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14797294 No.14797294 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14797342

This isn't real, please tell me it's real.

>> No.14797350

It's real. Jordan Peterson is transgender now.

>> No.14797361

w-well hello there ma’am

>> No.14797369
File: 60 KB, 964x912, 2dpwzw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ‘Western doctors overprescribe drugs’ – Jordan Peterson's daughter Mikhaila tells RT why he went to Russia for treatment
What the fuck is she doing to him over there bros?

>> No.14797421

sissy peterson

>> No.14797654

In Soviet Russia transgender activists misgender YOU.

>> No.14797716

Unfortunately he suffered serious brain damage and the doctors said that he has no chance of recovery.

Luckily after that he was still offered a job at the University of Toronto and got some book deals.

>> No.14797722

He has become the thing he hated the most

>> No.14797723

he's having a talk with Monsieur Bogdanoff

>> No.14797751

>clean your room
>remember the lobster
>fight chaos, kiddo
>take responsibility

>don’t mind me though I’m just going to continue to indulge in my crippling benzos addiction. Do as I say not as I do, kiddo

>> No.14797757

How does brain damage work? Is he aware that he got dumber or does brain damage also 'erase the memory' of being smart?

>> No.14797760
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Do you think his daughter jerks him off, the explosion of semen being symbolic of "rescuing the father from the underworld"?

>> No.14797762

Wash your lobster.

>> No.14797780

what's her problem she's like some freaky robot

>> No.14797783
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>> No.14797918

imagine this timeline. just sit in silence for a moment and imagine this timeline.

>> No.14798078
File: 186 KB, 400x400, steve laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The benzo shit started when he was fading out of the public picture tho, so you're wrong.

>> No.14798094

It discredits his entire charlatan moral code

>> No.14798096

They broke him

>> No.14798102
File: 687 KB, 750x1198, Pol Pot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem with you nihilists. You are so lost that you cannot believe in anything but the most perfect people and morals. Of course, such thing have never existed nor will they, and so you keep on spewing your world hate.

>> No.14798110

Idk man, when we’re talking about taking advice and adopting other people’s philosophies, it would be nice to see that the person preaching the philosophy actually live by it.

>> No.14798126


bullshit, his "apple cider vingear reaction" was code for benzos, and he was still fucked up when he lost to zizek

>> No.14798129

Neurological damage doesn't necessarily mean getting dumber. the brain controls many other things you know

>> No.14798139

>someone proposes a moral code and lives up to it, expects others to
He is a puritan, and cant comprehend what it's like for others to be forced to follow these morals, therefore invalidating his ideas!
>someone proposes a moral code and attempts to live up to it but fails
Haha he is unable to actually follow his advice so he is a hypocrite, therefore invalidating his ideas!
This being said, I dont think jordan Peterson practices what he preaches at all, but ad hominem is literally the dumbest reason to reject morality

>> No.14798140
File: 41 KB, 800x422, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he did lives by it, you retard, that's my whole point. He might have failed at some point, but it doesn't matter if he already has shown the way.

>> No.14798231

Not kidding he got treatment that induces a coma to get over withdraws, it's very dangerous and has possibly left him with brain damage. His daughter is running his social media at the moment to make it seem like everything is ok.

>> No.14798234


>> No.14798322

Nice strawman. I don’t criticize people who adhere to their moral code

Doesn’t seem to be a good long term philosophy then

>> No.14798424

>managed to keep a neurotic like Peterson afloat for years and lead him to success
>Only broke after his wife got cancer

It looks pretty great.

>> No.14798444

>>managed to keep a neurotic like Peterson afloat for years and lead him to success
Compelling argument. As a neurotic college student I might read a synopsis of 12 Rules of Life. I couldn't be bothered to read multiple hundreds of pages of that, though. I have better things to spend my time on.
Not the same anon, of course. The other guy has his head too far up his ass.

>> No.14798536

Are you saying that he started taking benzos after being btfoed by Sam?

>> No.14798539


>> No.14798551

>better things to do
Biting your cum encrusted nails?

>> No.14798574

Wow, dude never thought about that before. Might have to try cumshooting my nails and letting it dry.

>> No.14798605

I've never read 12 Rules for Life, just watched some of his video and read part of Maps of Meaning (I should get back to it). I like Peterson, but he always seemed kind of off to me. I guess without that he would just be another professor though.

>> No.14798618

Haaa dumb bitch. Fuck this gay ass jordan peterson and fuck all you losers simping for him.

>> No.14798641

Everyone on /lit/ likes to frantically masturbate about how much they hate JBP. What are you talking about?

>> No.14798771

He's trying to delude himself into thinking he's contrarian when he actually holds the popular opinion. Just like everybody else on /lit/.