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14789786 No.14789786 [Reply] [Original]

Don't get cucked

The U.S. state department deliberately promotes Sufism/"traditionalism" (CIA Newspeak, Athari, "traditionalist" in Arabic, actually means anti Sufi) to counter political Islam, i.e. '"""fundamentalism""" (a buzzword for orthodoxy). Don't believe me? Read The Muslim World After After 9/11, prepared by the RAND Corporation for the USAF. Or read Building Moderate Muslim Networks, prepared by the RAND Corporation for the state department. Both documents are publicly available online. Check out Sufi Master Hakim Murad's lecture on YouTube, Riding the Tiger of Modernity. The man says he opposes secularism but in that lecture he overtly says quietism and accepting western culture even when it's haram is true Islam, because things like hijab are just "externals". Sufi Master Hamza Yusuf said "the Constitution is Sharia". Don't fall for the Jewry

Don't fall for it. If you want to learn about real Islam, go to New Muslim Academy, which offers plenty of free textbooks and lectures from scholars that don't work for either America or Saud. They also give live video courses (sex segregated) on learning Arabic and Qur'an.


But wait, you will say. Saud is anti Sufi so Sufis must be the good guys. Not so. Bin Bayyah is an extremely prominent quietist Sufi who supports Saud. Yes Saud does support "Salafism", but only one strain, the Madkhalis, a Salafi cult that says disobedience to Saud is apostasy. Saudi (nationality) scholars differ completely on this from Saudi (employed by Saud) scholars. Don't believe me? The number one Salafi fatwa site, IslamQA.info, is banned in Saudi Arabia. Here is a sample fatwa from them, for a man who wants to have sex


>> No.14789804

European pagan revival it is then lads!

>> No.14789826

Paganism was historically either extremely localized traditions,or worship of state leaders. Which were you interested in?

>> No.14789920

the CIA is too stupid to do this

>> No.14789927

Ecvjqnkekuo it is then

>> No.14789991

The CIA is evil, not stupid. I cited my sources which you can Google instantly

>> No.14790068

I was thinking about this a while back when someone was criticizing The Study Quran for not being progressive enough. If the only alternative to a modernized interpretation is radical political action, then that's the direction young energetic people will go. Dr Nasr is standing between the west and violent Islamists, and they don't even appreciate him for it.
If I had a passing thought about it and came to the conclusion that the western powers would benefit from supporting Traditionalism, then I'm sure someone at the CIA who is paid to do ideological analysis has thought of it.

>> No.14790071

You need to relax anon... have a fap or smthing . Better yet read something difficult like DFW

>> No.14790076

Nasr is a quietist who supported the Shah. He thinks stoning is barbaric. The Study Quran is perennialist

>> No.14790122

Are you familiar with Wahid Azal? He's a total schizo Shi'a-Sufi-Communist hybrid who has his own tariqa where they regularly use Ayahuasca, but he has similar theories regarding Nasr, Schuon, Perennialism and the CIA. He has a paper on it on his blog.

>> No.14790160
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Most Shia are that hybrid. That sex changes are halal for them makes sense

>> No.14790164
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>> No.14790168
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>> No.14790171
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>> No.14790178
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>> No.14790183

What a perplexing country Iran is. I think they are really beyond the comprehension of the Western mind.

>> No.14790184
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>> No.14790198

More Shia are. They were established in Persia by the Safavids, a powerful Sufi order that genocided the Sunni Persians and imported Arab Shi'ites

>> No.14790204
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An interesting Shia principle is men and women can engage in a temporary marriage, say twenty minutes, based only on an oral contract. It is customary for the man to pay a dowry for this. In Shia jurisprudence, this is marriage rather than fornication or prostitution, so it's halal

>> No.14790205

Yeah, I'm familiar with that. From what I remember reading it was also a principle of Sunni Islam but one of the Caliphs changed it??

>> No.14790207

It's pretty simple. They pretend Trans is real to punish homos. If you're a homo and you don't repent they force a sex change i.e. castration on you. The Supreme Council probably sees this as eugenics.

