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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 138 KB, 594x345, Lindsay Yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14779961 No.14779961 [Reply] [Original]

>uhm sweaty is that DFW in your pocket or are you just being a rapist

>> No.14780012

>cat eye glasses
>dark non-glossy wine colored lipstick
>triple chin
>stubby neck
>no cleavage in decolletage
>wears all black to appear slightly slimmer
Do you think they enjoy being a walking stereotype?

>> No.14780166

yes, absolutely. Its a dare for you to make fun of them, which is what they really want more than anything; attention

>> No.14780269
File: 296 KB, 1254x706, 1580078571898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what i know about girl fashion i think thats the equivalent of skinny whitebois not wearing sleeves/shaving evryday. not incelly but not good looking either

most chicks want to wear shit like crop tops and lulus that show their ass but theyre way to self conscious and dont want to be seen as a whore even tho literally no one cares

>> No.14780275

The only women I ever raped are named "lefty" and "righty."

>> No.14780286

Thread is type 3, possibly type 2 or 17, possibly type 14


>> No.14780653

Input: Narcissistic mother who used food to control her children. Weak or absent father. Output: Highly mentally unstable, obese feminist fixated on meaningless unrewarding "career" who hates men with psychopathic intensity.

>> No.14780659

stop trying to filter people to your humorless thread. It's not funny

>> No.14780662
File: 9 KB, 231x218, 1552858573507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop trying to filter people to your humorless thread. It's not funny

>> No.14780730

What DFW books fits in a pocket?

>> No.14780748

She has infinite jest though

>> No.14780807

Does this girl even hate men?
>meaningless career
Hers seems a lot less meaningless than most

>> No.14780818

So in other words that list is completely pointless

>> No.14780822

I genuinely find Lindsay Ellis extremely attractive

>> No.14780899

Any action such miserable individuals undertake is inherently meaningless.

>> No.14780904

'nother great literature thread

>> No.14781561

ok Pierce thats enough

>> No.14781568


She only owns it ironically though.

>> No.14781598

Why yes, it is DFW, miss fatty.

>> No.14781659

im a guy reviewer on the internet

>> No.14782416
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1573521962152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to see Lindsey Ellis get fatter and fatter
>he doesn't want to use her videos as a timeline of her weight gain, eventually compiling snippets of them into a Lindsey Ellis Gets Fat supercut, starting with her old skinny self and ending when she's confirmed to be over 300 pounds

>> No.14782427
File: 515 KB, 726x422, 1546300366445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindsey Ellis likes DFW, you can see Infinite Jest on the shelf behind her here

>> No.14782444

no, she genuinely likes it. it's John Green's favorite book. normies like DFW.

>> No.14782460

oh god me too why is she so soft and curvy I want her so bad

>> No.14782482
File: 91 KB, 1200x675, me at family gatherings verbatim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about? Lindsay Ellis is the person who gave us this meme.

>> No.14782495

I made that thread and took that screenshot. Someone else came up with the family gathering verbatim thing. This is my one contribution to /lit/ culture. Please, no need to thank me.

>> No.14782531
File: 69 KB, 1024x683, lindsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just an unfortunate frame

>> No.14783171

Same. I wish she would her for me while I lay my head on her fat thighs.

>> No.14783226

How old is that picture, though? Somebody pull up a recent video of her so we can see how big she is.

>> No.14783271

on the same shelf as Chronicles of Narnia and the twilight series lmao

>> No.14783412

Well it is all children's literature, in the end.

>> No.14783570

yes, same same

>> No.14783604

yeah but imagine how intense the sex would be.

You get her and an incel manatee in the same bedroom and it'd be a splooge explosion, little baby whales everywhere.

>> No.14783609

i want her to pinch me.

>> No.14783620

i lash out cause i have weight issues.

>> No.14784780

same difference

>> No.14785299
File: 779 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14785586

That photo is 7 and a half years old.

>> No.14786646

Oh god, I didn't even recognize her.

>> No.14786686


>> No.14786704


>> No.14786727
File: 17 KB, 310x165, Die Mauer kommt zu dir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No woman escapes the wall.

>> No.14787039

I bought Infinite Jest at 17 cause this boars recommended it. Almost a decade later I still haven’t read beyond page 60, but wtf bros...we don’t like DFW anymore?

>> No.14787356

normies read books?

>> No.14787419

ever heard of a series called Harry Potter? what about Twilight? 50 shades? best selling books of our generation anon

>> No.14787485

Stop eye raping my pockets

>> No.14787495

but do they actually read them?

>> No.14787516
File: 7 KB, 280x210, 280full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read name
>"isnt that the nostalgia chick?"
>remember her being hot
>everyone talking about how fat and ugly she is
>"huh, must be someone else, what's the name of the nostalgia chick?"
>google it
>Lindsay Ellis
>look at pictures, old and new
>realize they're the same person
wtf happened????

>> No.14787536

she's actually hot in that pic wtf

>> No.14787586

She's only hot when fat though

>> No.14787590

of course they do, women read more YA than lit reads lit and that's a demonstrable fact

>> No.14787595

fat Lindsey is best Lindsey

>> No.14788333
File: 669 KB, 1293x704, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget