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14775416 No.14775416 [Reply] [Original]

>America is in decline. Fewer children are born each year due to financial pressure. Thousands flee our iconic cities with their housing shortages and broken infrastructure. While we tie ourselves into knots trying to stop the flow of immigrants, our exhausted economy deflates the heartland's already shrinking population. To survive China's impending global takeover (not to mention Russia), we can't afford to be weak. We need to get bigger, much bigger. We need one billion Americans.

>In this timely and provocative book, Matthew Yglesias makes the case for massive population growth through humane family and immigration policy. Of course, more people requires more housing, not to mention better transportation, improved education, a revitalized welfare system, and climate change mitigation. Why not do it all, and stay on top forever?

>Written with Yglesias's signature humor and analytic rigor, One Billion Americans challenges readers across the political spectrum to take decline seriously. Drawing on economic theory and research from leading policy experts, he offers ideas from around the globe—from Singapore's approach to traffic jams to Canada's town planning—that move us beyond left-right divides, to explore the practical and creative solutions our times call for.

>> No.14775438
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>> No.14775440
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>Yglesias has written columns and articles for publications such as The American Prospect, The Atlantic, and Slate. Currently, he is an editor and columnist for the news website Vox, which he co-founded in 2014.

>> No.14775442

Can't wait to play this scenario in the CWE mod for Victoria II

>> No.14775474

>'China's impending global takeover (not to mention Russia),
Imagine still thinking this after the coronavirus

>> No.14775488

To be fair it must have been written before the outbreak.

>> No.14775502

>housing shortages
Wat? Empty houses and people forced to camp out till they die and this book thinks there’s a “housing shortage”?
Neoliberal trash

Nice spin on the pol meme, but could we lose the stupid picture?

Imagine believing the carnovirus was as bad as ten ebolas

>> No.14775531

>Drawing on economic theory and research from leading policy experts

There's your problem...

No one lives in the aggregate. GDP calculations that require employment growth are no way to manage an economy, let alone a society.

Jesus. It wasn't sperglord enough to talk like an economist and their imaginary science, now they are trying to engineer with it?

>> No.14775571

>Yglesias's father Rafael Yglesias is a screenwriter and novelist and he has a brother named Nicolas. His paternal grandparents were novelists Jose Yglesias and Helen Yglesias (née Bassine). His paternal grandfather was of Spanish-Cuban background, and his three other grandparents were of Eastern European Jewish descent.

Nobody could have predicted this

>> No.14775575

>Thousands flee our iconic cities with their housing shortages and broken infrastructure.
>We need to get bigger, much bigger

>> No.14775586
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But there are only around 230 million Americans today.

>> No.14775588
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Billings, Montana circa 2030, ain’t it a beaut?
Fuck these people.

>> No.14775599

>Capote Playboy interview.jpg

>> No.14775614

>The most anticipated
>china (not to mention russia)
Are we still afraid of so-called commies?

>> No.14775649
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They’re competitors so the state is manufacturing consent to go to war with them at some point in the future. All this China are robotic monsters shit is to get people to think its okay to “liberate” them

>> No.14775667

It is true that the only way America can stay competitive with China and India in the very long run is by growing in population massively. Numbers are everything in the game of total power. Just as Germany replaced France as Europe's hegemon in the 19th century, so will China and India replace America globally if we don't grow to their size. And obviously, policy solutions based on theoretical and empirical backing are the best way to handle an influx of immigrants or births from a policy that encourages fertility

But the real question is: why? Why does America need to be the #1 country? To promote democracy over totalitarianism? Why do I care? Why SHOULD one care about liberal democracy anyway? My life sucks and no level of American global dominance will change the fact that. It won't give me any sense of meaning, or make the girls I date any less disgusting or slutty, or make my shitty exploitative job any more purposeful.

So is the book wrong? No, it's totally right. But unless you're a total bugman who just mindlessly accepts that the status quo needs to be protected, it's inconsequential

>> No.14775679
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>> No.14775725
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>Mass immigration dragging wages down.
>Cities so overcrowded it costs $2000 a month to rent a shoebox
>Millions of cars making the air more unbreathable by the day.


>> No.14775801

mankind really needs to stop taking advice from genetic trash.

