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/lit/ - Literature

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14800560 No.14800560 [Reply] [Original]

>750 word essay due tomorrow
haven't even opened google docs

>> No.14800603

>950 first chapter due tomorrow
haven't even attended class

>> No.14800635
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>5 page report due tomorrow
finished it weeks ago

>> No.14800641
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>finished it weeks ago

>> No.14800643

I once wrote a 5500 words paper in exactly one day before the deadline. It was torture, but I got an A.

>> No.14800649

did he skip library and leg day?

>> No.14800651

Jesus man. How did you even manage?

>> No.14800654
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you bitches have fun turning in a half-assed piece of shit, while I spend time trying to wow my professor with my perfectly crafted report

>> No.14800659

it take me 1 hr to write 100 words. i iz retar?

>> No.14800660

Cups after cups of coffee. It probably was the hardest day in my life.

>> No.14800670

Yeah, I heard general studies English was easy.

>> No.14800676

Did you make the coffee or did you buy it?

>> No.14800680

>perfectly crafted
>still has typos in his final draft
You're deluding yourself if you think your professor is wowed by some sperg's chicken scratch.

>> No.14800695

I made instant coffee lmao

>> No.14800711

>750 word
holy shit I wrote longer papers in high school I mean jesus I wrote the five paragraph essay (roughly 500 words) in eighth grade. I wrote over 1000 words of fiction tonight just for funsies. Fuck OP, faggot as always.

>> No.14800726

cringe newfag

>> No.14800737

>150-word informal reflection due in a week
>haven't even opened Word
Honestly, I might just drop the class.

>> No.14800740

it's really not that difficult to write a 750 word essay

>> No.14800749

>a 'good' thread died for this
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Deliberate b8 is still b8.
Let's argue about who's been posting on 4chan longer.

>> No.14800756

bro i literally wrote every paper during undergrad (up to 2500 words) the night before
i'm a genius so i also managed to get A+ on lots of them, but you can at least pull off a B if you write decently

>> No.14800772

I once pooped in art class
I got an A in that art class
Undergrad stuff is easy A's so you waste more money on a useless masters.

>> No.14800836

>good thread
so a guenon (pbuh) thread died for some lulz, oh nooo

>> No.14800886

>what are scare quotes
but yes sage goes in all fields
except for the name field that stays blank

>> No.14801046
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>be me in uni last year
>4th year class on pol sci
>have to give presentation on swedish government and politics in 1 hour
>"wtf does sweden have? Maybe a king or something?"
>frantic googling
>half an hour of spouting nonsense and dodging every question to the nth degree
>mfw when A+
Fuck uni was a waste of time.

>> No.14801061

>art class

>> No.14801443
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>have an essay to do right this very instant for my strict college prof
>on /lit/
I'd giggle if I wasn't so addicted. Why can't I leave?

>> No.14801539
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Just underpracticed. You'll get better. I believe in you, anon.

>> No.14801669

>google docs
Never gonna make it. The lag time makes your brain sputter and go out. You need MS word and a PS/2 keyboard for instant input. USB keyboard + google doc = millisecond late which makes the brain stall and writing very hard, like one word at a time hard.

>> No.14801677

The key is not looking and the screen when writing. I usually look at an object to retain my focus.

>> No.14801679

thanks, anon.

>> No.14801682

Being subconsciously aware of the lag is enough to mess you up.

>> No.14801683

I hated school because they made be source arguments I came up with myself. It ended up being a game of mostly plagiarism, or looking for something that you can pass off as vaguely supporting your bias.

>> No.14801684

>I once wrote a 5500 words paper in exactly one day before the deadline. It was torture, but I got an A.
It was probably terrible then, congrats on the A though. It's taken me over a month to write 6000 words of my short story/novella I've been working on. I wrote 10,000 words of my previous one in like a week, but deleted it because it was worthless.

>> No.14801687

holy fuckin based

>> No.14801689

based unto judgement day

>> No.14801691

I hadn't even noticed the lag (and still don't).

>> No.14801699

Let's just say it wasn't my peak performance but thankfully it was good enough. Creative writing is probably harder though.

>> No.14801700

That's because you are an NPC with slow processing speeds. The lag in google docs even on a fiber connection is noticable.

>> No.14801704

Not if you never look, my dear suprabrained uberhuman.

>> No.14801724

worse yet, a modern multi-tasking OS introduces further lag in processing input
chad straight-up uses QBasic running on DOS 6.22 (before it got cucked by Win95)

>> No.14801737
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baste, had similar experience

>> No.14801745

Yep. I'm thinking based.

>> No.14801750

See >>14801682

>> No.14802080
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>don't write essay at all
>still pass the class