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14793616 No.14793616 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sanskrit or German more /lit/ to learn?

>> No.14793627

Sanskrit, not even close. Only Greek surpasses it.

>> No.14793645

But with german you can read kant & hegel. Plus musil and thomas mann

>> No.14793684
File: 180 KB, 1200x746, braveheart-mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His country's language is best.

>> No.14793801

English is based but not on the level of sanskrit

>> No.14793834

This but Sanskrit surpases even Greek

>The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either
- Sir William Jones 1786

>> No.14793841

Sanskrit, not even close. Only German surpasses it.

>> No.14793865

Other than Hinduism stuff, is there even anything of interest written in Sanskrit? It seems like Greek has so much more diversity.

>> No.14793879

a few poems like megahduta. plus i imagine it would be eas(ier) to learn languages like bengali or marathi if you were already fluent in sanskrit - probably not true for hindi though.

>> No.14793921

Sanskrit is but a foot on the path on the way to learning Pali and reading Buddhas (pbuh) true world (pali canon)

>> No.14793984

German, not even close. Only Sanskrit surpasses it.

>> No.14794707
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>imagine never being able to read Faust in its original text
learn german and stop being a pleb

>> No.14794738

random question: Should I be reading spanish translations of french and italian classics?

>> No.14794784

I would strongly recommend against learning Sanskrit unless you really, really know what you're getting into. By the time you know what you're getting into you could already have learned German.

>> No.14794803

I would not recommend that in any language.

>> No.14795334


I am german and we have to read that at school. I really disliked it, not for its style but the content. The main character is incredibly unsympathetic to me. You feel goethes arrogance through every line. It is a book that is so obviously written by a rich fuckboy that I just cant stand it. An artist, to be likeable, has to be somewhat special. Atleast be an alcoholic or gay, otherwise your content will be devoid of deeper introspection and full of apparant narcissism

>> No.14795343

There's a shitload of stuff written in Sanskrit like the Vedas, the epics, and all the puranas just to name a few.

>> No.14796191

How one language can surpass another, i don;t get it, is there any studies on this subject, like comparison these both languages or something

>> No.14796224

To give you a starter - French is a shit language.

>> No.14796226

persiophiles and indophiles were the weebs of the 19th century

>> No.14796231

Indian mysticism is all smoke and mirrors. French and German are the correct answers

>> No.14796454

why does everyone in movies love french

>> No.14796458


>> No.14796600

Sanskrit is only relevant to stoner retards

>> No.14797917
File: 353 KB, 1200x1562, Goethe's_Faust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the whole point though. Faust is desperate as he doesn't know what to do anymore to gain more knowledge. Mephisto uses this and corrupts him. Throughout the story Faust becomes more and more evil.
Needing the main character to be "likeable" is something YA readers need because in those "books" its the point to identify as the MC.
imo even if you dont like the characters, Faust is definetely worth reading alone for the poetic value and the cultural value it had as it is still relevant and copied in many other works and society

>> No.14797976

German is also pretty /sci/

>> No.14798007

Goethe is literally God. The One looking down on the myriad plebs, on nature itself.

>> No.14798090

if you can read spanish, you can read italian

>> No.14798148

This is a good reason to learn it.

>> No.14798180

>Sir William Jones
literally who? william jones sounds like a black name so i can't take it seriously hahahaha

>> No.14798181

Holy based

>> No.14798518

Germans often read Kant and Hegel in English because the translations improve them

>> No.14798520

>Frau Lehrerin, Kevin wurde schon wieder gefiltert!

>> No.14799034
File: 39 KB, 600x600, say Eichhörnchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not speaking german
Das Gesicht wenn du alle deutsche Philosophen in deutsch lesen kannst.

>> No.14799057


>> No.14799530

I don't know of any studies, but Heidegger more or less said Latin was a shit language compared to Greek multiple times.