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14793167 No.14793167 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you meditate anon? It's the most /lit/ activity besides reading. And the full rewards of meditation are closer than you think (including awakening).

>> No.14793182

Isn't making a flow chart of meditation more of a middle management approach?

>> No.14793221

I always find myself suspicious of these strict codifications of transcendental/phenomenological events. It seems much more likely to me that one could retroactively (or preemptively) trace their subjective qualia onto these arborescent models than the chance that these are real, fundamental structures independently discoverable within the spiritual process

>> No.14793222

what do you mean

>> No.14793309
File: 327 KB, 828x1792, F93E4F2C-9755-4836-B273-DCB4E14F49D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and blupilled op

>> No.14793341

same. i am inclined to believe that transcendental experiences don’t lend themselves well to being split up into parts, especially when it comes to something as subjective as reaching whatever samatha means to you—again it is this question of communicating meaning behind words and flowcharts of the path to tranquility (in my opinion) imply this universal definition of the state of inner peace/actualization/whatever. now, i may be fully missing the mark on this as a function of my own experience - on a personal level, it seems like going approaching meditation with the expectation of structure would preclude any sort of spiritual realization because this almost accidentally shoehorns a temporal element into the meditative process, or at least it can easily be interpreted this way. it’s probably like this to emphasize that meditation takes practice or something like that, but i just don’t think standardizing/modeling the personal and spiritual is particularly useful

>> No.14793350

This, incels btfo

>> No.14793372

following this chart to the end will take forever
Samantha better give damn good head

>> No.14793407

I highly recommend A Thousand Plateaus if you want a great head-first dive into non-arborescent modes of thinking

>> No.14793418

C'mon guys be more open minded. Having sex is fine but so is meditation. It helps practice focus.

>> No.14793421

couple of months is doable

>> No.14793432

appreciate the rec, anon! i've read ATP pretty recently, though. lots of good antiarboreal content to be found in there

>> No.14793465

>nobody who has sex is ever stressed
holy fuck I feel bad for the simps who follow gurus like this

>> No.14793495

One of those truths that is made spongey and weak through many caveats
Only truly good sex can act as this kind of release. It is the "little death," the moment when two lovers transcend their discrete identities and coalesce into a single system of graceful, passionate flow, no longer encumbered by the inadequacies of interpersonal communication
This requires a extreme moment of confidence in both the self and the partner, an almost metaphysical trust. There can't be any disconnect between thought and action, and no discernable incongruities between the thoughts or intentions of the participating members
This is a rarer opportunity that you'd think, especially nowadays as we are continually atomized apart from each other. Most will need other kinds of help before they can realistically reach that point

>> No.14793514

absolutely chadpilled

>> No.14793542
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, Mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, buddy -- ease up with the questions, eh? Let those suits upstairs worry about the big picture. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, am I right? All about synergy. Cooperation and teamwork, right? That's what we like. Cooperation, teamwork, and judicious use of office supplies (i.e. pens, pencils, legal pads, post-it notes, staplers, hole-punches, etc.). Soooo. Uh. Ah! You start your bracket for the March Madness pool yet? I'll shoot you the link. ESPN.com. Group name is 'The Third Floor'. Ha! Creative, right? Ok, yeah. Then just hit 'My Page.' There we go. Can't wait to demolish you like last year! Haha! Kidding, man. Totally kidding. Heh. Woo. Hey, uh, is your Outlook acting weird? Mine on my phone isn't syncing. Weird. Technology, man. Crazy. Well, hey. Nice talking with you, man. Friday's almost here, eh? Ha! Got to just take it one day at a time. Alright then, man. Take it easy. Yeah. You too. Uh. Bye.

>> No.14793583

alright then
it begins today
see you in ultimate reality

>> No.14793762
File: 207 KB, 1080x1318, 1564742222691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metta brother

>> No.14793764

I’m sorry op I was memeing I’m actually pro meditation

>> No.14793781

how post-modern

>> No.14793802

Not gonna lie, I don't meditate because people who are into meditation annoy the shit out of me

>> No.14793812

Those people in the bottom left are tiny

>> No.14793814

thanks for being real bruh