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File: 43 KB, 696x394, article-3087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14783956 No.14783956 [Reply] [Original]


Cringe. The guy freely used Hadiths grades as bogus, like "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr". He wanted to feel better about being a nerd instead of a warrior. Read Chad volcel Ibn Taymiyyah, who was taken to court by his slave taken in jihad because he refused to have sex with her

Extremely cringe. Ultra secularist and perennialist who thinks stoning is bad. Read based Maududi, a powerful scholar who theorized that reactionary Islam would be the next world revolution after Marxism failed

Also check out My Life With the Taliban if you like war memoirs

>> No.14783994

the irony of that picture escaped me for far too long.

>> No.14783999

Man, what do Muslims even want? I mean you come here, the first thing you want to do is change everything. I mean I get maybe turning back the clock a bit, but we've got it set for decades, you've got it set for centuries.

>> No.14784020

It's going to be the Muslims and the Catholics who duke it out over the fate of the planet, the rest of us are just bystanders.

>> No.14784024

i want things to go back to 60's sometimes too, but I can't live in the past. These are the people I've got to work with, this is my flock.

>> No.14784028

seriously, protestants sold their damn soul on live TV.

>> No.14784039

catholics have no fighting spirit. they have numbers. but they aren't fighters anymore, sorry to break it to you. the real fight is going to be between neoliberalism and everyone else including but not limited to islam

>> No.14784071

i think the irony of Neo-Liberalism is that in practice it is about preserving classical values without the benefit of a modern context.

"This worked in the very near past so it must therefore apply to what is going on now"

>> No.14784082

we are insisting upon the principle of equality, instead of the practice of equality. We insist that all are of equal merit instead of the idea that all are entitled to meritorious opportunity.

Everyone should be given a chance to excel and succeed.

>> No.14784087
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>catholics have no fighting spirit. they have numbers. but they aren't fighters anymore, sorry to break it to you.

It's not the 20th Century any more, Anon.

>> No.14784096

You know, i feel like i had my chance, and I blew it. I didn't recognize my enemies and my cause suffered for it. But that shouldn't prevent other aspirants from seeking.

>> No.14784109
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>> No.14784117
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Yes. We will liberate you from liberalism.

>> No.14784269
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How many men has he killed?

>> No.14784274
File: 152 KB, 787x525, Cardinal-Arinze-081-CNS-WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Africans have converted from Islam to Christianity? We'll take that continent from you one baptism at a time.

>> No.14784278
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a disgusting zindiq like the rest of his ilk, may the soil lie light upon him

>> No.14784300

Well looking at North Africa, the trend is the reverse. In fact throughout Africa the trend is Islam is growing faster than Christianity. Also unlike you we kill apostates.

>> No.14784311

Check out the film Young Ahmed (2019). It does a good job exploring the psyche of the muzzie. Anyways, please don't lump all MErs with muzzies. Thanks.

>> No.14784328

Taliban Country is better

>> No.14784347

I disagree. There's a difference between a muzzie being radicalized in a peaceful European country versus using tactics of fear to fight off Amerimutts. The former is bad, the latter is a necessity to protect one's country. If it weren't Islam, they would use other means to protect their country from intervention. However, bringing that resentment to innocent civilians in a country they migrate to is the problem. That's why Young Ahmed is more interesting.

>> No.14784362
File: 525 KB, 1200x1161, SfKG16W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Ahmed is fiction. So no it's not.

By the way, the Charlie Hedbo shooter did nothing wrong. France is a filthy, blasphemous land and a rogue state since the French Revolution. If you don't recognize God, you are not entitled to sovereignty. The French tried to impose secularism on us (pic related, Algeria in the 1950's). "They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind."

إن شاء الله

>> No.14784371

All you're going to do is make Europeans get angry and resort to cleansing their lands in order to protect their Christian and pre-Abrahamic aspects of their cultures. You deserve it, honestly. The issue is non-Muslims may be lumped up with you.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The Europeans are not asking much, but you keep trying to impose your ways onto them. It is not right, and the more behave like this, the more likely it becomes that Mecca may be nuked.
>By the way, the Charlie Hedbo shooter did nothing wrong
Yes, what he did is wrong. Just ignore whatever pisses you off. You don't have to kill people over it.

