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14781786 No.14781786 [Reply] [Original]

In your best prose write about your hatred for jannies .

Bonus point if it is a poem

>> No.14782108

I hate Janitors
Janitors do it for free
Wubba lubba dub

>> No.14782122

i hate janny
heres go money
on his face
janny, embrace!

>> No.14782154

fuck niggers,
fuck janitors.
come 'ere, suck my cock.
now eat from my glock.

>> No.14782155

>As I observed the poor creature, I was filled with a mixture of pity and disgust. This wretched thing toiled away hour after hour after hour... and yet he did it... for free? This... tool, tool of the one they call Hiroshimoot struggled in vain to keep the crumbling ruin once known as 4chan from toppling. Yet he did so knowing full well he would never receive an once of monetary compensation. I would spend the next several hours engaging as what is colloquially known as "shitposting" just to see these so called "janitors" in action.

>> No.14782566

All the jannies of 4channel suck
If you just work for free you're a cuck
Now clean the mess, janny
You absolute tranny
We'll all laugh as you beg for a fuck

>> No.14782852
File: 114 KB, 600x597, marriedtheminwalmartchurches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny, Janny?
Yes anon?
Eating semen?
No anon
Telling fibs?
No anon
Open Wide
Ah ah ah

>> No.14782909
File: 128 KB, 700x483, 1582577985681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writhing mass of nauseating flesh trawling through the muddied waters of the polluted lake, the priests of a forlorn ideal collectors of mire and gunk as seagulls peck their flesh and parasites weigh them down but through the sheer sadist ecstasy the spiteful crustacean enjoys in his circadian humiliation, perfectly anonymous, the bubble of lecherous joy keeps the scum afloat while the carcasses of youth sink to the bottom scavenged away by those worshippers of the Despoiler.

Up high an eagle sheds scorn over the cacophonic orgasmic frenzy, not noticed by the myopic and clairvoyant. Heed these words, the eagle speaks, for man does not find truth in Hell.

>> No.14782920

I've been watching for hours now, hidden among the bushes. At some point, the thorns didn't bother me anymore. I made myself comfortable and engrossed myself in planning, carefully, revising every step for today's grand finale. It's already past midnight— Soon, she would exit the C&D Corp building.
As I thought about the way I was going to give her the suitable end she deserved, I clenched hard on the handle of my pickaxe. She just got out. Why is she wearing crocs? No, it doesn't matter anymore. I controlled my breath and reminded myself once more of the plan.
Her fate is sealed and my body moves in the optimal pathway, as practiced before. Finally— The janitor must die. I'll be the one to put an end to this miserable wench.