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File: 118 KB, 750x1190, mosque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14783813 No.14783813 [Reply] [Original]

People say this is misogyny, but it's not. It's based on original Islamic custom which was to have separate mosques for each sex. Nowadays women are generally just segregated in another room, but having an all male mosque is normal because Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, said women may go to their mosques, but it is better for them to stay home and pray there

>> No.14783821

If the right wing in the West brings Muslims into the fold the left is finished.
>Emphasize the common themes of all religions
>Tradition standing against the progressivist and hypercapitalist fringe

>> No.14783836

And if the left wing can summon Dr. Funkenstein from space to reawaken the ancient spaceship pyramids and reignite the fire of the funk, then black afro-centric Democrats will rule the galaxy for all time. That is however rather unlikely, according to our current body of knowledge.

>> No.14783849
File: 545 KB, 720x1078, ruh roh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14783860

>ancient spaceship pyramids
>fire of the funk
>black afro-centric Democrats
What if...
What if. They would be Traditionalists, right wingers, far right afro-centrics in space, steel pyramids standing against degeneracy, the virility of bongo drums heard all across Mars, titanium spears thrown at alien cheetahs across the galaxy...terrifying

>> No.14783885
File: 114 KB, 1170x610, taliban-1170x610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want any part of your cucked right, kaffir. Rather it is you who should come into our fold

>> No.14783906

Kek, is this a mosque in Texas? I swear I've read that comment before. I like to keep up on where inferior religions are concentrated throughout the state.

>> No.14783908


>> No.14783918

Of course they would be traditionalists: the funk is older than human life on this planet.

>> No.14784337

Islam will save us from liberal degeneracy.

>> No.14784348
File: 189 KB, 720x1104, teacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14784370

If we enact Sharia law first the left won't be able to make us live under Sharia law. Praise Jeebus!

>> No.14785666
File: 164 KB, 1124x1517, IMG_20200114_075845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14785716


>> No.14785755

people who say things like this are either already muslims, or have never met any actual muslims

>> No.14785759

that picture was taken by a unix command

>> No.14785773

>storm dennis
Redpill me on the naming weather meme.

>> No.14785834

It depends on the Muslim. According to the RAND Corporation report given to the U.S. Air Force, Sufis/traditionalists are good American allies, the RAND corporation actually popularized using traditionalist to refer to Sufi quietists as opposed to Islamists. In Arabic traditionalist is Athari and refers to anti Sufis

>> No.14785842

How can you tell?

>> No.14787035


Women should be segregated you cuck.

>> No.14787135

This. Though I can understand in a sense how people are drawn to Islam because of its traditional sensibilities, these same people often fail to realize how primitive and barbarous it all is, culturally and intellectually speaking. If we ever bounce back from the neoliberal hellscape that we are in today, we mustn't do it at the price of launching ourselves back by 2000 years and becoming dhimmis to a bunch of inbred shitskins whose average IQ is lower than their shoe size.

Ancient Greeks and Romans are a much better example of a life-affirming culture with traditional sensibilities than Islam, which is really the down-syndrome affected brother of the abrahamic religions.

Also, PSA for everyone who is not aware : there's a muslim discord that's raiding /lit/ pretty much constantly with pro-muslim and proselytizing content. Just like with unironic /pol/tard and chaponigger threads, report and move on.

>> No.14787200

I'm a convert and you are an imbecile. The Romans used torture in their courts to extract confessions and had legal prostitution. There is a reason Nietzsche said Islam was superior to the Greeks and Romans.

>> No.14788457

Makes them seem friendlier

>> No.14788526

Don't you have a Guénon thread to haunt?

>> No.14788550

Guenon is a Hindu who found it too foreign and difficult to convert to

>> No.14788592

It's not misogyny because the book says so!

Think for yourself ideology possessed bugman.

>> No.14788619

Based primate.