>> No.14784388

>If you don't recognize God, you are not entitled to sovereignty
The concept of God was initially created to ground moral dualism. There are many ways one can go about grounding a moral dualism. Likewise, even if one's metaphysics has certain wholes, the important thing is the moral dualism.
If you cannot oblige following basic concepts of goodness, such as respecting others' boundaries/freedom, not giving into feelings of vengeance, not raping, not harming innocents over trivial matters (e.g., depiction of Muhammad), or whatever, then it's you who doesn't deserve to exist.
Good and evil is more important than God, since the concept of free-will logically necessitates a degree of independence of the features of good and evil. You should make life simple and privilege the good over the evil. Harming others, outside of self-defense, is evil, period.

>> No.14784393
File: 2.72 MB, 1956x3182, St_Ignatius_of_Loyola_(1491-1556)_Founder_of_the_Jesuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. We'll win, in the end. Nobody converts to your religion, and your birthrates aren't sustainable. And of course, we have Christ Himself.

Also eventually we'll pry the Arab World open to Jesuit missionaries. It's only a matter of time before we force our way into Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE. Why are you allowed to come into our countries, but we're not allowed to come into yours? That will change, in our lifetimes.

>> No.14784395


>> No.14784397
File: 182 KB, 515x662, colonial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallahi you have tried to impose your way of life on us. You partioned us. You bomb us. Now that you are find you cannot subjugate us so easily, you say we must respect your sovereignty? This is only because you have become weak. If you could reproduce and fight surely you would occupy us as you did a few decades ago. You tried to inflict your filthy values on us. But you have become soft. Complacent. Your men are scared of dying. Your women are scared of having children.

>> No.14784406

>If you cannot oblige following basic concepts of goodness, such as respecting others' boundaries/freedom,
Please. You have never respected such. From Rome to the French in Algeria to America in Iraq. You are just out of breath and trying to turn your weakness into a virtue

>> No.14784408

Yielding to feelings of vengeance is not what a man of God would do. There are many things in life one can feel slighted by, but a man of god knows not to take the pain personally and instead embrace forgiveness and do his best to be Good. Yes, there are many jingoist Westerners, but there are also many kind ones. The proper course of action is to set aside your feelings of vengeance and look forward with Love rather than encouraging hatred over trivial things like depiction of Muhammad.
Just be respectful and kind to others. Never harm others outside of self-defense. Why do you act like this is hard?

>> No.14784410

Protestants are conservative/traditional in the Americas, whereas Catholics are seen as the spiritually weak ones. It is the opposite in Europe though. Catholicism has been infilitrated for quite some time now. Protestants have the advantage of decentralization.

>> No.14784411

Based. As an Orthodox Christian, I fully support you guys wiping out the natural consequence of Roman Papist degeneracy.

>> No.14784413

The average European and American is not involved in policy decision-making. Even voting doesn't mean much. Must people want to focus on their own lives and not get further involved in interventionist wars. If you want interventionist wars to end, there are more civilized ways to go about this. Giving into feelings of vengeance is not the noble way. I know this may be easier said than done, but I recommend meditation.

>> No.14784422
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What? You have spent the colonialist era in our countries. No one cares about your church, you are nothing, you are too frightened by your own government. You can't ban abortion or homosexuality because you respect liberalism and democracy. You are afraid to die. Otherwise you would be doing more about your own lands

>> No.14784426
File: 55 KB, 810x500, Latin_Mass_Old_Rite_Cdl._Burke_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ye of little faith.

>> No.14784428

We will never take it lightly when you mock our Prophet, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam. That magazine depicted Jesus, alayhe salam, being sodomized, and you were to cowardly to act. We aren't

>> No.14784431

You are a fucking Wahhabist subhuman.

