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/lit/ - Literature

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14804243 No.14804243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you keep hornyposting on this board?
Wanna wank off? Go to >>>/s/, >>>/h/ or >>>/d/ and stop posting e-whores, you fucking cum-addicted retards.

>> No.14804252

while it's absolutely cancerous, whoreposting is the least of this board's problems at this point

>> No.14804304

What would the board look like in your ideal scenario?

>> No.14804336

1. Textboard only (solves whoreposting, there is no need for images on a literature board)
2. Seriously strict moderation, if only for a limited time. There are so many garbage threads that have nothing to do with literature posted every day, I feel like this would solve the problem of political/race bait threads.
3. Actually enforce the rules that are listed in the sticky, make discussion of philosophy only allowed if related to a specific book
4. A similar policy towards "Religion vs Atheism/Science" threads as is enforced on /sci/ (i.e. banning them)
5. Require at least a bachelor's in English literature to post jk

Never gonna happen though

>> No.14804346
File: 6 KB, 456x40, met her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804362

>5. Require at least a bachelor's in English literature to post
finally i can do something with my english lit bachelor

>> No.14804371

Removing requests to /wsr/ would also get rid of those "books for this X" threads.

>> No.14804378

tfw only minored in phil, pls don't kick me out fren ;_;

>> No.14804379

Anonymous 02/28/20(Fri)15:01:18 No.14804252▶>>14804304
while it's absolutely cancerous, whoreposting is the least of this board's problems at this point
Anonymous 02/28/20(Fri)15:15:33 No.14804304▶>>14804336
What would the board look like in your ideal scenario?
Anonymous 02/28/20(Fri)15:22:56 No.14804336▶>>14804362 >>14804371
1. Textboard only (solves whoreposting, there is no need for images on a literature board)
2. Seriously strict moderation, if only for a limited time. There are so many garbage threads that have nothing to do with literature posted every day, I feel like this would solve the problem of political/race bait threads.
3. Actually enforce the rules that are listed in the sticky, make discussion of philosophy only allowed if related to a specific book
4. A similar policy towards "Religion vs Atheism/Science" threads as is enforced on /sci/ (i.e. banning them)
5. Require at least a bachelor's in English literature to post jk

Never gonna happen though
Anonymous 02/28/20(Fri)15:24:28 No.14804346▶
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6 KB
Anonymous 02/28/20(Fri)15:27:19 No.14804362▶
>5. Require at least a bachelor's in English literature to post
finally i can do something with my english lit bachelor
Anonymous 02/28/20(Fri)15:29:36 No.14804371▶
Removing requests to /wsr/ would also get rid of those "books for this X" threads.


>> No.14804381

(absolutely with you on the rest though.)

>> No.14804387
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>> No.14804402


>> No.14804427

ChristLARPer prudes deserve no respect.

>> No.14804434


>> No.14804438

wholly based and holy based, OP. absolutely agreed, moratorium on thotposting, megan boyle footfaggotry, bug-eyed cartoon ladies, and all other coomery—violators get the wall

>> No.14804442
File: 171 KB, 734x922, 28686766-D4B3-4AC5-A8CB-5CBA44E7F7D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it’s an honest question. Is coffee really good for you?

>> No.14804445
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>> No.14804451

a fellow patrician i see

>> No.14804465


>> No.14804812
File: 68 KB, 1037x1200, 1574781483152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do think /d/ is the best NSFW board on 4chan, how could you tell?

>> No.14804823

I don’t know, I’ve never met her...

>> No.14804833
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1567543632906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you do not understand the meaning of what's written in the picture.

>> No.14804836

don't post your face on 4chan retard

>> No.14804839

/lit/ isn't about reading books, it's about buying as many as you can and showing them off to one another

>> No.14804859

>Require at least a bachelor's in English literature to post
Dox them, Dox them All!

>> No.14804933

based /d/ickless faggot

>> No.14805004 [DELETED] 

I just wanted to talk about coffee

>> No.14805018

"Books for this feel" and all similar threads should be an instaban. That alone would solve so many of this board's problems.

>> No.14805112
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