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14783721 No.14783721 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14783732
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>"A new right and a new left are rising"
>mfw the authors are apparently ignoring the new centrism movement

>> No.14783758

We are just getting back to normal politics after the post-WW2 period which was shaped by reactions to fascism and communism. We have been progressing toward this moment since the fall of the USSR. While the West was busy with being against and saying no - against the USSR, no to fascism - the East was rising and our culture was falling apart. This is the reckoning. Liberal internationalism is dying and will never return. The left is replacing it with progressivism. Meanwhile on the right there is increasing courage and boldness, we have sensed that calls for the renewal of tribalism can no longer be deadened by comparisons to the fascists.
We are entering a new era of great politics and this is only the beginning. Read Why Liberalism Failed, The Return of the Strong Gods, and Age of Iron.

>> No.14783783

>about politics
>current year in the title
>female author(s?)
>made-up and Indian names
>"left and right are real things"
That's bingo, into the trash

>> No.14783787

I mean /pol/ figured this all out years ago. The objectively correct though presently forbidden political ideology is a kind of national socialism. Not THAT national socialism but a socialism with some kind of a nationalistic character. Won’t happen for a while yet if it ever does and possibly with the demographics it’ll be too late anyway. Sad! To get us completely out of today’s political mess you’d need to change the fiat debt system, redistribute wealth, balance individual liberties with civic duty, fix education, tacitly agree on a collective moral code and national character, and fix the demographics. This won’t happen as long as people are still comfortable.

>> No.14783796

Can you give some context? The title has me interested, but if you're going to be posting a thread, at least spoon feed me a little.

>> No.14783818

I don’t know but Krystal Ball is fuckin hot. I’d vote for Bernie just to suck on those milkers

>> No.14784059

I still can't believe someone named their kid Crystal Ball.

>> No.14784108

>doesn't know anything about the writers or the message
>muh current year
>probably still watches CNN

>> No.14784114

The progressive left was saying this many years ago as well. You can watch videos of leftists saying this stuff before Trump or Obama.

>> No.14784135

depends. only "leftist" I can think of who would agree with most of that is Lasch

>> No.14785379

The progressive left’s fanatical social justice, internationalism and love of immigration completely kills it for most ordinary people. I assume you mean progressive in a different way though?

>> No.14785380

Those are liberal values, not those of the left.

>> No.14785479

Meh. I'll only be convinced things have changed a little if Bernie wins the nomination. Working class movements have been dead for 40, 50 years. "A good run" won't do much to save them.
Though it'd be interesting to see what would happen in an America where more people become actual leftists but the establishment continues to exclude them.

>> No.14785487

I hate these types of books.

>> No.14785491

>still trying to co-opt neoliberal and neoconservative wings

>> No.14785624

I like that it points towards the possibility that the populist left and the populist right might just be able to find commonalities when it comes to the fundamental aims and ends of political and ethical action. Trump won by repudiating fusionist orthodoxy and Bernie may win by rejecting Clintonite triangulation. From an aesthetic perspective it is very interesting to consider that we might elect someone like Bernie Sanders so soon after Donald Trump. Something fundamental has shifted in the electorate to allow for such a situation.

>> No.14785643

What the hell is the "New Left"?
Are they still not progressive enough? What's next? Fucking gay AIDS latino black toddlers running for office?

>> No.14785664
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this is now a krystal ball face appreciation thread

>> No.14785670

lol politics has been moving right for 50 years

>> No.14785690

>Liberal internationalism is dying and will never return.

I have nothing but contempt for the 1990s-2000s neoliberalists who are trying desperately to freeze time to their halcyon days. Especially when for at least the US the products of their labor and ideology have felt disastrous across the board. I can't really name any accomplishments that are all their own rather than that of the prior, less progressive generations. The EEC is what tamed Europe from another war, not the EU. I guess they stewarded over the dismantling of communism well enough. I just see hacks like Fukuyama or the dimwits who surrounded the Obama Admin like Rice and Powers and I want to shake them and go "What the fuck did you ever do right? What theory of yours was ever proven right? You were wrong on China wrong on humanitarian interventions wrong on Iran being tamed by the nuclear deal wrong in globalization being a net positive rather than a zero-sum game with winners and losers you were even fucking wrong with Aung San Suu Kyi WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN RIGHT?"

