things is to edge and then go outside and talk to people. You'll be amazed how much more friendly and confident you are with all that extra energy.

>> No.14810443

>must of