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/lit/ - Literature

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14804843 No.14804843 [Reply] [Original]

>I'll admit the main reason I'm an atheist is that I simply can't understand the concept or reality of God. I realize that such an admittance situates my atheism in the realm of being the result of an intellectual defect, a lack of intelligence; however, my claim is that all atheism has such a basis. Indeed, I freely confess here and now that all atheism has only ever been the surreptitious coping mechanism of the feeble-minded who cannot comprehend anything beyond their own crude, materialist myopia. This is the great secret that I and my colleagues in academia have zealously guarded. There is no great ontological proof of atheism like their is for God. (How can one prove a universal negative?) And so after a lifetime of intrepid struggle against this monumental edifice of theism, which counts among its ranks the world's greatest and most revolutionary thinkers, I slink away to the marginal mediocrity of scientific progress, which I no longer even believe in, but must continue championing this hollow phrase for the sake of grant money. Atheism has no rational basis. And I am a fraud. Docteur, je vous en prie... laissez-moi mourir.
wow what a way to end a book

>> No.14804888

What a madman

>> No.14804901

madlad. Incredibly based.

>> No.14804908

I must be a brainlet for thinking that that was an actual quote for a second.

>> No.14805015
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Pinker is an imbecile IYI

>> No.14805032

Pinker can be called a lot of things, but a bad writer he is not. He would never produce such ghastly word salad.

>> No.14805041
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>> No.14805052

>I realize that such an admittance situates my atheism in the realm of being the result of an intellectual defect

>> No.14805098

>believing in no supernatural being is a coping mechanism
>believing in a supernatural being that cares for you isn't
theists on /lit/ have got to be the lowest tier nitwits in existence

>> No.14805135

i would never read anything by a guy named "pinker"

>> No.14805153

>believing in a supernatural being that cares for you isn't
That didnt appear anywhere in the statement. I think Christcucks get you obsessed. Nice strawman. I know you atheists love those.

>> No.14805290

Pinker is a retard with a rather narrow utilitarian materialist conception of the world and happiness.
But don’t smear all of atheism/non-theism because of him. It’s intellectually dishonest.

Do you really believe Schopenhauer or Nietzsche were facile thinkers like Pinker?