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14785810 No.14785810 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he insist on hanging out with people who clearly hated him? Why did he reject the one girl who liked him?

>> No.14785818

Thanks for spoiling it faggot, I just got halfway through it today.

Unironically kill yourself you stupid rude newfag for not knowing how to cover spoilers.

>> No.14785822

>not reading a 100 page book in one sitting
Truly despicable.

>> No.14785824

Getting a book spoiled is fucking sad. F for Anon

>> No.14785900

Yes because I'm not a bugman, I was going to read the second half today you rude-ass! It varies with what and when I read.

Accept fault.

It saddens me further that there is no report option for it on /lit/.

>> No.14785906

>unattractive and angry
>Hates chad because hes handsome
>prostitute wish fulfillment gone wrong
>creepy idealized view of daughters

Underground man sounds like an early incel. Was this intentional?

>> No.14785910


>> No.14786016

He's spiteful.

>> No.14786024

Incel is a modern concept. He's a nihilist atheist who rationalizes his caprice instead of tackling them.

>> No.14786026

>philosophical novel
you're experience has just been improved, thank OP.

>> No.14786041

>accepting a harlot under any circumstances
Underground man may have been a faggot, but he was no simp.

>> No.14786060

Is there a difference?

>> No.14786070

He still fucked her.

>> No.14786116

No, it hasn't, not even in the slightest way. The novel is still meant to be experienced as and for a novel, what fucking retard would think the point of it is a philosophical abstract?

>> No.14786258

Did you read the first half of the novel? It's theory. The second half is the application of that theory.

>> No.14786273

>Did you read the first half of the novel? It's theory.
Anon, I... how could you actually say this? You're telling me you literally took the first part of the book as a philosophical treatise and not as art? One must consider the ideas held within it philosophically, naturally, of modernity and all that- but you cannot take it as "theory", it's story.

>> No.14786406

Yes, one is a thoughtless name for modern phenomena, another is an archetype.

>> No.14786493

It's not a fucking suspense novel. And the OP is so vague, I can barely consider it a spoiler. Like saying C&P's Raskolnikov turns himself in and goes to Siberia might be a spoiler, but honestly I don't think it would ruin it to know it. I was spoiled reading C&P and The Idiot, but not Demons, and I actually wish I was spoiled on Demons; I enjoyed The Idiot and C&P more and would have rather known more about Demons going in.

But NFU is a philosophical/non-suspense novel that doesn't have the kind of ending that is really "spoilable". Like do you really expect Dostoevsky's underground man to have a happy ending?

>> No.14786623

Why in the nigger fuck did I click on that spoiler.

>> No.14786716

Well don't click on this unless you want to know that Rogozhin kills Nastasya Filippovna in The Idiot, and that Pyotr Steponovich kills Shatov in Demons.

>> No.14786724


>> No.14786726

God bless long fucking slav names that I'll forget in a day, your spoilers spoiled nothing!

>> No.14786824


>> No.14786832

LOL I did it again.

>> No.14786841

>>14786726 literally moved the cursor and immedi8ly forgot them

>> No.14786847

also these books been out for a million years, its ur own fuckin fault if u havent read them yet and they get spoiled

>> No.14786857

You'll remember when reading.

>> No.14787298

you mean you don't just read the plot summary on wikipedia before starting every book?

>> No.14787324

>Why did he insist on hanging out with people who clearly hated him?
why do we all do it?

>> No.14787327

The first part barely contains any plot points in it, it’s just a guy rambling about theory,

>> No.14787423

He's obsessed with status. Even his personal writings are addressed to an invisible audience of higher status individuals than himself. When he finds himself in the superior position he rejects her because he operates under societal laws of status. Not society as it is, but the monstrous version he has constructed because of his obsession with status.