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/lit/ - Literature

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14781777 No.14781777 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to propose a toast, my friends!
A toast! To... Literature!

>> No.14782058
File: 111 KB, 717x1023, Plain_Men_s_Tshirt-Brown_Camo_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read mein kampf?

>> No.14782133

Hey, Mister! What happened to your hair, mister?

>> No.14782213


>> No.14782254

Why do you all keep making fun of this guy? He didn't choose his haircut. He didn't ask to be ridiculed all over the internet for the crime of wanting to cheers someone. It took all his bravery to post this pic and the scorn he receives in return is not just unfair, it's mean.

Just look at his eyes. Empty, dead... he's already seen true misery. He's aware that he does not live up to anyone's measure of a successful person, and this is before the daily beatings began once he posted this which, if we're being honest, was maybe his bravest moment. Imagine him now, anon.

A little reprieve from the reality of his situation and, maybe, a little camaraderie. A well wish or two. Even the smallest possible bond with another human being, a cheers. He wasn't asking for much and certainly not enough to beg the type of assault he is currently under.

So, if he is reading this, I just want to say cheers to you, friend. You are braver than any of the heartless losers on this webpage. Cheers.

>> No.14782266

>he didn’t choose his haircut

>> No.14782551
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>> No.14782575
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>> No.14782579

tf are you talking about?
i know nothing about this man but his picture and crazy hairdo tells me
he is a fucking BEAST who does not give a single social-media-dependent FUCK about what we or any other pretentious insecure MAGGOTS think about him

>> No.14782601
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Holy based

>> No.14782629

You are projecting who you wish you were onto a broken boy who just wants someone to look at him and say "everything'll be ok, cheers."
Don't do that. Not to him. This ends now.

>> No.14782647
File: 64 KB, 866x1300, 13645438-businessman-holding-champagne-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huzzah, good friends!

>> No.14782677

proof or GTFO

>> No.14782762

Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.14782780
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Cheers senpai

>> No.14782795

>Burden of proof is on you.
this isn't the kind of situation where the concept of "burden of proof" applies, you absolute fucking MONGREL (and if it does, it does so out of the fact that we ought to demand some justification for an extremely negative depiction of another's character, i.e., no u)
if i had the slightest feeling that you are sincere, i would be more than happy to try to change your mind.

>> No.14782815

Change my mind about you absolving yourself of having to prove anything or about the character of the guy in the pic?
I'm in his corner so if you're gonna bash him like everyone else in this thread you'll need to get through me.

>> No.14782827
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Who is this guy? Why these based, heavenly trips?

>> No.14782832
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here here!
to /lit/!

>> No.14782833

To the ghost of hairlines past.