>> No.14784432

The only way to end them is by winning. Not by liberal dialoguing

>> No.14784440

Wallahi I do not even read him. This is not his invention. It is from the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, who said men who die in defense of their honor or his are martyrs

>> No.14784441
File: 44 KB, 750x563, pope_davis_750-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Church is a graveyard that has spent the last 500 years rotting in Greece, the Balkans, and Russia. Bartholomew has no power and no moral authority, Kirill is a stooge for Putin, and you are in schism over Ukraine. You didn't even manage to not have a sex-abuse crisis. We'll vacuum you up at the Third Council of Nicaea five years from now. Never come at us over our problems because yours are worse, you're just better at hiding them because your liturgy is more elaborate and more ornate. We'll get you, the Copts, and probably the Anglicans too, and then, THEN we'll deal with Islam. All united, just like old times.

>> No.14784445

You don't understand Islam and Muslim culture. Revenge is perfectly acceptable and they have a different conception of nobility. It is not noble to take abuse from other people. You forget that their prophet was a successful warlord; not the type to turn the other cheek.

I understand where he is coming from. However, I (and presumably you) will not make it easy for him to get his revenge.

>> No.14784453
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You think we bear any better feelings toward you after Bosnia? After your secularist crusade in Syria? We have some friendship in Palestine

>> No.14784456

*infallibly kisses nigger feet while leading a clown mass*

>> No.14784463
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I am converting to Catholicism, bros.

>> No.14784466

I agree, this is why I wish Iran remained Zoroastrian or Manichaeist, at least. I am not particularly fond of Christianity, but I admit it's better than Judaism and Islam. Islam cannot be secularized because there is an innate desire to reconnect to one's religious founder. Muhammad was, indeed, a savage warlord, yes, and there is really no disputing that fact. It's kind of unfortunate reality because if Muhammad weren't batshit insane, the religion wouldn't have had this problem.
Granted, I would advise you to be equally, if not more, careful of the Jews. While Muslims seem to be directly confrontational and violent, Jews are much more subtle and subversive, which makes them more difficult to deal with.

>> No.14784467
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To be honest, when I'm not ANGRY, I'd rather talk to them and convert them than kill them. Nobody deserves to go to Hell, not even jihadists. Hell is awful and should not be wished on anyone.

In an ideal world we could break their power structures nonviolently and then just preach the Gospel to them. I think there are lots of Muslims who would love to learn about Christ. They're mostly born into the faith in an entirely Muslim environment, they don't get to hear the Truth, except when it's twisted by their upbringing. I don't hold it against them for having the attitudes they have. I should probably pray for them, that things go well for them.

>> No.14784474

>Islam cannot be secularized
Is this somehow supposed to be a bad thing about Islam?

>> No.14784478

Are you okay with Manichaeists? I think Mani made more sense than St. Augustine.

>> No.14784485

Well, you know, if the religion is prone to being violent and warlike, you kind of want it to secularize or at least tone down. You really need to chill and drink some wine or something.

>> No.14784494

>NOOOOO, conquering and having slaves is INSANE!!

How was he worse than Romans?

>> No.14784499

Well, you know, most saints throughout history have discouraged conquering and have slaves. It's just not a good thing to do.

>> No.14784501

Secularism is prone to being violent and warlike

>> No.14784503
File: 83 KB, 1000x803, Gerard_Seghers_(attr)_-_The_Four_Doctors_of_the_Western_Church,_Saint_Augustine_of_Hippo_(354–430).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pray for you too. Here's a hint: Manicheanism is wrong and Augustine is right.

>> No.14784507
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>Well, you know, if the religion is prone to being violent and warlike, you kind of want it to secularize or at least tone down. You really need to chill and drink some wine or something.

>> No.14784509

Augustine (who said slavery was divine punishment for the slave) and Aquinas said prostitution should be legal to keep men tame. I don't have much regard for your saints.

>> No.14784513

Well, you're not going to get me that far because I know St. Augustine was wrong. In fact, his whole philosophy was made out of ressentiment over not becoming an Elect.
Regardless, we share in common ground in regards to Islam's disposition towards violence.

>> No.14784514

>I think Mani made more sense than St. Augustine
lel, the Manichean Aphthonius of Alexandria literally died from getting BTFO in a public debate with an Arian. Probably the only time in history such a thing has happened.