>> No.14775825

advice discarded

>> No.14776075

From the thesis you can see that the future vision here is limited within the liberal framework of the nation state. That somehow it's a question of increasing productivity or of reproduction or even adopting some naive urban planning to make the system "work better", but really for whom? Of course capitalism would prefer the multitude to do their menial cheap wage labor in some backwater instead, but it still finds use for them as evidenced by the old and undereducated in a place like Hong Kong, with reservations of course. They would be packed into tiny apartments like sardines or those illegal coffin homes where people live in a cage on a wall. On the outside is the impression of highrises and progress but on the inside are those forgotten and left behind. The current system celebrates diversity but accomadates separations.

>> No.14776086

>Canada's town planning
Literally the same as US cities but with poorer infrastructure and shittier/more expensive housing.

>> No.14776171
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instead of thinking how to create a sustainable future where everyone can afford a decent life, we will end up with an overpopulated world, overpriced cities, politics based on ethnic and religious grounds and shit wages. neoliberalism was a mistake. this idea that we need more people only benefits the oligarchs and their bootlickers

>> No.14776265

>Of course, more people requires more housing, not to mention better transportation, improved education, a revitalized welfare system, and climate change mitigation.

No it doesn't

>> No.14776369
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>In this timely and provocative book, Matthew Yglesias makes the case for massive population growth through humane family and immigration policy.

So it's basically a thinly veiled call for open borders. There is no practical way to get Americans (or anyone else for that matter) to start having six kids apiece if they haven't decided to already. That's what a lot of /pol/ish don't understand, you can't just legislate a high birthrate into effect.

>> No.14776624

Exactly. This guy wants more of what we have but worse. Los Angeles from sea to shining sea. Fuck the working class, fuck the environment, fuck history, Capital demands it so we’ll follow through like the domesticated pigs that we Americans are.
Picture it: a nation completely covered in plastic. Every living thing dead or in a cage, every inch of it polluted and exploited so 0.1% of the pile gets rich and the rest can get their fucking diabetes medication.

>> No.14776883

He doesn’t understand just what and how deep the divides are here in if he thinks that appeals to the good of the country can be mixed with those kind of policy recommendation.

>> No.14776902

What we need is less Jews.

>> No.14776924

Imagine thinking China will collapse because of the coronavirus lmao

>> No.14776946

Really hoping this book is about how America colonizes the entire world and reduces the global population to 1 billion.

>> No.14776950

>To survive China's impending global takeover (not to mention Russia)
>(not to mention Russia)

>> No.14776960

The mandate can slip from your hands very easily, especially after natural disaster to which you respond ineffectively

>> No.14776961

>you can't just legisrsle a high birthrate into effect
Yes you can, just take away women's rights

>> No.14776976

>fewer children are born due to financial pressure
>Not to mention Russia

>> No.14778319

>But the real question is: why? Why does America need to be the #1 country? To promote democracy over totalitarianism? Why do I care? Why SHOULD one care about liberal democracy anyway? My life sucks and no level of American global dominance will change the fact that. It won't give me any sense of meaning, or make the girls I date any less disgusting or slutty, or make my shitty exploitative job any more purposeful.

This is what I don't get. Subjectively, I don't like living this way. Why am I supposed to fight for it to last forever? WHY is it so important to maintain this? Is the idea just that all other ways of living are even worse?

>> No.14778358

to me, it's just obvious the problem isnt low white or east asian birth rates, it's huge birth rates of others. slight population decline in first world would be great, but third world needs it rapidly.
how can a man be happy living in a crowded place, dwelling in an anthill, riding packed transport, standing in lines and pushing through crowds 90% of his time outside the house?
t. muscovite

an aim for permanent population increase is retarded. you can't have more and more and more people.
> lefties argue earth "can manage" over 10 billion people
and 60 people can fit into my flat if turned into a barrack with bread rations, so what?

>> No.14778836

Nobody likes you cunt. Fuck off.

>> No.14778843

>Writer for Slate and The Atlantic
>co-founded Vox

So he's an insufferable faggot who's always wrong?

>> No.14778952



Neoliberal shill... There is blood on your hands iglasias

>> No.14778962

NSA, please.

>> No.14778964

Can? CAN?!

>> No.14778970
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it's not hopeless...

Either way, the "make even more people" solution is fucking retarded because eventually it won't be an option and the bigger our population the faster the resources are burned up. We are headed for disaster