If you think Iran gives a shit about the prestige of FIFA sports you're kidding yourself. They understand the reality of the situation: Iran against the pozzed Western world. Sending "trans" footballers out there to fuck up Euro teams is just an amusing troll to them.

>> No.14790217

That's the Shia opinion. Actually according to Aisha, radhi Allahu anha, Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, banned it, but Shia think she was a witch so reject her account. Her father, Abu Bakr, rashi Allahu anhu, was the first Caliph, and he dealt extremely harshly with the practice, especially the pimps

>> No.14790225

Also it was Aisha, radhi Allahu anha, who said Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, cursed men who imitatate women. Shia rejection of her account is why they allow trannies

>> No.14790299

Maybe in the 1960s this was true, but not any more, they are too stupid to do anything correctly. The US IC is inept at everything but SIGINT and staffed by affirmative action hires.

>> No.14790308

This is fucking great. Good play.

>> No.14790309

Well anybody would be too stupid to listen to an Islamic scholar who says the Constitution is Sharia, right? And yet Hamza Yusuf founded the Zaytuna Institute and is the most influential Muslim scholar in America and
is openly supported by the Trump administration

>> No.14790322

I think no Americans would listen to "Muslamics" talking about the Constitution desu

>> No.14790326

I mean Muslims. This guy is considered the biggest authority on Islam and Sufism in America and exerts much control over Islamic schools there

>> No.14790331

By this I meant he is saying America's Constitution is Sharia for Muslims, not that Sharia is the Constitution for Americans

Hamza Yusuf was born Chris Hanson btw

>> No.14790335

They have Islamic schools here? I assumed Muslims in the US just read whatever was produced in the Middle East based on their sect.

>> No.14790366

No, not at all. There are many scholars here, many convert scholars in fact. At New Muslim Academy most of the lecturerers are converts

>> No.14790988
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Another thing being pushed

>> No.14791012

This. The CIA has never done anything that makes that much sense.

>> No.14791014

Yet I cited sources

>> No.14791015
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>Paganism was historically either extremely localized traditions,or worship of state leaders. Which were you interested in?

>> No.14791019

So you're saying fundimentalism is true Islam?

>> No.14791041

If by fundamentalism you mean orthodoxy. Historically orthodoxy was pretty multifaceted though. Imam Abu Hanifa (this is the founder of the school the Taliban follow) believed strongly in reason as a faculty given to humanity to discover how to implement Sharia and understand theology. Ibn Hazm (who influenced the modern Salafi movement through al-Shwakani) rejected rationalism was strongly supported empericism as the primary epistemology humans should trust. Both would be classified as "fundamentalists" today, but they used completely different methodologies.

>> No.14791073

Well if by fundimentalism you mean terrorism, they seem to be mostly modern ideologies or a reaction to modernity, which makes them modern in turn.

>> No.14791103
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Terrorism is a buzzword. Surely you aren't this naive?

>> No.14791111

Damn that sucks. I wanted to join the cia and do some devilishly evils things. Now I know they will just be stupid evil

>> No.14791114

Guénon actually never left free-masonry, that's why he kept promoting retarded orientalism, especially Islam. Don't fall for him he is a con, he quite correctly identifies the problems of modernity but his solutions are a con.

>> No.14791135


>> No.14791856

By terrorism you mean militant partisans?

>> No.14792042

Sufis are kuffar

>> No.14792398

>prays to saints

This is true Islam!

>> No.14792470

Guénon has nothing to do with islam. Read his works and tell me how much islam is referenced in his work. Lower than .01% of his content. You think the CIA would pick an author who actually talks about Islam right?

The schizos spamming him haven't read him either or they're low iq zoomers. the pbuh meme is just that, a meme, pushed by literal 14yo, also Guénon was against proselytism so the memers are doing a disservice to him. If anything the incessant spamming exists to discredit Guénon.

The anglo protestants larping about traditional values have completely misunderstood Guénon, as traditional values are moralistic and have nothing to do with metaphysics, other than being derived from the rejection of metaphysics. So in fact "trad values" are a symptom of modernity.