>> No.14784516

Nobody who really knows God is violent, the only exception I can think of is muslims who think wifebeating is condoned.

>> No.14784517

I mean, I'm not beyond using violence for self-defense or to purge unsavory ideologies like Islam and Judaism. When you know an ideology encourages either violence or subversion, it's better to eliminate immediately, forcefully if necessary.

>> No.14784526 [DELETED] 

It's fine if we disagree. You're free to believe whatever you want. I am just hoping that during your cleansing of Muslim filth, you broaden what you consider acceptable ideologies. Living side-by-side with a Gnostic and Buddhist is easier than a Muslim, don't you agree?
Also, please do not conflate race with religious identification. I will help you in euthanizing or shooting down Muslims so long as it is not based purely on race.

>> No.14784530

It's fine if we disagree. You're free to believe whatever you want. I am just hoping that during your cleansing of Muslim filth, you broaden what you consider acceptable ideologies. Living side-by-side with a Gnostic and Buddhist is easier than a Muslim, don't you agree?
Also, please do not conflate race with religious identification. I will help you in euthanizing or shooting down Muslims so long as it is not based purely on race.

>> No.14784531

>Gnostic and Buddhist
So atheist subhumans? Those should be purged before Muslims in any sane worldview.

>> No.14784538

Alright, you're acting no better than the Mudslime. You think Pisslam is better than Gnostics and Buddhism because past Catholic enmities? I guess Protestants have a point with their criticisms of certain trends in Catholicism.

>> No.14784541

Certainly we condone it, but we condone beating men too. A man can beat his wife for major transgressions (say, drinking, or listening to Madonna) according to the the penal rubrics, that I with a stick, but not in the face or uncovered skin. He must use only his forearm and not leave bruising or bleeding. Now for these transgressions a man should also be beaten but by another man and with back uncovered as per Sharia.

>> No.14784585

Those fall under atheism too though.

>> No.14784600

Wait, you're the Orthodox Christian? I thought Orthodox were more mystical. You guys have a vehement hatred of Gnosticism and non-Abrahamic faiths too? I can understand the desire to purge Islam and Judaism, but I think you'd make more enemies than you'd need to by targeting Dharmic, Gnostic, or other religions.

>> No.14784721
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>mysticism is pacifist

Please look up the Safavids. They were a Shia Sufi order that established Shia dominance in Persia by massacring all the Sunnis and bringing in Arab Sufi scholars

>> No.14784965

>When you know an ideology encourages either violence or subversion, it's better to eliminate immediately, forcefully if necessary.
So yours included

>> No.14784977
File: 285 KB, 900x500, 1540540682373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mohammed was a nigger, and niggers should hang from trees.
You can then follow your prophet's "sunna" and also hang from trees, niggers. All hail Brenton Tarrant!

>> No.14785004

Cringe. I bet both of you don't even go to mass and LARP on the interwebz

>> No.14785672

Not everyone is inauthentic

>> No.14785739

>who was taken to court by his slave taken in jihad because he refused to have sex with her
Damn, women really are evil, aren't they?

>> No.14785854

A concubine is different from a wife but has certain rights. He actually had many concubines he enslaved in war and taught many women but he refused to have sex because he said getting attached to a woman turned men into slaves of the woman

>> No.14785862

>all hail the kike stooge who never named the jew or shot bankers

>> No.14785946

Yeah, hoping that an African who is openly for mass African immigration to Europe gets elected Pope because he'll let you kick non-Whites out of Europe and call a Crusade is "authentic".

>> No.14785999

Sarah is anti-globalism

>> No.14786005

I have no racial animosity towards whites. This may shock you but one of the most influential theorists of radical Islam (he was extremely literalist and believed Muslims should impose Sharia even on Dhimmi) was Ibn Hazm, who was born to Spanish parents who converted. He had a decisive impact on al-Shawakani, the original theorist of the modern Salafi movement. Indeed I embrace white Muslims as brothers, Chechnyns and Bosnians are two clear examples. It would be much better for you to convert and make Europe Muslim yourselves

>> No.14786681

He's a nationalist?

