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1479416 No.1479416 [Reply] [Original]

Feels good man

>> No.1479501

I read DMT: The Spirit Molecule. Somewhat exciting, but really it's just stoners telling their stories, subterfuged as "medical research".

>> No.1479509

DMT looks really stupid.

>> No.1479512

cough syrup cough syrup cough syrup cough syrup cough syrup cough syrup

>> No.1479514

im so witty lol xD

>> No.1479644
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stupid fuckers who don't know what they are talking about.

Why don't you step it up with some god tier psychedelic reading such as Terrence Mckenna?

>> No.1479645


hey it's that one trick pony who parrotts terrence mckenna

>> No.1479651

Terence has one r, guys. Just sayin'.

>> No.1479655
File: 144 KB, 476x358, THEPLAYERHATERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't knock it till you try it

>> No.1479674


>> No.1480292
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I don't know if you wanted other people to contribute or not, but I'm gonna anyway

Here is what I got today.

>> No.1480319

>DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Is the "machine elves" guy? If it is, damn.

>> No.1480326


It's not, but if you've ever been on that DMT trip, you will know what he's talking about.

It is like nothing else in the universe. Perfect clarity.

>> No.1480327


>> No.1480329


It wasn't written from his perspective. He did clinical tests of DMT and recorded his findings.

It was a really interesting read, considering the nature of DMT.

>> No.1480341


No, not at all.

>> No.1480349

cough syrup is DXM not DMT

correct if im wrong

>> No.1480356

dextromethorphan = dxm
dimethyltriptamine = dmt

>> No.1480370
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>> No.1480374
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>> No.1480387

hi 5 bro

>> No.1480406

How would one even go about obtaining DMT? I've never heard of anyone around my area having it, I know two MIT chemists that do in fact make drugs, but they claim they've never made or seen DMT either.

I've taken a couple psychedelic drugs -- in all honesty, I didn't care for them too much. DMT sounds interesting, though. Ordinarily I would never do a drug so affective, but this shit shit sounds to wild to pass up.

>> No.1480409

>N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic compound of the tryptamine family. DMT is found not only in several plants,[3] but also in trace amounts in humans and other mammals, where it is originally derived from the essential amino acid tryptophan, and ultimately produced by the enzyme INMT during normal metabolism.[

Isolate it from a natural source

Or synthesize it in a laboratory

>> No.1480411

Nah man, it's not hard to extract from mimosa root bark. Or if you have an MAOI like syrian rue you can make a mimosa-husaca that will work.

Not that you've probably ever been to one, but I went to a music festival this summer and, seriously, the shit was everywhere.

I don't condone it as a recreational drug, however.

>> No.1480413

It's in Ayahuasca, bro. But it's obviously not as effective as the methods stablished in Spirit Molecule.

>> No.1480431


can buy 5-meo online, its stronger dmt so the dose will be smaller.

5-meo naturally occurs in toad venom, the stuff you can buy online is a rc analog. Nothing to fuck around with. As will all psy's I suggest waiting until they find you.

In my experience when you go seeking a high you will get your ass handed to you.

But when they are offered to you under the right circumstances... lives will be changed.

Aya is the best though... mmmm aya

>> No.1480457


Extremely easy to extract from a number of sources using only house hold materials and legally obtainable root bark. Extremely profitable too, if you actually tried to sell it.


>Stronger than DMT

Potency wise? Sure. Trip wise? Fuck no.

>> No.1480471

Lol I remember when I was completely stoned at borders.

I looked around at books and picked this one up, as I knew about DMT and the story behind this book. When it came time to leave I was still really stoned, and when I got to my car I was about to go for my keys when I realized this was still in my hand.

>> No.1480794

That there are such receptors in the brain which can only be stimulated by this molecule, DMT, is quite fascinating. I'm pretty sure that most of our waking consciousness is ordered and produced by levels of dopamine and serotonin enabling specific receptors to "turn on." DMT could either be an ancient chemical no longer used in the process of waking consciousness, which can be evidenced by the fact that some ancient plant life produces DMT as well, or the chemical could be an evolutionary product, one which can be found in more mammals than just ourselves.

I also find it interesting that users all claim that the experience is a total disconnect from our reality, or at least how we can describe our reality with words (unlike other psychedelics which simply distort, pervert or embellish reality), yet people still describe their experiences on DMT, as best as they can, in similar ways. How can the drug be disconnected from our reality, yet still produce shared experiences among different users? Stuff is really interesting.