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/lit/ - Literature

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14803085 No.14803085 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with adult women reading so much YA-fiction?
I can get on rare occasions wanting to read through one for nostalgia sake, but it seems like 90% of what women read is just YA.

>> No.14803096

Why do you even know/care about what women read?

>> No.14803111

What is YA?

>> No.14803124

Yiddish Authority

>> No.14803204

Googled and it's Young Adult.

>> No.14803209

Underage dick

>> No.14803230

In my experience, women tend to care more about the opinions of others. Normie women (like normie men) mostly watch trash blockbusters and "muh golden age of television" podcast worthy shows. However, unlike normie men who thrive on finding conflict in their trash (sports, "Superman could beat up Goku", online games), women care more about how the hobby is perceived. They read because it looks smart; they read YA because it's just tv put to text. Of course, there are plenty of women who love literature or don't care what others think, but they're a step ahead of normalfags (men and women).

>> No.14803244

brilliant bait, or fucking autist

>> No.14803281

It's called "young adult". The clue is in the fucking name.

>> No.14803351

They are morally and intellectually children. You should know this by now.