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14787074 No.14787074 [Reply] [Original]

How's the book?
I'm very familiar with the stage musical, seen it multiple times and love it.
Maybe I should read the book at least once just out of respect and see how it is for myself. But I've heard there's several chapters worth of Hugo describing the architecture and the Parisian sewer systems, doesn't sound all too appealing. Is it worth a read?

>> No.14787086

i like it

>> No.14787094

It will be hard to read the dialogue without it singing in your head.

>> No.14787998

He goes off on many many tangents and generally just takes his sweet ass time with things. Pretty different from the musical in terms of tone in my opinion. I loved it though, his description of Waterloo is one of my favourite parts of the whole book. Some are less fun.
Give it 100 pages or so, if you’re already sick of his ramblings by then then it’s not for you.

>> No.14788378
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It's quite good. But yeah it's long as fuck. Hugo sometimes goes off topic. Personally I thought that the Waterloo battle description is the worst part of it (50 pages and pretty much off-topic), but if you're into warfare you'll probably like it.
The sewer systems part is actually useful and interesting, it tells you a lot about how people lived in the 19th century. It's even a blast if you ever lived in Paris.

I read the book before watching any movie/musical/manga adaptation, so I don't know if it's really worth it to read the original after.

>> No.14788684

It's one of the best books you'll ever read.

>> No.14789843

The revolt proper doesn’t start until around page 1,049 if that tells you anything.

>> No.14789857

Pretty great.

>> No.14790377
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I am in love with Fantine. She is my favourite character in fiction.

>> No.14790502
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>But I've heard there's several chapters worth of Hugo describing the architecture and the Parisian sewer systems

It's the best digression of the book. Legit interesting.

The 2012 movie takes so many shortcuts that you don't care anymore about any death.

The writing is beautiful, the information is really cool. Did you know that refering to Napoléon as the Emperor, Napoléon, or Bonaparte would each out your political leaning?

Also, Marius is already hard to like in the book somewhat, the musical made it pure shit. Same with Eponine. Fantine happens too fast to care, etc.

I'd say try it.

Took me 78.50h to read but it was well worth it imo.

see these gentlemen's opinion

is right too

is based af. You'll fall in love with Fantine and Eponine. I cried 3 times in the book, didn't care for the musical movie.

Here's my review if you care, put down a few thoughts about it. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3133878963?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

>> No.14790539
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>and Eponine
eponine was the only character in the book that actually deserved to marry into money. Marius was a massive soicuck but she liked him so it was fine. Things go too fucking well for Cosette.

Also, same on the musical. never gave a fuck about it. Only movie i watched was the one from the 70's where the guy from American Psycho played Inspector Javert.

>> No.14790555

jesus christ

>> No.14790765

who cares man. The revolt isnt the point of the book. All the important parts of the book are in the first few parts.

>> No.14791429

You already ruined first impression by letting kikes to indoctrinate you with zionism and planting mind bugs through Hugo work.

>> No.14791445

I'm reading it now too, pretty fun so far. Only problem is that I can tell that the translation (the one you posted) isn't ideal. There are some lines that just come across as repetition that were clearly stronger prose in French. Does anyone know any better unabridged translations?
Does anybody really think Les Miserables is about the revolt?

>> No.14791713

cute loli