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14780147 No.14780147 [Reply] [Original]

my jewish gf is converting to catholicism for me, aside from Confessions what is some good catholic literature to start her off with.

>> No.14780243
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>> No.14780246

Anything by Lovecraft should do. Also you're condemning your gf to eternity in hell.

>> No.14780375

why is that?

>> No.14780378

Stop race mixing you filthy degenerate

>> No.14780381

Lovecraft is a great storyteller.

>> No.14780488

i love her too much not to

>> No.14780526

G.K. Chesterton. Orthodoxy is a classic, also Manalive and The Ball and the Cross. C.S. Lewis is also excellent, The Great Divorce is a good one.

>> No.14780600

That's good news, OP. The faith of Conversos is sometimes insincere and they sometimes continue to practice their former religion clandestinely. Also beware of her trying to Judaize your own faith, such as by making you rest on Saturday or refer to Jesus as Yeshua. Prepare weekly meals of pork on any day except Friday of course. Make sure you closely observe her and report any suspicious activity such as Eucharist theft, drawings Stars of David under your bed, or child blood sacrifices to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faithful. Obviously she should read the Catechism.

>> No.14780770
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Anything by E.M.Jone, especially "libido dominandi" and " jewish revolutionary spirit", as well as "culture of critique" by MacDonald.

Giving her literature on male genital mutilation and make sure that your first born wont get his little dick cut off, when she reveal she crypto-jewed you. I would also recommend you to read into physical anthropology to determine if she's too inbred to b the mother of your children. Especially a slopping forehead or fla back to the head are very undesirable.

To show her the light introduce her to "how the catholic church built western civilization" by Woods and "Gods philosophers" by Hannan.

I hope you're FSSPX and not novus ordo.

>> No.14780777


Jews are white

>> No.14780785

just here to remind you that circumsion is evil and following mosaic code is heresy

>> No.14780793

She shouldn't be doing it "for you." She should be doing it because she firmly believes in the light and truth that is Christ Jesus. That he fulfilled all of the prophecies of old and has purchased her eternal life by making the most perfect sacrifice.

But yes, The Confessions are good and so is City of God.

>> No.14781223

>purchased her
Cucked by Jesus, the ultimate sugar daddy.

>> No.14781325
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>> No.14781363
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>> No.14781382

no you don't, you're just aroused by her. the digits do not lie.

>> No.14781390

is that supposed to be a bad thing
fuck off nazi tard

>> No.14781402

it's not bad itself, not good either. but fooling yourself into believing you have some deep affection with a woman you have not even been with very long is bad, for you at least.

>> No.14781413

its good, people should be long term companions and having deep affection and/or sexual attraction is a good thing

>> No.14781430

peak cringe

>> No.14781455

fucking nigger reading level with you. deluding yourself into believing infatuation is "deep affection" is retarded and a near guarantee your relationship will fail when the lustre wears away.

>> No.14781461

it will fail if youre a coombrain and consider relationships to be anything other than permanent

>> No.14781485

the bible says that people are sanctified through their spouse.

>> No.14781493

this is a falseflag. OP is a paganLARPer trying to defame us.

>> No.14781499
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>> No.14781677

how do you know the amount of time i've been with her? how can you justify my physical attraction to her the only reason i'm with her? all of these arguments are just assumptions basically.