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/lit/ - Literature

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14788892 No.14788892 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized it’s nearly impossible to make it as a writers nowadays?

>> No.14788902

It's always been impossible to make it as a writer.

>> No.14788913

your definition of personal success doesn't have to be what (((they))) tell you it is

>> No.14788916

do you think you would make it as a writer in 1905?

>> No.14788926

Finishing my first book took away my passion. I used to write for fun. Now I can't write at all

>> No.14788932
File: 68 KB, 750x695, IMG_20200209_080213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the dumbest one of these yet

>> No.14788941

What is this based on?

>> No.14789006

It's difficult to determine that because the national park service refuses to speak about his case

>> No.14789035


>> No.14789044

he's joking dumb zoomer

>> No.14789048

It’s not though. Very few people earnestly try, and most who try are complete trash. I’m sure some good ones get passed over but you don’t have to be a godlike figure to get some book deals and a teaching job. Becoming a bestseller or famous is another matter but you just said make it.

>> No.14789052

Lmfao this is amazing

>> No.14789060

If you're a genius you can make it. If you're NOT a genius you can still sometimes make it, you just have to be lucky. If you're a midwit who also has no luck, then yes, you are boned.

>> No.14789062
File: 206 KB, 1308x658, 1F370CA7-E65F-4162-AEE6-06DF2E08C1A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old were you when you started laughing

>> No.14789065

There's an epidemic of people disappearing from national forests in the US. Probably spooks abducting people for human experimentation, mind control and sex trafficking.

>> No.14789067

But the clothes thing is definitely a reference to an actually case

>> No.14789071

>source: my angus beef sandwich

>> No.14789077

the neatly folded clothes on a boulder I think is based on two bimbos who got lost hiking in south america. creepy stuff

>> No.14789081

16 when I was editor in chief of my schools paper. Most published writing is shit and nobody cares. Low readership. Lit mags are read by wanna be writers, not regular people. Video has displaced lit

>> No.14789099

Video will never replace literature, the sensations you get from watching a movie and reading a book are totally different. they stimulates different parts of your mind.

>> No.14789185

It's because the population has gotten less intelligent, and the break between high and low classes has been culturally shattered, permeating all places of society.

>> No.14789228

id argue its just america thats like this

>> No.14789245

>the population has gotten less intelligent
Demonstrably untrue, although that doesn't mean I don't agree that shit is getting much worse
Culture-capital has an amazing tendency to reconfigure and calcify all degrees of intelligence along set channels that either serve its interests or stay neatly out of its way

>> No.14789256


>> No.14789258

>Demonstrably untrue

>> No.14789270

IQ, for example, is dropping throughout the developed world. This has been demonstrated on studies in Europe. In places where they're demographically the same, America is even with Europe in most things.
>Culture-capital has an amazing tendency to reconfigure and calcify all degrees of intelligence along set channels that either serve its interests or stay neatly out of its way
But that's the equivalent of people getting less intelligent, in this case. What we're seeing isn't a function of biological change, but of cultural change. And they run from all sorts of factors, such as increased distraction from smart phones and porn, a change in diet, a degrading educational system, a decreased appreciation for intellectual pursuits, etc.

>> No.14789272

That was such a sweet-hearted and cute meme.

>> No.14789280

It never was likely but hey, it doesn't hurt to try. Think I'll give up and go for self-publishing after 150 queries.

Talking about them, as personalising them really necessary when your work does fit to what an agent wants? A lot advice seems aimed at idiots who just see the e-mail of an agent and mail shit to them. If I did my research and knew they represent the type of work, wouldn't it be better just to get balls in instead of wasting a line on how you liked their clients work?

>> No.14789293
File: 170 KB, 700x369, 438763C8-D5CC-45C9-B105-5B1CB81484A9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving up my dreams of being a great writer was the greatest thing I did. Now I can actually be a down-to-earth human being instead of a vainglorious idiot with a messiah complex. Who knows, I may even write something interesting now that I‘ve given up on writing. Or pick up other hobbies.

Just be nobody, anons. Even Shakespeare and Homer are minuscule specks in the universe, forgotten by the average person in their day-to-day life.

>> No.14789302


>> No.14789327

Keep telling yourself that, anon. Reality will catch up to you, too. Hell, maybe YOU yourself will even become a great writer. But even so, you’ll realize there’s more to life than performing for an audience and vaingloriously wishing to be remembered by people when it won’t matter since you’re dead.