The butthurt exoterists (the masses) can't comprehend Guénon and that's normal. Guénon didn't write for them, he writes for those with intellectual intuition who comprehend the unity of tradition. There is nothing to 'learn' from Guénon.

The concept of counter-tradition proves you wrong. He doesn't promote orientalism, in fact he's against it. He doesn't promote anything since promotion and proselytism derive from sentimentalism, a rejection of true intellectuality. He doesn't advocate for exoterism of any kind either. He talks about metaphysics and that's it. He also talks about how free masonry is counter-traditional, not tied to any metaphysics, useless; superstition basically.

>> No.14792530

The pbuh meme is fucking hilarious though.

>> No.14792598

>He doesn't advocate for exoterism of any kind either.
Ok CIA, none of us have read his essay "Haqiqa and Sharia", we're all illiterate lol

>> No.14793485

No one believes it anymore

>> No.14793526

I don't know, I'm gay but I'm sort of turned on that my bf fufills his straight best friends cuck fetish by fucking his wife in front of him and that his wife desires my bfs larger dick.

>> No.14793917

>why yes, I am a kaffir, how could you tell?

>> No.14794060

good analysis

>> No.14794080

>PROUDBURGER enters the chat

>> No.14794196 [DELETED] 

Don't care /pol/ virgin. Praise Guenon.

>> No.14794470

>Sending "trans" footballers out there to fuck up Euro teams is just an amusing troll to them.
Holy based...

>> No.14794514

>who comprehend the unity of tradition
how does one ascend to this state of being?

>> No.14794546

That's orthodox though? Wasn't there a hadith stating that the Prophet (ﷺ) meditated and danced to induce in himself ecstatic prophetic/angelic states?

>> No.14794557

No. In fact he hated dancing

>> No.14794560

Is Sufism a good fit if I just want to marry middle-eastern cunny and LARP as a great saint and mystic who will be respected by his neighbors? I am mostly attracted to the attire Sufis wear and to Arab cunny. Also, I'm pretty smart and multilingual so I could even learn Arabic and LARP out the five daily prayers.

>> No.14794567

If it means fucking muslim dogs over it's a psy-op I would gladly fall for.

>> No.14794602

No,Sufis oppose child marriage and think women should go to college before marrying

>> No.14794626

Seems cringe, I don't know why Guenon followed this. So what group should I join as a Westerner if I have these goals in mind?

>> No.14794634

You don't join a "group", just say your Shahada with intent. If you want a younger bride I suggest anti Sufi Muslims.

>> No.14794975

are there sufi schools which are still considered orthodox? how do I know which Islamic view is the original unchanged one?

>> No.14795398

Yes. Fundamentalism is the only true Islam. In particularly, one should look into Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab – he was a great man, he advocated for a return to pure Tawheed and called out bidʻah and shirk wherever he saw it.

>> No.14795447

>The pbuh meme is fucking hilarious though.
It’s insulting to even joke that Guénon is anywhere near one of the Prophets

>> No.14795462

Indeed. The Prophets (pbut) were fine men, but none of them had the insight into metaphysical truth that Guénon (pbuh) displayed.

>> No.14795477

So what’s it like being schizophrenic?

>> No.14795493

>called out bidʻah and shirk wherever he saw it
What are some daring examples we see in the modern world by Sufis and other secularized Muslims? I have a group of them near me and I want to get into debates with them and BTFO them like Shankara did to the Buddhists.

>> No.14795504

The Four Great Imams are the foundation of orthodox jurisprudence, along well with Ibn Hazm. If you follow any of their rulings (they differed but are all orthodox) plus Athari aqidah, you're good

Protip, no Muslim uses the term fundamentalist. I also doubt you can tell me what that man's fiqh is

>> No.14795510

They pray to saints

>> No.14795519


>> No.14795530

That's his school, I mean what made his fiqh distinct from Hanbali fiqh in general which has existed for over a thousand years

>> No.14795532

I’m about to trigger this whole thread:

You can be a Sufi without being a Muslim. The Sufism rabbit hole goes much deeper than most automatons — oops, I meant “intelligent modern scholars and believers” — guess. And yes, I am being extremely arrogant and insulting YOU directly. I’m not sorry.

