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File: 159 KB, 1900x1068, ug-krishnamurti-1-1900x1068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14794234 No.14794234 [Reply] [Original]

Never had I heard or read anyone similar who utterly destroyed everything I thought to be real. Unbelievable

>> No.14794785

Gib link or book title, I'm intrigued

>> No.14794790

Don’t be. He’s a charlatan. One of those gurus. OP won’t remember anything about him in a year.

>> No.14794901

He's not a guru you fucking retard kys. He hated gurus and talked massive shit of those retards

>> No.14794907


>> No.14794915

You're replying to OP. He's imitating guenonfag's schtick. He's been spamming Krishnamurti for months, but I didn't know he was in the samefagging game too.

For shame OP.

>He's not a guru how dare you insult my non-guru HE IS THE MOST BASED GOD AND HE BTFO EVERYBODY AND HE IS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING fuck you piece of shit scum how dare you!!

Way to prove he's not a guru by acting the same way gurufags do about their gurus.

>> No.14794937

>Way to prove he's not a guru by acting the same way gurufags do about their gurus.

Then everyone is guru! Faggot take meds

>> No.14794947
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read and watch these if you are serious about exploring the man, he's challenging and will guaranteed frustrate you.

Some okay background infomation



Mystique of enlightenment


Mind is a myth









>> No.14794950

He said I should think with my penal gland but that just got me arrested.

>> No.14794958

And just like guenonfag you're assimiliating meme catchphrases ("take your meds") and using them incorrectly against anybody who criticizes you. You're even ESL too.

Imagine a krishnamurtifag of all people taking up the guru worship banner from guenonfag. That's a new level of irony.

>> No.14794962

I think its only you on here because you frequently shill this guy.

>> No.14794969

You're a gaslighting funny guy. Worship? Guru? These are your projections. Go back to r*ddit

>> No.14794972

How did he make money?

>> No.14794981

He was penniless

>> No.14794987

>link spam, including pdfs
Typical of guenonfag.

>How can he be X if he is against X?? Huh?
Typical of guenonfag.

Don't go down this road, OP. Post normally about things that you like. Don't shill them and get hyperdefensive when people aren't sufficiently deferential about something they just fucking heard about, on 4chan.

>> No.14794995

He seems to be wearing a very nice sweater in the OP.

>> No.14794999

Fair enough mate

>> No.14795008

Probably a gift from a friend. He had a friend give him gucci shoes once, he then discarded them the next year and threw them away. He always got rid of shit, he carried around a small portable kitchen thing and suitcase which was all his belongings

>> No.14795014

Friend travels with UG details travels


>> No.14795254

he destroyed nothing, prove me wrong

>> No.14795296

Nothing to destroy so you're right in a way