>> No.14787551
File: 114 KB, 1170x610, taliban-1170x610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a nobody with no will or way

>> No.14788891


>> No.14789056
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>this thread

The rest of the 21st Century is going to be fucking insane, isn't it?

>> No.14789248
File: 678 KB, 1280x720, talibansoldiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We go hard

>> No.14790628

How am I a bugman? I think Hepthalites were cool. They were like Buddhist barbarians.
Afghans will leave behind Islam in the future but still be hardcore.

>> No.14790689

i think academic journals would be more interesting if they were only accepted on the basis of trial by combat.

>> No.14791000

No they won't because the people for leaving it behind are pederasts the Islamists wipe the floor with

>> No.14791059

>Read based Maududi, a powerful scholar who theorized that reactionary Islam would be the next world revolution after Marxism failed
In what book does he write about this? I've only heard of his tafsir.

>> No.14791630
File: 264 KB, 720x867, Maududi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't touched his theoretical works? Aw, man, you're in for a treat

>> No.14791942

>. I am not particularly fond of Christianity, but I admit it's better than Judaism and Islam. Islam cannot be secularized
So Christianity is better because you can subjugate it?

>> No.14792006

Heres some constructive criticism: go kill yourself, while i take a shit directly on the unflattering picture of your god that I just drew. She a steamer

>> No.14792085
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You are a nobody and no woman will ever want to have your babies

>> No.14792385
File: 26 KB, 258x385, Ibnkhattab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing is dearer to me than a frosty night in the company of an infantry of Muhajirun when we are to attack the disbelievers in the morning. Not even the night in which I was wedded to a new bride or received the glad tidings of the birth of a new child.

-Khalid ibn al Walid

>> No.14792900

Based. Please destroy Europe.

>> No.14792925


>> No.14792955
File: 151 KB, 1080x1081, D-FwW_RWkAIFStD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too cowardly to resist Shaytan from taking over my country but I will call this cowardice and the rise of liberalism "turning the other cheek"

Wallahi Christians invert noble values

>> No.14792981

To Brave New World,no doubt

>> No.14793040
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x800, elysium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The rest of the 21st century will be religious people wasting science's time

it will be the weight of well-recorded evidence we need to convince other atheists that non-atheist people are sub-human barbarians who believe nothing in particular, change belief systems all the time and basically just wildly mutate like viruses. I always knew that we atheists would have to put the rest of you down .

>> No.14793067

Atheists don't reproduce so we don't care what you think. Your women will be our concubines إن شاء الله

>> No.14793941
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>and THEN

It will be too late, you had massive numerical superiority for hundreds of years since the Spanish. You just recently list that and it's getting worse. Now you be will deal with Islam when your church is the most tolerant and non agressive it's ever been?

>> No.14794347
File: 342 KB, 720x960, 001_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have Christ and you don't.

Also, check the adherence rates in Egypt and other parts of North Africa. We're not the only ones dealing with apostates.

>> No.14794585

Egypt has a secular dictatorship that literally tortures and kills Muslims who are too open in practice, the only Muslim school not underground is al-Azhar and that is because the Grand Imam is very regimist and secularist. We actually fought back there multiple times like we are in Syria. These states and secularized militariies were established by colonialists, rest assured we will never forget what you inflicted on us

Jesus, alayhe salam, is our Messiah as well, we believe he will return to be the final Khalifa and lead us in jihad against the Antichrist who will be worshipped by the Jews

>> No.14794659

Do you ever stop and think sometimes, what if these religions were true? What if the creator of the universe and transcendent ground of all being was a guy who liked smashing humans together like dolls playing war? And all there was to life was picking a book, and if you choose the right one you get a garden where you have sex forever?

It would just be really funny if that's how the universe was.

>> No.14794704

Only Islam has Tawhid

>> No.14795009

>We have Christ
Aren't you a Carholic who submits to a literal idol-worshipper? I don't think Christ (pbuh) would approve such behaviour.

>> No.14795043
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>We have Christ and you don't.
Ok, now this is just cope.