>> No.14795539

>You can be a Sufi without being a Muslim.
Based. That's what guenon did, right?

>> No.14795541

No you make perfect sense,most wannabe Sufis are western ding dongs who like Rumi but don't care about the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam

>> No.14795548

No, Guénon said a Sufi must perfect Sharia before getting to the esoteric, see "Haqiqa and Sharia"

>> No.14795551

The last thing we need is more LARPers like Schuon and his naked hugs

>> No.14795556

I don’t give a fuck what Guenon said. Who made this French fuck an authority on Sufism? Sufis are everywhere and nowhere. Just because someone calls themselves a Sufi doesn’t mean they are one. Maybe the janitor you meet is a Sufi, and the renowned writer nowhere near being one.

>> No.14795564

Maybe they're astronauts too

>> No.14795568


>> No.14795571

Look to his teachings, brother, lest you stray from your appointed radii and never reach the Haqiqa.

>> No.14795574

But of course now we're making terms useless when you say the orders that coined them aren't authorities, you are


>> No.14795581

Show me an actual Sufi instead of someone with a big ego calling themselves “Sufi”.

>> No.14795582

How do I get Muslim friends? I want to convert at some point but I don’t want to be some weird loner white dude who can barely speak MSA, let alone the dialects

>> No.14795594

I'm a white convert, currently can read the Arabic alphabet and can recite and write multiple chapters from the Qur'an from memory.

First of all, don't look for Muslim friends. Any Muslim who is "friends" with kuffar except formally is probably secular. Convert as soon as you can, go to a mosque. To learn practice go to an online site, newmuslimacademy. Grow your beard, trim your mustache, wear a brimless hat. You will quickly assimilate

>> No.14795601

Thank you for the advice, anon. I will check that website out. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and have currently taken two semesters MSA, hopefully I can take some classes on the Qur’an soon, which was the main reason I started learning the modern language. I’ll have to start looking for a mosque in my area

>> No.14795619


If you already can read the alphabet, memorize this https://quran.com/1

And this: https://quran.com/112

That's nearly all the Arabic you need to pray, but you will want to learn more later. If this is intimidating, just do newmuslimacademy

>> No.14795627

Also set translation to Maududi for a good tafsir

>> No.14795645

I’ll still definitely look into the website. Luckily If there’s one surah that I have memorized in Arabic already it’s al-Fatihah. I’d have to study al-Ikhlas a bit since I like to have a grasp on the meaning of each part of the sentence though, but if that’s really all I need prayer is easy than I thought, I thought it seemed very complex when I first looked into over a year ago.

>> No.14795668

I too think terrorism is a buzzword but
Come on now

>> No.14795685

You can click each word for the definition

I mean, let's be honest, if you are a committed Assadist you will say that about literally every single source, account and even video.

>> No.14795741

>white muslim convert who shills for the neoliberal global order to destroy an enemy of Israel
Now this is some next-level judaism.

>> No.14795765
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I don't think you know what neoliberalism is. I certainly don't support it. Not do I support Muslims coming to any western country except as an army Insha Allah. I was planning on moving to a Muslim country but I have been offered a very good job by an extremely orthodox enclave that seems nearly as good. I hate the filthy west


>> No.14795768

Yeah but you're jewish.

>> No.14795774

I'm not at all, I'm Scandanavian and Scottish

>> No.14795785
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>> No.14795788

That's a funny way to spell jewish.

>> No.14795803

May your slander be repaid in hell, ameen

>> No.14795850

Praise Moses!

>> No.14795856

May you suffer as the Umnah. As you established brutal secular tyrants over the Umnah, may you be given the the harshest Muslims to be enslaved to. May your homeland experience hourly bombs as ours does. Ameen

>> No.14795971
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>> No.14796046

They will find you out eventually.

>> No.14796061

The religion itself is one big larp. He'll fit right in.