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File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-the-industrial-revolution-and-its-consequences-have-been-a-disaster-for-the-human-race-theodore-kaczynski-74-94-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14787769 No.14787769 [Reply] [Original]

All intelligent people have a sadistic streak

>> No.14787774

>/lit/ - literature

>> No.14787777

The most intelligent people know how to control it.

>> No.14787781

Intelligent people usually have more empathy than average or stupid people. Ted chose to empathize with nature rather than with humanity.

>> No.14788536

No you idiot he emphasized with humanity too. Humanity depends on nature both for freedom and survival in the long term. The whole point of an anti-tech revolution is to save both.

>> No.14788540

Nothing sadistic about Ted or his actions.

>> No.14788588

Can we stop collectively sucking the cock of some 80s criminal maths whiz that got a hold of a pen after some graduates pranks?

>> No.14788610


>> No.14788617

Fuck outta here with your quaint bippity boppity speak

>> No.14788629

Quads of truth.

Self restraint is what really makes us different to vermin.

>> No.14788661

Definitely not, malice definitely trends more with stupid people and intelligent people overwhelmingly tend to be well meaning. What you mean is that you have a bad nature and want to justify it by your self perceived intelligence, just as people of self perceived intelligence want to justify everything by that intelligence.
"I'm cynical because I'm intelligent, I'm depressed because I'm intelligent, I'm unsocial because I'm intelligent, I'm alone because I'm intelligent." No, you're not intelligent, you probably just spend a lot of time with "intellectual" because you don't have anything else to you. Hume, Kant, William James, the list goes on, these people are almost always well mannered, well meaning, and well liked. No sadism. You find weird natures like that in people with more lopsided psychologies, semi-dysfunctional crazy folks who get to specialize in some faculty - again - at the expense of others. That psychological imbalance gets expressed in tendencies such as sadism. Actual intelligence is a different matter - if you're only successful in a narrow set or activities and dysfunctional elsewhere, you're not intelligent, you're an idiot savant at best.

>> No.14788760

How do people believe this when every scientific record on the topic points to the opposite conclusion.

>> No.14788804

Share one

>> No.14788930

How could anyone think of this guy as anything other than a psychotic hack?
No doubt he was a smart academic but he had some serious psychological issues.

>> No.14789532

did you even read the book

>> No.14789777
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>> No.14789791

Well prove him wrong.

>> No.14790141
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>> No.14790149

Then why does violence peak in the 80 to 90 range but remains relatively low below that

>> No.14790167

Lack of self esteem

>> No.14790215

Nurture can take an intelligent person and spit them out fucked up, sadistic, or just as an asshole

>> No.14790243

Where can I read his work?

>> No.14790267


>> No.14790271

An intelligent person can be any of those things right from the start. Intelligence is not merit, wisdom, value, or honor

>> No.14790297
File: 332 KB, 535x439, aggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the antithesis of his work? Has anyone written about how technology will liberate humanity?

>> No.14790300


>> No.14790302

r/acc in general

>> No.14790303

Yeah it's called reddit

>> No.14790305

Well adjusted is not the same thing as intelligent. Smart people can be effected by trauma too

>> No.14790491

And by control, you mean focus it like a fine laser.

>> No.14790815

>be OP
>struggling with why he is a sadist
>decide it must be because he is intelligent
>even though if he was actually smart he would realize most intelligent people aren't
>slowly come to the realization it's just the narcissistic aspect of psychopathy which also makes him a sadist

>> No.14791083


>> No.14791631

They are in fact being controlled by technology since being elite in 2020 means making use of technological tools. There is no other way. Since there is no possibility of ruling without technology then the elites are in fact serving Tech, which is ruling the elite. "Ruling" is a technique in and of itself, governments are technological apparatuses. Cut the power and it becomes clear; governments cease to function, we go back to pre-industrial forms of governance. And this is not even touching the subject of specialization and how politicians are by definition clueless on technology, they only apply what scientists tell them is possible. So the actual non-ideological hierarchy as of today is Technology > Tech workers > Politicians > rest of us. Each of these actors are subdued by the preceding actor. You could always retreat yourself in ideology and other idealism to paint a prettier picture of what you think society ought to operate but then you are intellectually worthless.

Basically this is cope of the highest order, you are completely subdued by tech so you find a psychological way out; a coping mechanism.

>> No.14791712

This. And Ellulpilled.

>> No.14791795

check your mailbox

>> No.14791807

fucking pathetic cope
even lobsternigger junky Peterson's bastard crackers are coping with the situation by saying "all entellugant peepols are syd."

>> No.14791884

The premise of this post is retarded. Kaczynski is not “sadistic.” He committed tactical violence in pursuit of a rational ideology against people who are enemies of wild nature and humanity. So he’s a freedom fighter. Only people who’ve been brainwashed by industrial civilization and therefore see the ideology as an enemy and the targets as “innocent” characterize the violence as “sadistic.”

>> No.14791913
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>> No.14792000

Why do you put quotes around innocent? I do not know much about the people he targeted, but weren't they just professors?

>> No.14792037

Not intelligent people, per se, but people who are honest. Human beings are predatory animals. Violence and aggression are in our blood, and the narrative that human beings are good and rational beings at heart is for domesticated bugmen hiding from their own nature.

>> No.14792102

any news on forest anon?

>> No.14792124


>> No.14792175


>> No.14792182

You’re still begging the question! All you’ve done is replace “innocent” with “just professors” which are equivalent in your mind.

Kaczynski didn’t target ANY professors, he targeted SPECIFIC professors engaged in technological research, as well as specific individuals promoting industry or tech.

>> No.14792238
File: 239 KB, 735x1040, 63ce224af089e2006c5f7cb546e65c60--rustic-art-th-century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
