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14804630 No.14804630 [Reply] [Original]

why does quietism trigger the modern man so much?

>> No.14804679

Why are Rorty and Wittgenstein always accused of quietism by pseuds

>> No.14804702

he calls himself a quietist

>> No.14804745

wow actually that is based

>> No.14804756

Everyone is accustomed to hating Anglo whiggism and French sensualism when they're out in the open, when an Anglo is right in your face going ALL OF HISTORY WAS MERELY LEADING UP TO THE POLITICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS OF MANCHESTERISM AND THE BLOOMSBURY GROUP and a Frenchman is right in your face going THE PURPOSE OF HUMAN EXISTENCE IS BEING A SHIFTLESS BOHEMIAN IN PARIS, ALL THE WORLD ORBITS AROUND PARISIAN HEDONISM AND FASHIONS OF THE DAY, it's easy enough to go "Whoa there Anglo, whoa there Frenchman, get out of my face or I'll kill you using German idealism and volksgemeinschaft!" But then Anglos/Frenchman bastardize German (and by extension) Greek philosophy, they turn Lebensphilosophie into "existentialism" and they turn deep hermeneutic studies of the classics into "wow the ancient world was basically a bunch of Bloomsbury/Parisian intellectuals jacking themselves off too, it's too bad that didn't just last forever as one giant blank page of history :^) thank god we're back to living in that utopia now though!"

Instead of coming right out and admitting their satanic anti-philosophies of history, they presuppose them instead. They obscure them within watered-down, badly psychologized ripoff versions of German and Greek philosophies. Rather than loudly declaring his sensualism, his anti-humanistic social constructivism, and his materialistic iatromechanistic sense-determinism, the bohemian Frenchman smuggles all these in under the guise of a "therapeutic" philosophy. Rather than loudly declaring his usual nihilistic atomistic scientistic materialism, the Anglo now smuggles all these in under the guise of a badly bowdlerized "stoic" or "epicurean" philosophy. These also destroy social activism and any possibility of revolution, because now the instinctive recourse to modern malaise is redundantly overtheorized regimes of "therapy" or "resignation," the perfect opium of the intellectuals. It's easy to spend all your time chasing new Parisian delights, like fucking 13 year old boys in a bathhouse and narcissistically examining your own tortured upbringing with a therapist 6 hours a week, when you are a useful idiot in a state-sponsored sinecure. It's easy to spend all your time being "stoic" and reading/writing embarrassing pop-philosophical books about ahistorical perennial weltschmerz when you're a bourgeois layabout with posh parents.

>> No.14804801

hello, based department?

>> No.14804840

Quietism is anti-theory and anti-science. Scientists can’t stop doing both of those things, therefore they feel threatened.

>> No.14804864

By the way, Rorty and Wittgenstein aren’t exactly quietists.

>> No.14804873

breaks my heart to say that rorty apparently described himself as a quietist later in life. i only really care about philosophy and the mirror of nature and his writings around then, before he became more interested in politics and liberalism

>> No.14804887

>t. triggered modern man

>> No.14804899

rorty is an accelerationist

>> No.14804904

Do you have a source for that? I recently read contingency, irony and solidarity and didn’t really get a quietist vibe from it.

>> No.14804921


>> No.14804932

not bad

>> No.14804938


>> No.14804949

oh shit he beat me to it

>> No.14805319

endgame shit

>> No.14805324


>> No.14805561

Rorty's strongest asserted doctrine was pragmatism, quietism. He tried to attach Donald Davidson's philosophy of language as a support, but Davidson was had an explicit metaphysics and rejected both pragmatism and quietism. He also cucked on the academy. He could see it turning towards identity politics in 1980's and instead of speaking out he supported this for 'pragmatic' reasons.

>> No.14805639

i think he was just too tired to redo his shit. everything's good makes a pretty good excuse to just mentally chill

does anyone know if he was a heavy smoker or not? im wondering bc of his voice

>> No.14806084

>wow the ancient world was basically a bunch of Bloomsbury/Parisian intellectuals jacking themselves off too
That is exactly what ancient philosophy was though. The only respite that we had from the decadent bohemian intellectuals were the middle ages, but alas, all good things have to end and now we are right back to were we started. The only hope I have for the future is a vague sense that the natural sciences may one day produce the type of society in which people will finally realise what the nature of these scum are and that the only way to deal with them is to take a few lessons from Pol Pot, or else the Kali yuga will end and we will finally be delivered from this hell.

>> No.14806146

Wondered about his voice too oddly enuff