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14779144 No.14779144 [Reply] [Original]

I think life is utterly meaningless and pointless.

What are we even supposed to do with life?

>> No.14779160

Whatever you want. Just try not to hurt too many people.

>> No.14779167

In your case, nothing, since everything is pointless to you anyway.

>> No.14779169

Yea, no shit life is meaningless. You think you're the first baby to have an existential crisis?

>what are we even supposed to do with life?
Create meaning. Fill the nothingness you were born into with your own creation. Read Camus for a better explanation on how to deal with the meaningless of the universe. More specifically? I don't know, get good at art I guess.

>> No.14779177

Figuring out what you like to do and getting really good at it seems like a pretty good use of the time. Other than that I guess starting a family and appreciating the all the art that you can are pretty good too.

>> No.14779178 [DELETED] 
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A Scanner Darkly. I think this is PKD's best prose so far of what I've read from him. Over the last two or three weeks I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, and Ubik

>> No.14779184

I didn’t realize this board had become a platform for confused and lazy people to bitch about their lack of direction and purpose. It’s all in your head, man. Just eat food, fuck a girl, and have a baby. It doesn’t need to to be anymore complicated than that. We all would like to believe that there’s some deeper, intrinsic meaning to life, but there isn’t.

>> No.14779256

To be closed but not exact

>> No.14780537

Nothing is supposed; you just go on experiencing and reflecting, and things go on changing around you. There is no meaning inherent and the structure you see is that which you put there.

>> No.14780641

Take a bath, hippie.

>> No.14780652

We’re supposed to live it until we can’t any longer, dumbfuck.

>> No.14780671

>it's your game the rules are your own win or lose
Your gold teeth ii
Nice dubs

>> No.14780679

Read Vico's New Science

>> No.14780705

be an alpha and do something, or go out with a bang.
or be a beta depressed nihilist for the rest of your long pointless life, never jumping into anything wholehearted, never creating anything, never appreciating what you have, enjoying neither the pursuit of knowledge nor mirth, and finally die old, senile, handicapped and alone imagining all the things you could've been or done. the choice is yours.

>> No.14780778

Just be yourself, retard.

>> No.14781083

Honestly, this isn't even the worst part about existing. I love making music and reading, so that's what keeps me going. The real sick problem is that I'm expected to surrender the majority of my time to doing something that means less than nothing to me. That's the evil part about existing.

>> No.14781091

Have you ever thought that maybe existence has meaning in itself?

>> No.14781202

This is a bit like saying that a trophy-maker must be the most accomplished man, just look at all the trophies he has. A trophy only gains "value" when it's awarded to you by a group you care about. The ability to create trophies, to etch whatever message you want onto the little plaque, misses the point of trophies.
Similarly, when people say "just create meaning, bro," I assume they really mean, "just choose a different option from the list of culturally approved meanings." Because, like the trophy-maker whose only accomplishment is making trophies, if you actually decide "no, this is what life is all about," you can never forget that that was just a decision you made for basically psychological reasons.

>> No.14781397

I agree with most of the ideas in the thread, create your own purpose, get good at something, pursue arts, god, create a family...
But there will always be the realization creeping in the back of your mind that everything is just merely coping.

>> No.14781425 [DELETED] 

your feeble mortal rationality wont save you
everything is too absurd
take a leap of faith and follow Jesus

>> No.14781429

While I don't know what we're supposed to do, I do know that we're not supposed to be spending this much time on the internet.

>> No.14781476

i find no joy in life. all that a normal man desires seems to repulse me. i have rejected every woman who has shown me interest, i give every dollar i can spare to whoever asks it of me, i barely eat, and the only rare times i feel good are when i allow myself some intoxicating substance - and even then, there is the underlying feeling of hatred for existence. the only reason i dont kill myself is because i feel that giving up and leaving my responsibilities to family, friends, and society would be unforgivable. how does a man deal with this prison of existence? i fear i am only an impulse away from giving up, just a bad mood from death. please give me something to read that can make me strong enough to keep going, or maybe even enjoy the horror of being.

>> No.14781487
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why do you expect to have a "meaningful" life?
why are you so special?

>> No.14781495

Because I am me, fool.

>> No.14781550
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>> No.14781553

>supposed to
Already blew it. Better question is "what can you do with life?"

>> No.14781554 [DELETED] 
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Pounding boypussy

>> No.14781558

I never realized so many jbp faggots were on /lit/.

>> No.14781566

Enjoy it or dont. Revel in the common experience or dont. Become or do your best to become the unique or dont.

>> No.14781577

how can anyone be 18 or older and be this much of a retard

start giving life your own meaning or kys

>> No.14781719

Then why do you eat food? Why do you drink? What's the point of it all? What's the point of living if there's no point to life?

>> No.14781962
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Try to live a worthy life, also read Leon Kass.

>> No.14782660

This is a semi-helpful answer. I’m not OP, but I know for me things started to sort of make sense when I resolved to “be myself”. My problem now is I spent so long not being myself that it seems like I missed my shot.

>> No.14782689

I think OP is implying that life is perhaps nothing more than just that, a series of actions propelled by drive to perpetuate itself. Hence, you eat food to live. You drink to live. But why do you live? Is it to fulfill some higher purpose or simply to perpetuate life, which is equally as cyclically irrational? I think OP’s suspicion is the latter.

>> No.14782701


>> No.14782747


>> No.14782838

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

>> No.14784021

Oh it's another thread about "feelin' existenshally crisic maan"