>> No.14789332

Nearly every world population I can find statistics on is either still rising due to the Flynn effect or has plateaued over the past few decades and reached stasis. The only exceptions are within local regions that have experienced large influxes of immigration from developing nations
>But that's the equivalent of people getting less intelligent, in this case.
It isn't, that's like saying that a computer being used for a narrower and/or simpler set of tasks means that its processing power has decreased. Intelligence is a system's capacity to navigate problem spaces within a wide array of various environments (abstractly speaking). Using negative and/or positive reinforcement to coax a system into busying itself on only a subset of the problems available to it is a matter of influencing system priority, not of directly affecting its actual capacities

>> No.14789335

Tell that to all the dudes raking it in from smoothbrain mouthbreathers on their mediocre web serial patreons.

>> No.14789348

i have no ambition to become a writer in any capacity but your post is still pure cope

>> No.14789349

lol literally just saw this on /out/ yesterday

>> No.14789379


>> No.14789392

also, sad
coping with failure by trying to convince yourself that "none of it matters anyways" is quite sad, indeed

>> No.14789416

>still rising due to the Flynn effect
the flynn effect isn't really proof that people are becoming more intelligent

>> No.14789435

Not him but why not trying to be a great author for your own sake, and seeing the audience as a bonus? I don't care about being remembered (it doesn't even make sense, I'd be dead, w/e people think of me ain't my problem) ... but while I'm alive and enjoy it so much, doing something I love and try to give people some joy back with the same thing ... sounds too obvious not to do.

>> No.14789476

I know, I don't believe it is either. It seems like improving living conditions and nutrient access is allowing stunted populations to approach their more hard-coded limits of cognition

>> No.14789550

Only one I know of that made halfway decent money was Worm.

>> No.14789554

And living conditions started to sink in the first world, so it doesn't have to be a limit.

>> No.14789557

Had a talk with a friend over the weekend. What would you need to get out of your writing to consider yourself a success? For me, it's bills paid and food in the fridge with maybe a little left over.

>> No.14789560

My dad reads these books all the time. He loves the Hey Ranger! series which is about dumbass shit and questions people ask Park Rangers. There's also quite a few books about people who go missing in the Smoky Mountains and National Parks. Kind of spooky sometimes.

>> No.14789841

Getting picked up by the big 5 would do, basically recognition from someone willing to put their money where their mouth is. Even if the advance is sad. After that, getting close to Rowling numbers with muh franchise.

Pretty indifferent to anything in-between.

>> No.14789858

Once I see people I have no personal connection to arguing over my works without my influence
That's my goal

>> No.14789900

Look for the book Missing 411

>> No.14789937

I don't want to be the next Shakespeare. I just want people to read my shit beyond acquaintances I awkwardly force it on.

>> No.14789972


>> No.14789984

What part do you need me to repeat

>> No.14790003

This basically. Right or wrong I want some validation from the "establishment".

I also want to stand in front of the new books/new authors shelf in a bookstore and not seethe with envy.

>> No.14790014

Look up Missing 411. Very strange stuff.

>> No.14790100
File: 352 KB, 1054x750, 195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old were you when you gave up on your dreams?

>> No.14790249

The part that made no sense, so all of it.

>> No.14790274

Nigga what? He basically wants anons to shitpost about his work.

>> No.14790288

If I have published a book, and if it has been read by others, and if I happen to stumble across some people arguing over my book, and if I have no personal connection to those people that would somehow increase the likelihood of them having read my book, THEN I shall consider my goal fulfilled

>> No.14790344


>> No.14790356

I don't need them to argue. I'd feel elated just to see someone glance at the back cover of my book in the store.

>> No.14790388

omg i love this hahahaha i relate so much to this image

>> No.14790643

They were not bimbos. Shut up.

>> No.14790646

After many years of study and portfolio-building, I obtained a job writing for a newspaper. Eight months in, I find I can no longer avoid the decision to quit. I don't know whether to apply to another, similar job or just take my money and go live in a cave somewhere or what. I spent seven years studying journalism stuff in school. If I had to do it all over again, I would have picked a different profession.

>> No.14790873

All you have to do is write a power fantasy couched in trite pseudo-intellectualism. The he who fights with monsters guy is making like 10k a month. Of course you have to update every day, but that's the only hard part.