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14803731 No.14803731 [Reply] [Original]

>And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
>he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made
>he rested
Why would God rest? Was he exhausted? Is he not omnipotent and all-powerful?

>> No.14803735

>Why doesn't an all powerful being act in a way I, a not-all-powerful being, expect?
Thankfully you're not as bad as the "wHy dOeS a GoOd GoD lEt BaD tHiNgS hApPeN?" smoothbrains.

>> No.14803742

Rested = ended his doings.

Not discussing theology, just remarking your troll ass lack of poetic interpretation.

>> No.14803743

ignore it fren. Gad works mystery ways!!!

>> No.14803752

you dont need to be exhausted to chill out and have a good cuppa

>> No.14803757

True, damn I almost want to smoke a joint with God

>> No.14803764

resting in this context implies that he ended his works.

>> No.14803765

How tf can anyone understand God and his actions if he's a supernatural being?

Also isn't it a justification for having a day off work or something?

>> No.14803768
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What if the universe is just a poop god made in seven days?

>> No.14803775

You'd like that wouldn't you you scatologist.

>> No.14803778

>Was he exhausted? Is he not omnipotent and all-powerful?
No, that’s not the answer. God does not exhaust, he is inexhaustible. He must have rested for another reason
>Why would God rest?
Well read on friend! The very next verses explain why
>And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
>And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Gods behavior is to be an example for us. God rests on the seventh do so that we might rest on the seventh day. From this verse, we get the weekend

>> No.14803786

Oh, thank you anon. I jumped too soon. I understand it now. I love you anon, have a good day.

>> No.14803992

OP back. I don't really understand Genesis chapter 4. It doesn't explain why Lamech killed whoever he did. And why is Lamech avenged only seventy seven fold while Cain is only avenged seven fold?