>> No.14785693

Sure bud, go tell all the devout "socialists" on every single college campus that their beliefs aren't REAL leftism. In a certain sense you're right but it also doesn't matter because the only left that actually exists at the moment is progressive liberalism and intersectionalism.

>> No.14785710
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>> No.14785753

shut the fuck up.

>> No.14785757


>> No.14785777

It's predictive programming you dunce. They are trying to create "alternative" mainstream media since none of the goyim trust the mainstream mainstream media anymore. They use trigger words that make you think something new and fresh is the future, i.e. "crystal ball."

NPCs actually fall for this shit and you probably do too

>> No.14785786
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>> No.14785828

yeah nice bros show me your girlfriends

what that's literally the name she was born with

>> No.14786348

>what that's literally the name she was born with
According to Wikipedia her father was a physicist who wrote his dissertation on crystals.

>> No.14786356

>the new centrism movement
You mean macron's brand of standing aside while mobs trash the cities? It's not much of a move

>> No.14786358

Maybe Chris Hedges. He saw a lot of this coming 10 years ago.

>> No.14786359

>According to Wikipedia her father was a physicist who wrote his dissertation on crystals.
ayup. but what's the gotta do with what u said earlier (assuming ur the same anon)?

>> No.14786378

>I don’t know but Krystal Ball is fuckin hot.
Classic "liberal face". Some of them are passable with makeup, but never hot.
There's a reason we have the stereotype of the super hot girl being a bitchy republican. It's true 9 times out of 10.
>I’d vote for Bernie just to suck on those milkers
I hope you succeed, just so I can say "you're on the Ball".

>> No.14786384

Not the same anon, but I would assume political parties like you to have a catchy name.

>> No.14786508

Which political party are we talking about here? Are you suggesting her success is because of her name? Not the fact that she’s hot, her parents were ostensibly intelligent, and she’s a good public speaker?

Nice let’s see your gf anon

>> No.14786678

>Are you suggesting her success is because of her name?
It helps. If you don't have a good one you change it or use your middle name.

>> No.14786717

>It helps.
inversely, sure. like more common names statistically seem to be more helpful. i don't think the other anon's tenuous conspiracy that krystal ball = new, fresh future = name which helps liberal brainwashing, has anything to do with her current status other than whatever personality traits she acquired from being mercilessly made fun of growing up

>> No.14786768

why do american women have strong square jaws like that?

>> No.14787842

You wish, tranny.

>> No.14787986
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Anons, tell me what you think of my prediction for new emerging political parties. First, I'd like to say fuck jannies and that politics is, for the most part, midwit-core. Second, I've been working on an assignment for the past 7 hours so I'm feeling a little sloppy in the brain. With that said, the current left-right wind dichotomy has been scrambling to add more and more "identifiers" into their respective camps. For example, blacks vote democrat while religious whites vote republican. The reason for these camps voting patterns is a result of media propagandizing and scapegoating issues to garner votes. To demonstrate this, take the issue of abortion as an example. Many republicans vote irrationally just because they think abortion is wrong. But most republicans don't really give a shit, they just want to sneak around taxes while the people clamor for stupid bullshit like legal abortion (abortions will happen whether or not they are legal).

Since the 80s, the rich have bought out the dumb whites while the dems do everything they can to move in the opposite direction, namely the general direction other people are moving in. The center of American politics can no longer hold the system together (Bernie winning when no one in media says he can/ Bloomberg being a legitimate competitor just bc he has a $5 billion and nothing more).

The poor republicans will become disillusioned with their own party letting the dems to take serious control under Bernie (or in 2024). Once having control, they'll become fractured because there are still lots of issues that most dems cannot agree upon (e.g. reparations for nogs).

slob on my glock

>> No.14787993

deal with it beta this is what a real woman looks like

>> No.14788035

The Cold War is finally over in the minds of voters. The US has never been an ideal candidate for a world empire, we're more content being happy in our own home.