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14797183 No.14797183 [Reply] [Original]

All human consciousnesses are the spirit of God as he tries to experience his creations. Based/cringe?

>> No.14797224

its not based because its boring but boring because its true

>> No.14797907

Someone read The Egg.

>> No.14797912

idk, seems based to me but im a brainlet so who knows

>> No.14797928

God does not “try”

>> No.14797941

t. brainlet

>> No.14797991

This is literally the Advaitic concept of "Lilla". Also, I remember Ibn Arabi proposing something similar to it on his Bezels of Wisdom.

>> No.14798024
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Actually, there is no god, there is only the universe learning to simulate the agony of existence in ever more excruciating detail until it drives the organism towards total annihilation in order to escape the narrow torture-chamber of the mind, and return to the inorganic exteriority from whence it came.

First you had rudimentary single-celled sensors, receptive to light, heat and so on. Then came the CNS, modelling the universe through nervous stimulation (IE. physical pain). Then, as our posture evolved over time, becoming bipedal, vertical and cognisant, the mind augmented that pain by attempting to exteriorise its own interiority through cognitive simulation. The trouble is the more conscious we become, the more acutely sensitive we are to the trauma that brought us into being. physical ailments of the spine recapitulate the accumulation of rarified accidents in our ancient genetic (and cosmological) history that resulted in us becoming self-aware, until our brains are swimming in the recapitulated traumas of deep time. The more we learn about where we come from, the more we strive to tear out our parasitical CNS from the brain stem down, to do away with the interminable pain of existence once and for all.

>> No.14798032
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Close! Still founded on duality of subject/object. "God is in me, I am in God," and all that. This is truth at the level of the separate, individuated self, the little me. Why separate and distinguish? Clearer to say, "I am god. God is me." This is truth at the level of All That Is, of the big ego, the big me.

The creation, god, still has limitation: god must be. You, as unmanifest awareness, are beyond is-ness. At this 'level', god is 'trying' to reflect back to 'you' (undifferentiated awareness) what you are, which is the one infinite creator.

So yes, also no. Because human consciousness is only one level of consciousness. Rocks are conscious, they're simply a latent form of it. Rock life is best life. Animals and plants, too, are life, slightly more sophisticated, but not yet fully conscious or individuated. Wolves, for example, are a higher level of consciousness than a fish. There's more dynamism going on there.

If someone says this shit is boring it's because they don't know god/creation/the universe/all that is/everything-you-see-and-experience as all-consuming, transcendental love and ever-present connection reflecting back to you the magnificent beauty of infinity at every moment. God is the greatest drug dealer around -- first hit's always free, and then you spend the rest of your days getting your fix, hollowing out the little me to get more of the big me. Really, it puts the separate, angry, bitter, suffering egoic way of life to shame. Nothing compares to the kingdom of heaven as every day reality. Literally nothing.

>> No.14798043

you're overdosing on alan watts

>> No.14798047


>> No.14798050

>fakedeep theodicy of a religion you don't even believe in

>> No.14798256
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Read Plotinus (not mackenna)

>> No.14798267


Read Dumitru Staniloae

>> No.14798825

Or quaker inner light.

>> No.14798860

That's one working theory, yeah. Instead of consciousness existing within the universe, the universe exists within consciousness. It would explain why we can't quantify it by the rules of this universe, and also why super-natural phenomena seems to function without a physical mechanism.

>> No.14798891
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Lmao who the fuck cares bro, just crush some pussy and shut the fuck up.

>> No.14799157

Based on lack of evidence and irrefutability through the lack of evidence. Literally anything you say about your God then is true if you assume irrefutability implies truth.

>> No.14799162

stop writing such big posts for god's sake

>> No.14799335

This is the worldview I subscribed to after being exposed to Advaita/Neo-Advaita, but I personally consider the exposition presented of it in the Law of One book series (and other materials in the New Age genre) to contain more detailed, sophisticated, and plausible elaborations of the concept than I've found elsewhere. Read it for yourself, if interested:


I'm not shilling a religion or recruiting members to a cult - merely directing you to information which you might enjoy reading and contemplating, as I myself did.

>> No.14799904
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>> No.14799920
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Why does everyone in this thread feel like some midwit teenager? These are all the kinds of stupid ideas I had and thought were original back when I was 15.

>> No.14800013

So when you are grown up instead of giving your answer you just subvert the question or write vague shit? is it because we become naturally jaded when we get older or do we come into some new knowledge that is better off without sharing? Saying an idea isn't original doesn't discount its validity.

>> No.14800131

Its Hegel

>> No.14800135
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>> No.14800139

Help us out then. What is the actual case oh smart one

>> No.14800146

That's just Hinduism

>> No.14800162

I had a similar thought while peaking on LSD a couple nights ago. The premise went as such: Before anything else existed, there was God, and God asked himself: “I know that I AM, but what is there that I AM not?” So then he created everything to develop an answer to that question. Anything that is not God is not good, but humans were created as an interesting experiment, they are Godly because they are made in his image, yet because they are not Godly, they are capable of evil.

The end goal of everything, once the final judgment has come, is the separation of everything that exists into good, and evil. Heaven and Hell for all eternity is just all consciousness returning to God, or unGod, and understanding the answer to his first question.

>> No.14800174

more like HEggel

>> No.14800179


Seriously, this thread is basically "Anon discovers the basics of eastern religion"

>> No.14800181

Try peaking outside Christian concepts as well

>> No.14800201

why would God need to experience his creation given that he's omniscent?

>> No.14800215

His ability to experience through his creations is his omniscience