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File: 16 KB, 217x337, nick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14783665 No.14783665 [Reply] [Original]

>There is only one sane and healthy relation to Christianity; perfect indifference. Mine is not of that kind. My detestation for the Christian faith exhausts my being, and more. I long for its God to exist in order to slake myself as violence upon him. If there are torments coming to me I want them, all of them; God experimenting in cruelty upon me. I want no lethargy in Hell, rather vigour and imagination. Oh yes, it is all very wretched, and if I am grateful to Christianity it is for one thing alone; it has taught me how to hate.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14783674

lmao imagine

>> No.14783683

holy... i want more

>> No.14783692
File: 31 KB, 371x266, neotraditionalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are currently 7 accfag threads up right now.

>> No.14783699

I was thinking of reading him as he seems to be a fairly well known modern philosopher. Thanks for posting this quote so I won’t waste my time

>> No.14783706

get mad faggot. hoes mad. ur a hoe, bitch.
>I dream of the damnation I have so amply earned, stolen from me by the indolence of God.

>> No.14783727

What a loser

>> No.14783747

What a cringe faggot.
Stop posting, Nick.

>> No.14783844

link em

>> No.14783851


>> No.14783854

>fairly well known modern philosopher
He isn't. It's just 2 autists spamming him here. One of whom seems to be Nick.
And 20 or so twitterfags.

>> No.14783859

Nick, if you're going to post here please do an AMA. A lot of people would be genuinely interested to talk to you.

>> No.14783877

He's not wrong

>> No.14783893

okay ama, not much time though I'm in a refugee camp

>> No.14783911

Nick channeling his idol Nietzsche with affected angst and theatricality.

>> No.14783934
File: 365 KB, 1378x863, happenemenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of people

>> No.14783944

It must suck if he can't enjoy Christcuck music. I'm utterly devoid of faith, not even as a child or teenager did I consider the possibility of any divine or magical existence, but I love the fragile beauty expressed in so much Christian music.

>> No.14783971

kek imagine not listening to jungle

>> No.14783988


>> No.14784012
File: 211 KB, 664x299, brchristianitycrucifixion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is only one sane and healthy relation to Christianity; perfect indifference.

Call me crazy, but I think this line is actually true. What's almost every normalfag's relation to Christianity? Bored indifference. They're all either agnostics, soft atheists, or they go to church but don't really let the true ideas and nature of Christianity alter their lives away from the standard mode of living in the West in the Modern age.

Meanwhile, if you HATE Christianity you become fueled by that hatred and it drives you into a kind of insanity. This winds up making you simultaneously wretched and amazing. Think of Nietzsche. Or Christopher Hitchens. Both brilliant men, both intensely hateful towards Christianity. Think of Lovecraft, who was literally terrified of the idea of an all-powerful deity. Hatred of Christianity is a pathway to greatness.

But LOVE of Christianity is also a pathway to greatness. Imagine truly loving Christianity, being driven so deep into your belief that it fundamentally alters the way you think and act. This can also make you wretched and amazing. Think of all the saints and their incredible lives and deeds. Think of artists who were devout Christians, like Dante or Mozart. Love of Christianity is a pathway to greatness, too. But it's also a path to suffering, as you reject the world and realize its emptiness when compared with Christ.

Basically: if you want to be healthy and sane, you DO need to regard Christianity with indifference. Because if you either hate it or love it, it will make you great, but it will also make you sick and drive you mad.

>> No.14784037


>> No.14784056

Sounds interesting, I'll check it out later. I don't predominantly listen to Christian music or anything, mind you.

>> No.14784093

This kills the accfag

>> No.14784150
File: 41 KB, 600x450, EP-N5iZW4AA71Te.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14784158

Post start time.

>> No.14784165

Jungle is just drag shows with gender dysphoria

>> No.14784172
