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/lit/ - Literature

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14774011 No.14774011 [Reply] [Original]

Is this chart up to date? Should the Trivium be part of the core? Are there any booms that should replace the core books in their categories?

>> No.14774023
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>> No.14774027

>creative and critical thinking
ok....... and where do i find a copy of that book.......

>> No.14774104

I downloaded a copy from libgen last year, I think it might still be up

>> No.14774123

Explain to me like the retarded ESL I am. What is this and what skills do you ascertain from reading on this subject. Will I become a more skilled rhetorician, will my critical thinking improve, what do I gain from this. Thanks :)

>> No.14774126

Do you have a beginner's guide to the quadrivium?

>> No.14774127

It's in the first paragraph of the infograph

>> No.14774149
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Reiterating question from last thread.
I'm looking for progressive/radical left reading material, preferably dispassionate exposition of the underpinning political theory as opposed to a lot of (often biopic) polemics surrounding its subject matter.
Pic related is the only relevant chart I've seen. It's clearly aimed at people on the right, but I can't tell if it was made by someone on the right to introduce others to books that would dissuade them from the left, or if it was made by someone on the left trying to subversively introduce leftism to people on the right.

>> No.14774416

In law, Duncan Kennedy’s Little Red Book seems the best example
My strong understanding it really was something to be at Harvard Law School when Duncan was a student, Duncan was completely versed in advanced French and Continental philosophy, law professors aren’t, and in Property Duncan finally got the prof to admit the whole textbook was meaningless

>> No.14774424

Desu the first two books on there are vital. Get the updated Mind For Numbers called Learning To Learn by the same author. As for learning the rest, start with Elements Of Style and then read the others.

>> No.14774437

Should have said Yale
Duncan Kennedy went there for law school
Rest is accurate

>> No.14774456

trivium and quadrivium are real as anything in the Liberal Arts
they were dropped in America when schooling from beginning to end was dumbed down for the negro lock smiths
Grammar School, etc.
All that’s left are clues
But the fundamental thing to know about American Liberal Arts education is that it’s been dumbed down—go back to the future

>> No.14774475
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>> No.14774499

Why are writers obsessed with him?

>> No.14774505

Whoever owns this disc - can you move all this russian-languaged charts from 2ch.hk to separate folder? It's annoying that all are signified as 'russian' when in majority they aren't about russian literature, only in russian language.

>> No.14774508

Thanks, will add to reading list

>> No.14774516
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>> No.14774525

I need someone to simplify it for the ESL retard I am, because the concepts mentioned in that paragraph are hard for me to grasp and I have a faint idea to what they are alluding to but don't have the whole picture

>> No.14774526
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>> No.14774535
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>> No.14775038
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>> No.14775063
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>> No.14775070
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>> No.14775086
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>> No.14775103
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>> No.14775155

Thank you. That's exactly what I needed.

>> No.14775176
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>> No.14775301

Can I have one regarding sociological value judgements?

>> No.14775356
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>> No.14775395
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Any other books about loneliness?

>> No.14775431
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Nothing from this expect Eliot Rodger's shitpaper, have incel topic

>> No.14775446
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>> No.14775472

>tfw no GOOD architecture chart

Anyone have any islamic charts?

>> No.14775695

any /ic/ or draw charts?

>> No.14775709
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>> No.14775876
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>> No.14775924

That chart has to be satire.

>> No.14776015

I mean, its not an incorrect flow of intellectual development. But I assume that the person who made it needed some grounding in the topic, so naming it cultural marxism does seem like a little bit of tongue and cheek.

>> No.14776031


>> No.14776044

Perfect. I want to create a list of books that coincide with those one. Anymore?

>> No.14776053

In my journey to read more these might be my first purchases. Are there better resources or buying used books than amazon and eBay?

>> No.14776067

The reader will be very disappointed after reading tens of thousands of pages that the supposed plot to "exterminate all straight white males" is never even alluded to in any of those books.

>> No.14776089
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>> No.14776090

Is there a western chart or a nautical fiction chart?

>> No.14776122
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>> No.14776142

I know, thats what makes it so great.

(although, more modern postmodernists too inundated with antithesis might give them some semblance of a boogeyman two years after they begin.)

>> No.14776157

Never got why Sun's The Art of War was on these kind of lists. especially one on "High Politics" since it is short and on basic parables rather than anything profound. I could maybe understand if it then influenced latter texts dirrectly, but usually other chinese writings are not on the list, so its outside the idea of chronology.

>> No.14776203
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>> No.14776211
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>> No.14776234

Because that's not what cultural marxism is and you know it.

>> No.14776254

I'm just going by what is written on the chart.

>> No.14776339
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>> No.14776367
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>> No.14776381
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>> No.14776393
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>> No.14776395

that's why I earlier speculated that it was in fact an attempt by a leftist to mislead rightists into reading legitimate leftist literature, in order to convert them.
you ignored my original question, of course, which is that I am in fact after genuine expositions on the underpinnings of progressive and radical leftist political theory.

>> No.14776413
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>> No.14776448

Not a reading recommendation chart, but im reqq'ing the mitchell heisman's suicide note summary chart thing.
If any anon supplies me with it I am sure God will repay you

>> No.14776503

Guerin - "No Gods No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism"
Marshall - "Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism"
Vallentyne & Steiner - "Left-Libertarianism and Its Critics".
Vallentyne & Steiner - "The Origins of Left-Libertarianism"
Otsuka - "Libertarianism Without Inequality"

>> No.14776534

thanks, will add to reading list

>> No.14776609

Done. There's a lot of to be done in general, but it's a mystery if I'll ever get around to doing so. Any suggestions or contributions are appreciated.

>> No.14776939
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>> No.14777295

What are some suggestions for Chinese literature? I found The Red Chamber for a buck at a used book store and want more Chinese classics

>> No.14777539
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>> No.14777745
File: 762 KB, 2758x1046, essential incelcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
